Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 149: Fight together

"Huh ha ha ha ha ha!"

Dante, who was hit in the chest by the night's Iai Slash, not only didn't fall directly, but also laughed.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Dante's magic book turned the pages, and the scar on his chest unexpectedly burrowed into a large amount of granulation, which healed quickly.

"Unexpectedly... unexpectedly let me use the magic on this side!"

A crosshair-like pattern appeared on Dante's chest, and his squirming muscles made him more like a monster.

As a demon possessed, Dante can not only use the gravity magic obtained from the devil, but also his own physical magic.

"Jealous, anger, hatred! It's so addictive! You are so awesome... See you at night, Jida!"

Dante is the kind of person whose heart has been twisted, for him only malice can satisfy his empty heart.

Dante continued to say something like a madman: "It's only now, see you at Jie Da... You will open up a better world for me!"

Ye Jian only felt his hair horrified, and said with a flat face: "You guy is too disgusting, even if you say that I am the key to the underworld, I don't think I have that mysterious power!"

Dante stretched out and said: "The connection between this world and the underworld is the magic channel called the tree of evil. To nurture that tree of evil, the dark magic of the underworld and the world tree magic are necessary. That is, Ye Jian·Jie Da... You, and William Vankins!"

Fankins and Ye Jian are both heads of the Magic Knights of the Clover Kingdom. Unlike the black bull bull led by Ye Jian, who has a very bad reputation, Vankins’ Golden Dawn has gathered a large number of excellent wizards, and is now the most famous and strongest magic knight group.

Ye Jian took a cigarette, suppressed his worries about Vankins, and asked, "What will happen once this world is connected to Hades?"

Dante smiled even more pervertedly: "The devil will invade this world! This world full of demons...huh ha ha ha... it will definitely be filled with all kinds of malice!

It will become very interesting in the future. Yeah, see you at night, Jie Da! "

"Sure enough, you must be slaughtered here!" Ye Jian said, holding the cigarette in his mouth.

"Devil's power, 80%!"

Dante turned black all over, making the crosshairs on his chest more conspicuous.

Ye Jian avoided the massive falling rocks and spit out the cigarette **** in his mouth, looking at Dante solemnly.

Dante, who assimilated 80% of the power of the devil, released a suffocating magic power, so Ye Jian had to deal with it with all his strength.

"Gravity magic, gravity singularity!"

The black ball in Dante's hand is formed by strong gravity, and in the universe, this kind of thing is called a black hole.

Although Dante’s magical black ball is not comparable to a real black hole, its power is absolutely terrifying!

Where the black ball passed, there were exaggerated traces on the ground like ice cream scooped by a spoon.

Ye Jian dodges the black ball, looking back at the emergence of a circular hollow mountain, can't help but take a breath. From this look, I know that it is not a move that ordinary people can block!

Condensing the magical realm on his body, Ye Jian raised his perception to the most acute level. He has to look for opportunities to attack without being hit.

Another thing that makes Ye Jian a headache is Dante's physical magic. With the powerful magic power provided by the demon possessing, his physical magic can be reborn at any time by severed limbs. No matter how you cut it at night, there is no result.

The sight was blocked by the rising rock, and the road of Ye Jian was also blocked!

The rock fell apart in an instant, and Dante's gravity singularity had already crushed the rock and launched it.

Fortunately, Ye Jian, even if he missed his body, let the black peculiar spot rub his body and fly over. Then the huge rock fell from the sky, directly smashing Ye Jian to the ground.

"See the leader at night...!" The members of the Black Bull Bull exclaimed!

Fortunately, Ye Jian's voice immediately rang.

"The responsibility of the team leader... is not to be knocked down in front of the team members! So I will be here now... beyond the limit!"

Ye Jian assumed a stab pose, and the magical realm that had been condensed on his body was further compressed, and it was all concentrated on the blade.

Dante laughed wildly and said: "You are so awesome. See you at Jie Da! But you can't beat me...!"

"Dark magic, sudden death!"

Before Dante's words were finished, Ye Jian's attack arrived. The condensed magical realm was actually launched, and the magic power of dark magic caused Dante's entire chest to be annihilated in the air instantly.

Ye Jian's forehead was still bleeding, but the tone was still so relaxed.

"I planned to stab, but it turned out to be like a cannon!"

As an ordinary person, the entire torso is gone and absolutely can't live. But from the remaining limbs of Dante, the granulation came out again and entangled. Finally, it was completely restored in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you so much, see you at Jie Da!" Dante said.

"Hey! Hey!" There was also a hint of horror in Ye Jian's eyes.

"My original magic is physical magic, and my self-regeneration function has been explosively improved under the action of the power of the devil.

me! Will neither grow old nor die, let alone weaken! But I try my best not to use physical magic, after all I hate the ugly appearance of regeneration and transformation! "

As Dante said, his appearance has completely changed. Not only has his height doubled, but his body is full of bulging muscles. Coupled with the black energy covering his body, he is more like a demon crawling out of **** than a human being!

"This guy is no longer a human!" Ye Jian exclaimed.

Dante grinned, showing sharp teeth and said: "But at the same time, I'm also very happy! You are really good, see you at Jie Da!

In terms of fighting talents and skills, you are better, and I am jealous of you from the bottom of my heart.

It's just that I won't die. As long as there is an overwhelming power, you can't defeat me with this one! "

Why didn't Ye Jian understand this fact, and then jumped away from Dante's fist and waved a knife to cut off Dante's arm with the Secret Tangle·Dimensional!

But as expected, the broken arm grew out in less than a second. Two more arms grew out of his back, clenched his fists and slammed into Ye see you!

"I haven't been beaten yet! Bullhorn king bastard!"

Luffy rushed out from somewhere, shouting the nickname for Dante, and rushed up.

"Rubber... the giant's gun!"

Luffy has grown bigger. I don’t know how many times Dante’s fists collide with each other!

Luffy flew out directly, but suffered no injuries. Strike skills are greatly reduced for Luffy, the rubber man. Dante's arm also twisted, and then returned to normal.

Gravity shapes the rock into a long sword and falls into Dante's hands. Dante waved four big rock swords and slashed to Ye Jian and Luffy!

"Dark Magic, Secret Entanglement·Dimension Slash!"

Ye Jian once again cut off Dante's body and prevented his attack. Looking at Dante who was recovering soon, Ye Jian said loudly: "Asta, what are you waiting for? We can't beat him!"

Asta stood up with his hands propped on his body. How could he continue to lie on the ground because the guest, Luffy, was still fighting.

In his mind, he recalled everything after meeting the head of Ye Jian, and he knew that he couldn't let this person who had always trusted him down!

Entering the demon mode again, Ashtar came to Ye Jian.

The three fight against the demonized Dante, the battle continues!

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