Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 151: Luffy's new form

"See the leader at night!?"

Before everyone recovered from the joy of defeating Dante, something happened.

A spatial passage opened beside Dante, and a cold-faced man walked out of it.

This man was dressed exactly the same as Dante, but there were countless spikes formed from bones surrounding him.

Among the bone spurs, there are people who everyone knows, Vankins, the head of the Golden Dawn of the Magic Knights.

Seeing that Vankins has lost consciousness in his state, he was obviously caught after a hard fight.

On the other side, several bone thorns pierced Ye Jian's joints and lifted him up high.

Just when I saw Dante's situation at night, Zenon suddenly appeared. Ye Jian, caught off guard, was directly subdued!

Asta fell to the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to hold the knife, his right arm was directly soft to one side, and it seemed that he was completely unable to control it. After fighting with Dante, his body has reached its limit.

Luffy's situation is a little better, so he wants to rush forward to save Ye see you. But a lot of bone spurs suddenly appeared beside him, not only leaving a wound on his body, but also turning him into a bone cage to lock him in.

Luffy thought these bones could be easily broken, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't destroy them.

He can only say loudly with these bones that seem to be steel: "Asshole, let me go. I want to beat you!"

The person here is Zenon Zogratis, who is the same pitch black tripolar as Dante. Zenon took Dante with his bones, glanced at Astar's demonized arm, and raised his hand, a bone spur shot out. The target is Asta who has lost the ability to act.

Fortunately, even if Fenlar used space magic to divert Zenon's attack, he saved Astar.

When Zenon wanted to continue his attack, the dark wounds left by the fight against Astar's best friend Yuno in the Golden Dawn Regiment just broke out!

"Although I want to solve that guy together, but there is no time!"

Speaking of Zenong, he turned and walked towards the space channel.

"Don't try to escape!"

"Leave me Mr. Ye Jian!"

Everyone would watch Ye Jian just be taken away like this, and try to stop Zenong together.

Henry controlled the giant that the base turned into and grabbed Zenon, but was directly penetrated by the thick bones.

Magna's flames and Gesiu's reflected light were all blocked by bones! Ruck, who turned into thunder and lightning, broke out at the fastest speed and finally came to the vicinity of Zenon, suddenly shot a large number of bone spurs from Zenon's body, and flew him fiercely.

Barnasha squeezed out her last bit of magic, and wanted to use rouge to adjust the fate of Yomita. But when the red kitten almost touched the night, it was directly crushed by the swinging bone spurs.

Everyone could only watch Zenong slowly walk into the space channel with Ye Jian, and then that channel gradually shrank in the painful eyes of the people and then completely closed.


But everyone knows that things will not end so easily.

It was no small matter that the two leaders of the Magic Knights were captured by the enemy, not to mention the enemy's purpose was really sensational. Opening the door of the underworld and letting the devil invade the world is something that must be prevented.

In addition, members of the group who practiced in the Kingdom of Hearts also sent news that Wanika Zogratis, the last person of the pitch black tripolarity, attacked the Kingdom of Hearts and captured the Queen of the Kingdom of Hearts at the same time.

Now the two kingdoms had a common enemy and decided to unite to counterattack the Kingdom of Spades.

But the first thing everyone needs to do is... to become stronger!

Especially the members of the Black Bull and Golden Dawn groups, their desire to become stronger is particularly strong.

The people of both regiments watched their heads be taken away, and Golden Dawn was even more easily defeated by Zenon because Vankins ignored his protection of other talents.

So these people regret their weakness and cannot wait to become stronger.

After Nahart, the deputy commander of the Black Bull Bull who had been lurking in the Kingdom of Spades, returned and brought back relevant information, the Magic Emperor quickly finalized an action plan.

And all the people who want to participate in the battle also began to practice their own.

Ashtar was fighting the demon in his magic book.

In order to let Astar completely master the power of anti-magic, Nahart brought him to this secret space. Performed a forbidden magic surrendering ritual.

As long as Ashtar can successfully defeat the devil, he can reach the contract and use the anti-magic power 100%.

Since Luffy was not a wizard, he left to find a way to become stronger.

Although he has not known each other for a long time, he has already regarded Ye Jian as his friend. Watching his friend get taken away is absolutely an unbearable shame for Luffy who wants to become One Piece.

So while he was proficient in his domineering, he was thinking about the direction of his becoming stronger.

He kept in mind what Dante said to him. Through some understanding, Luffy knew that Dante's terrifying power came from the demon of the underworld.

And he gained power by eating something called Devil Fruit. Looking back on the battle along the way, he always felt that the power of the rubber fruit had not yet been fully unearthed.

How to maximize the power of this fruit is the first problem that Luffy has to solve.

With domineering entangled in his hands, Luffy seemed to have thought of something.

Three days later, Luffy, who returned to the Black Bullock base, happened to ran into Magna and Zola, who had been practicing outside before and had not met.

Thus, through space magic, Luffy and the second group of Clover Kingdom entered the Kingdom of Spades.

When the crowd reached the Kingdom of Spades, the war had already begun.

I don't know why, a lot of roots of evil trees have appeared here, and demons have begun to wreak havoc.

"Rubber... machine gun!"

The domineering fist entwined with the armed color directly knocked the demon blocking the road into flight. Luffy found himself and the others lost.

Luffy had to admit that in this strange place, he... lost his way!

But this has never been a problem for him, rushing all the way, he finally met his opponent.

"It's you! Damn bone bastard!"

That's right, Luffy drove to the magic node where Zenon was located, one of the pitch-black tripolarities.

Zenon's opponent is Yunuo after the assimilation of the Wind Spirit.

Yunuo was adopted by the church together with Astar. He grew up together and also dreamed of becoming the magic emperor.

Unlike Astar, Yunuo is naturally favored by magic, and the magic book is also a four-leaf clover magic book contracted by people with the highest talent. Even what he joined is known as the strongest Golden Dawn group.

But when Zenon attacked the golden dawn group, Yunuo was defeated. It was Vankins' world tree magic that he kept his name.

For this reason, his assiduous practice finally got the power to completely assimilate with the elves, which can eliminate all evil sanctuary.

Just now, Zenon, who had assimilated 80% of the power of the devil, was cleanly defeated by Yunuo. It is a pity that the door of the underworld opened, allowing him to complete 100% of the assimilation of the devil.

The battle returned to the stalemate stage, at which time Luffy joined the battle.

Yunuo knew of the existence of Lu Fei, and like the head of the black bullfight group Ye Jian, he was a stranger from overseas, possessing the power to restrain demons. Also, he is also a friend of Astar.

Because of the last point, he can choose to fight side by side with the opponent.

Roughly Luffy didn't know Yunuo, he was more interested in Zenon in front of him.

"I won't lose this time, I must beat you bone **** away!"

Black stripes spread across Luffy's body, drawing strange patterns on his chest. His whole body began to emit a strange luster.

"Rubber Devil...Come on!"

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