Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 141: Go back to the new world! one

Shitian could hear the crying behind him, and even he himself raised his head, as if this would prevent the tears from streaming down.

Shitian suppressed his emotions and said, "Let Whitibe drive her icebreaker over. When I go and bring Daddy back, we will go home together!"

Margao nodded and flew towards the side of the battlefield in the form of a phoenix.

Waidibei is an old crew member of the White Beard Pirates and has the title of Ice Witch. Because it mainly operates in the seas of the polar environment, only her ship can break through the ice layer made by the green pheasant.

Shitian came to the side of Baibeard, and when he was about to take him away, the red dog rushed up.

"You can bury White Beard here too!"

Shitian couldn't control his anger, and that he wouldn't intervene in the white beard's fight doesn't mean that he has no opinion on the red dog.

"Swastika, the residual fire is too knife!"

The flame on the Shitian sword disappeared, and the blade seemed to become ashes after burning.

Just after Shitian Swastika was released, the ice flower disintegrated in the distance and only the last petal was left, and Hisugaya Toshiro directly withdrew from the Zanpaku Sword's liberation state.

Toshiro Hisugaya looked at Zanpakuto who had returned to an unliberated state and said, "Have you trained the Captain's Zanpakuto to this level?"

The green pheasant frowned as he looked at the direction of heat emission in the distance. He felt restrained in his ability.

Not only that, but the ice in the bay began to melt quickly. It is hard to imagine that someone's moves have such terrible power.

Shi Tian felt the spiritual pressure he was consuming rapidly, and for a while, he still had to retain the power to leave the battlefield. Calculated, he can only maintain the 卍solution for a short time.

The normal Swastika is the Hao Huo Tai Sword, and it was Yamamoto Genryusai who spent thousands of years practicing to a further Can Huo Tai Sword.

Shitian's ability to use Canhuo Taidao relies entirely on powerful Rei Pressure. Therefore, Shitian wastes a lot of Rei Pressure compared to the Captain's ease of use.

And after spending so much time and days with such a large amount of Reiatsu, the power of Canhuo Taito reached its due level.

"Can Huo Tai Dao North-the ashes of heaven and earth!"

Just as the temperature of the core of the sun is completely condensed on a small blade, this knife can wipe away everything in the world.

As a result, one leg flew out. In the original book, the red dog broke a leg of the blue pheasant, but before that possible battle, the red dog's leg was cut off by Shitian.

"The impact of the Buddha!"

The Warring States period would not watch the red dog be beheaded by Shitian, but would slap Shitian with a hand that fell from the sky.

Shi Tian picked up the body of the white beard, gave up continuing to attack the red dog and avoided directly.

Shitian came to everyone and put the white beard among them.

"There is no time to grieve us, Joz, you put your father on your back. We are leaving."

Shitian turned around, holding the Zhanpaku knife that relieved the sorrow and said: "I swear to you that this kind of thing will never happen again. No matter what happens, everyone will be with me, and I will be invincible!"

"Fufufufu, the general over there seems to be dead!" Doflamingo raised his hand and blocked the scorpion's iron sand back with a white line of wild waves.

Xie looked indifferent and honest: "He is just an employer, our boss is not him."

"Akatsuki organization, it is terrible!" Doflamingo sighed, manipulating a large number of white lines to fight with the scorpions.

Fei Duan pierced the long thorn into his heart, but Molia spouted a mouthful of blood while clutching his chest. Without knowing the Secret Art of Flying Segments, Moria was still hit.

So Moria died inexplicably and became the first Qiwuhai to die.

The two neuroses of Uchiha's family didn't react to Hancock's ability at all, but the dry persimmon ghost and the loquat juzo were unlucky.

Especially the loquat Shizo, his strength is not as good as the dry persimmon ghost shark, at this time the body has begun to petrify.

To make matters worse, one person is ready to zoom in.

Tiandao Payne's black stick was bounced by the bear's palm, and the palm with the cute meatball had already slapped him.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Shenluo Tianzheng's repulsive force can also be called absolute defense, and even the bear's ability failed to break through and was knocked out by the repulsive force.

The bear fell out, but he didn't show any pain at all, but rushed to Payne again stupidly.

Payne said coldly: "The task has been completed, and we have to retreat. But before we leave, there is one more thing to do."

Payne flew into the air and stretched out his hands.

"Feel the pain! Think about the pain! Understand the pain! People who do not understand the pain cannot understand the true peace. From now on, let the world experience the pain!"

"Super Shenluo Tianzheng."

The spherical repulsive force spread out from Payne's body, and both people and buildings were crushed and pushed away under the repulsive force.

Shitian didn't expect that Nagato would really put the Super Shinra Tianzheng in the navy headquarters. After this move, the crescent of the navy headquarters fell into the sea as if it had been bitten.

When they saw Payne flying into the air, the others in Xiao knew what was going to happen. So except for the loquat Juzo, who was completely turned into a stone statue, everyone else escaped.

Doflamingo and Hancock saw the reaction of these people and chose to hide. Only the bear who had lost his consciousness rushed up to the super **** Luo Tianzheng, and was now severely pressed into the ruins.

Karp stood in front of Luffy and Ace, clenched his fists and said: "I am a navy, I can't let you continue to be presumptuous here!"

"Rubber rubber... bullets!"

Luffy's attack was easily avoided by Karp, but Karp approached Luffy in the blink of an eye, hitting Luffy with a punch and smashing him to the ground.

Lu Fei opened his mouth wide and his eyes turned white.

"Let go of Luffy!" Ace rushed up and punched Karp.

"Why don't you do what the old man said, you two fools!"

Karp grabbed Ace by the arm and threw him next to Luffy.

Just when he wanted to continue to attack, a strange sound rang in his ears.

He jumped to hide, and a few black rods were inserted where he had just stood. These black rods turned back into a spherical shape and flew back to Yuyuan's back.

"It's my task to rescue these two young people. I can't let you take them away." Yu Yuan said.

Ace helped Luffy to stand up and said, "Thank you!"

I have seen Yu Yuan and Kaiduo evenly matched in the country of Ace, so naturally they will not be strong. What's more, he really couldn't attack with all his strength against Karp.

Yu Yuan waved his hand and said, "Leave it to me here, you go and join others!"

Ace nodded, and ran towards Shitian's large group with Luffy.

Karp's fist made a creak, and walked towards Yu Yuan step by step. The black ball behind Yu Yuan turned into a Zen stick, which was lifted by Yu Yuan and hit Kapu's fist.

Karp's fist passed through Yu Yuan's body, and Yu Yuan's hand was already pressed on Karp's body.


The space was distorted, and Karp was directly sent into the different space.

Yu Yuan clapped his hands and said, "I can't think about it to fight a monster like you!"

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