Seeing that the huge rock meteor made by Dante was slashed away at night, Luffy jumped in the middle.

"Second gear, rubber...jet machine gun!"

The black domineering covered Luffy's fist and hit Dante's body fiercely.

Although it is not as good as Ashtar's anti-magic, the domineering Luffy did cause damage to Dante.

Dante also wondered why the special power used by Luffy would restrain his demonic power.

See you at night where would you waste this opportunity.

"Magic field, Secret Entanglement·Dimensional Slash-The Other Side!"

Unlike the death burst that condenses the magic domain to the extreme, Higan is a super long-range attack that only expands the magic domain to the extreme.

The black light of the sword stretched out in a blink of an eye, and cut all the boulders between Ye Jian and Dante, and finally cut off Dante's two arms before splitting Dante in half from the middle.

But Ye Jian's purpose was never to solve Dante by himself. Although his dark magic was in the underworld, he did not have the ability to completely knock down demons.

He entrusted Astar with all his hopes of defeating the enemy.

Astar turned into a black meteor and passed through the gravel to Dante.


Ashtar took out the second sword from the magic book that had been turned over, and the two swords were held in his hand and pierced at Dante like the sharp horns on the head of a galloping bull.

Before Astar's attack hit, a gravity peculiarity appeared in Dante's hand, and he raised his hand to throw it at Astar.

With Ashtar's current state, it is impossible to cut this small black hole open, when it is about to be hit....

" punch!"

"Dark magic, sudden death!"

First, Luffy hit Dante's head with flames and domineering fists, making his movements slow for a moment.

Then Ye Jian's sudden death directly wiped out a quarter of Dante's body, which happened to be the arm part with the shoulder!

Asta took the opportunity to come to Dante, and the two swords in his hand pierced Dante's body together!

Dante waved his arm and slapped Astar away. Astar's two swords remained on Dante's chest.

These two swords come from the sword magic of Richter, the former leader of the elves, and they have the ability to absorb magic when combined with the power of anti-magic. So apart from the original owner Richter, only Astar can touch.

Stabbed into the body by these two swords, even Dante, who had assimilated the power of the devil to a very high degree, was weakened. The body regeneration that was eliminated by Ye Jian slowed down.

Dante reached out and grabbed the blade, trying to pull the sword out of his body.

"Stop him, don't let him pull out the sword!" Ye Jiansheng said, already rushing forward.

Asta and Luffy also began to approach Dante in response.

Dante is also the possessor of the most superior demon, even if he is tortured by anti-magical power, he can draw two swords at the same time.

The Sword of Demon's sword is narrow, so it was quickly pulled out by Dante and thrown aside. But most of the broad sword of breaking the devil remained in Dante's body.

At this time, the three of them were already close!

"Secret Entanglement·Dimensional Slash!"

Ye Jian directly cut off Dante's arm holding the sword.

Dante said angrily: "Everything exists to make me happy! How dare you guys...!"

"It's so noisy! Rubber... Rocket launcher!" Luffy hates these self-talking guys the most, and before he finishes speaking, he hits his arms stretched backwards.

Luffy seemed to be completely familiar with the use of domineering fighting, and a large amount of domineering wrapped around his palm hit Dante's chest.

Luffy's attack not only slapped Dante, but also smashed the half-drawn Sword of Demon into his body.

At this time, Ashtar had already raised the last sword of Demon Slayer and came to Dante's body.

But Asta cut down with a sword, but failed to completely knock down Dante.

In the consciousness space, Ashtar faced the huge demon shadow and said: "Why on earth, why can't I defeat him?"

"Don't be too arrogant, that's the highest-level demon, how can you completely solve him only with the little power I lent you!" the demon explained.

Asta was silent for a moment: "Then how can I defeat him?"

The demon shadow said: "If you want more of my power, then trade a part of your body!"

"Asta! What are you in a daze, do it again!" Ye Jianzai awakened Asta loudly.

Asta also reacted and immediately raised his sword to block Dante's fist. Although this punch failed to directly hit Astar, it also flew him out.

Luffy stretched his arms to catch Asta who was flying upside down, nodded at him, and threw him in Dante's direction.

Looking at the three of them, Dante said coldly: "You are really good at stimulating my malice. My turbulent malice really makes me... I can't wait to smash you into flesh!"

A large number of rocks flew up, and after combining with each other, they formed even bigger rocks and smashed at the three of them.

It is hard to imagine that Dante with the sword of broken demon in his body can launch such a terrible attack!

The three of them leaped between the boulders and leaned towards Dante together.

Seeing that he was about to enter the attack distance of the three, Dante was also anxious, and while pulling his body's sword of breaking demon hard, he made a large number of stone swords and slashed at the three of them.

"Rubber... Giant Tomahawk!"

Luffy's raised leg swelled and fell heavily, directly smashing a stone sword. There was a gap between the stone swords, and Ye Jian took the opportunity to break through.

Dante was completely mad, and was forced into danger by the three people several times to make him out of anger. And his face and even his whole person became even more hideous.

The physical magic urged to the extreme, Dante's body swelled again. The outline of every muscle in Biasta's thick arm is clearly visible.

Ye Jian was caught by the four giant claws as soon as he approached, and once again used Dimensional Slash to cut off the claws that were grabbing at him. Ye Jian did not move on.

Because Ashtar had already passed him and rushed towards Dante, and Ashtar had become completely different at this time.

Astar's anti-magic power is more powerful, and it's qualitatively different from before. The most frightening thing is that Astar's right arm has become completely black, like a devil's claws.

"Don't think about it!"

Feeling the threat, Dante focused all of his attention on Astar, and all the condensed boulders and even the singularity of gravity hit Astar.

At this time, Astar has the ability to cut all magic, even the singularity of gravity like a black hole is divided into two into magic power and dissipates in the air.

The Sword of Devil in Astar's hand originally had the effect of erasing magic, dispelling magic from cause and effect. At this time, with the addition of Astar's anti-magic strength, which I don't know how many times, he came directly to Dante's body.

"Don't forget, you only have 50 seconds!"

The demon's reminder was still in his ears, and Ashtar took the time to attack.

Dante's body stretched out countless tentacles-like structures to draw Astar away.

Lu Fei took the position of Astar, and the jet machine gun in the second gear fired over.

After smashing an unknown number of tentacles, Dante's fist fell, but he was cut off by the Ye Jian dimension without hitting Luffy.

There are still 20 seconds left before Astar's body can withstand the limit!

Astar swung the Demon Slayer and slashed towards Dante. Dante used two crossed stone swords to block Astar's slash.

When the two were fighting each other, a group of entangled fists of tentacles appeared on Dante's chest and flew Astar away.

There are 12 seconds left before the power of the devil expires! But the most important thing was that the Sword of Demon Slayer in Astar's hand was blown away. All the three swords Asta was holding were not in his hands now.

"Rubber... balloon!"

Luffy jumped up and turned into a huge balloon in the air, and the flying Astar landed directly on his stomach.

"Go! Asta!"

With the elasticity provided by Luffy's body, Astar directly accelerated and flew in the direction of Dante.

There are 5 seconds left in the time limit!

Seeing a sudden death in the night once again disintegrated all of Dante's defenses, and at this time Astar just returned to the battlefield.

When Astarlu saw his side overnight, what he saw were the eyes of Ye Jian's trust and the samurai sword he threw over.

The anti-magic power instantly turned the entire blade black.

The last 3 seconds!

"It's over, it's us who won!"

Ashtar's full force slashed on Dante's body, and the anti-magic instantly wiped out all the magical power and demonic power in Dante's body.

The battle is finally over!

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