In this country where the original book does not exist, Luffy has developed abilities that have not appeared in the original book.

Zenon, who was 100% assimilated by demons, seemed to be wearing a skeletal armor on his body, which was even more terrifying.

In this world, magic is everything. So he was most on guard against Yunuo, who was favored by magic power, rather than Luffy, whose magic power was so weak in his body.

So to deal with Luffy who rushed up, he just released a lot of bone spurs and wanted to pierce Luffy directly.

Unexpectedly, Luffy didn't dodge, and directly caught Zenon's bone spur with his body.

Luffy's body sank slightly, and then a click sounded, and Zenon's bone spurs, which were harder than steel, suddenly appeared dense cracks and then broke apart.

And Lu Fei walked through the sky and came to Zenong.

"Your bones are no longer useful to me, because I am now stronger rubber!"

With that said, Lu Fei's fist fell directly on Zenong's chest. The bone fragments on his chest were all shattered, and then Zenon flew out sideways and hit the wall behind him heavily.

Shi Tian has been paying attention to Luffy's situation in the Four-leaf Clover Kingdom when he is idle these days, and he has also seen Luffy's new power.

The Devil Fruit of Pirate World is a very peculiar power, just like the fruit of a bear's flesh ball. It's too much to be able to bounce a person for a few days and nights, and it can even bounce a conceptual thing like pain.

Therefore, as long as the owner's brain is big enough, no one can tell what kind of abilities can be developed.

Luffy developed one aspect of rubber elasticity and formed the form of this rubber demon in combination with the armed color domineering.

In this form, Lu Fei's body will be like strong rubber, as long as the enemy's attack does not exceed his endurance limit, he can bounce the enemy's attack back. And using this kind of elasticity, he can also increase his attack power.

The disadvantage of the rubber demon mode lies in the attack distance, because the rubber in this mode is too strong, so Luffy’s body can’t stretch as much as usual.

Luffy took advantage of the victory and pursued, and continued to approach Zenong's direction. At the same time, his fists began to accumulate strength, ready to punch Zenong again.

Densely dense bones appeared, and a wall of bones was woven layer upon layer in front of Zenon who stood up.

Luffy's fist hit it, and the bones flew around, but Zenon didn't suffer any harm at all.

Luffy squatted on the ground and jumped up high with the help of elasticity, letting out Yunuo behind him.

Although he couldn't perceive Yunuo's magic power, Luffy could perceive Yunuo with a domineering look and hear that Yunuo was preparing a big move behind him.

Yunuo also seized the opportunity, a dazzling light in the front part of the axe condensed by wind elements lit up, and then a tornado like a drill was released.

The bone wall made by Zenon was directly shattered, and the tornado engulfing the broken bones continued to attack the expressionless Zenon.

Unlike Dante, who mainly uses demon-given magic to fight, Zenon prefers to use his own bone magic rather than space magic from the devil.

But this does not mean that he is not good at using it.

A transparent cube completely encased the tornado, and then the tornado dissipated in the cube as if it had been broken down.

Unlike Fenlar who treats space magic as a portal, Zenon's main ability of space magic is to allow him to control the magic in space freely.

Ordinary wizards walked into the space he had mastered and couldn't even use magic, but it was a pity that they weren't ordinary wizards. So he put the entire room under his control and it became a redundant operation.

And when he applied his ability to a smaller space, he didn't know how much this ability to manipulate magic power was enhanced.

Even Yunuo's attack was completely decomposed into ordinary magic power by him.

But there are people who are not using magic to fight!

Luffy lunged at Zenong from mid-air, his arms compressed like springs. Facing the Bone Forest that appeared again, Luffy hit it directly with his body without dodge or avoid.

I don't know how many bones were crushed along the way, Luffy came to Zenong and punched it out.

The mask on Zenon's face shattered, revealing his face covered in black demon energy. The huge force directly smashed Zenon to the ground, and a large number of cracks spread out under him.

Yunuo also appeared in midair at some point, and the long axe pointed at Zenon on the ground!

After Luffy knocked down Zenon, he immediately avoided and cooperated perfectly with Yuno.

Yunuo's attack directly hit Zenon, and even completely penetrated the ground that was already full of cracks.

Yu Nuo and Luffy glanced at each other and chased after Zenon who had fallen to the lower floor.

But as soon as the two reached this floor, they found that the place had been filled with bone spurs. The growing bone spurs even framed both of them.

Luffy's arm shrank, and when he bounced away, a huge force burst out and directly shattered the bones that bound him.

The magical wind around Yunuo's body directly shattered the bones, and the two rushed towards the frowning Zenong.

As soon as Zenon stretched out his hand, a large number of bones drilled from his wrist to form a huge bone sickle in his hand.

Wielding his sickle, Zenon waved the demon's weapon and slashed at the two of them.

You Nuo blocked Zenon's sickle with the long axe in his hand, and Luffy took the opportunity to punch Zenon.

A large number of sharp bone spurs drilled out of Zenon's back, and they pierced Luffy together.

Luffy quickly slammed his fist, smashing the bone spurs continuously. But the bone spurs drilled out of Zenong seemed endless. Not only did Luffy not come close, but was pushed farther and farther away.

Yunuo also failed to break Zenong's scythe, so he could only retreat to avoid the bone spurs that pierced his body.

"We need a stronger attack!" Yunuo said.

Luffy let out a sigh of breath: "My domineering is about to run out, so I only have one move!"

You Nuo nodded and said: "Is one move? Enough! As long as my attack can hit, he will definitely be solved!"

Luffy laughed and said, "That's it! Then it's okay. Leave the bones in the way to me!"

"Ready!" Yunuo leaned down, ready to fight.

Luffy also bent his legs slightly, accumulating strength like a predator!

"Rubber... Demon Missile!"

Luffy bounced out, leaving the sonic boom left by him breaking through the speed of sound in the air, and Luffy, like a bomb, instantly destroyed all the bones in front of him.

Even the bone sickle that Zenon was blocking in front of him was smashed by Luffy's fist, and Luffy was also knocked out by the counter shock.

All of Zenon's defenses were disintegrated for a while, directly exposing the most vulnerable place to Yunuo in the distance.

"Magic field, elves...storm!"

The magic of the wind was compressed into Yunuo's attack without money, and then released from the long ax in his hand.

A beam of emerald green light shot directly through Zenon's chest. In the dazzling emerald green light, Zenong's expression before death could not even be seen.

Shitian stopped using Yunuo's perspective.

Although I don't know how this war with the devil will end, judging from the current situation, there is no doubt about the result.

The two protagonists were surrounded by auras, and Shitian could congratulate the demons in the underworld in advance.

Now, Shitian is more concerned about another matter. That is the beginning of the world conscription of the navy in the original book.

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