Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 153: Infernal Affairs in the Navy

After the top war, the situation in the sea changed drastically.

The first is that the fight between the pirates has become more intense. Although no one can shake the status of the Four Emperors Pirate Group for the time being, as the supernovae entered the new world half a year ago, battles in the new world began to become more frequent.

These supernovas entering the new world and the famous Straw Hat Luffy in the war began to be called an era of extreme evil.

The biggest turmoil came from the navy. God knows how the red dog without a leg defeated the blue pheasant. Finally, after ten days and nights fighting in Punk Hassad, the admiral fell on the red dog Sakaski like the original.

Sarcas is basically an extreme radical in the navy. After he became the admiral of the navy, he began drastic reforms.

First, he moved the navy headquarters from Malin Vandor in the first half of the New World to the G-1 branch in the New World to show the Navy's determination to eliminate all pirates.

But the current navy is not enough for Sakarski to accomplish his goal. After the top war ended, I wonder if it was stimulated by the fact that Baibeard claimed to be the remnant party of the era, and the older generation of navies chose to withdraw from the front line one after another.

People like the Warring States Period and Karp lived a retirement life, and the green pheasant left, and there was a huge gap in the navy's high-level combat power immediately.

Moreover, the navy suffered heavy casualties during the war at the top, and the loss of a large number of elite troops was simply not enough to suppress the entire sea.

In order to solve the current dilemma, the world government and the navy jointly decided to start the world conscription.

Although the protagonist in this world is a pirate, because of this, many people are suffering because of the pirate. These people with hatred and longing for justice have participated in the world conscription.

Ordinary pirates will not care about the navy's world conscription, because no matter how the navy conscripts, it will not try its best to deal with them.

The big pirates all have their own pride. They believe that this sea is dominated by pirates and blindly believe that the navy cannot do anything in the new world.

Therefore, the pirates generally did not have much reaction to the navy's world conscription. But time is different, and the world conscription is an opportunity for him.

What opportunity to talk about... Of course it is an opportunity to mix sand in the navy.

There are many lessons for Shitian from the top war. The most important of these is Shitian's weakness in intelligence.

If the Blackbeard's deal with the navy is known in advance, if it is known in advance that Oshemaru is colluding with the world government, maybe everything will change.

Therefore, the navy’s world conscription is the best opportunity to put in the eyeliner.

Although the Navy may not be targeting the Whitebeard Pirates, it is always good to get more and more detailed information.

It couldn't be easier for Shitian to play Infernal Affairs with the system. The characters or created clones exchanged by the system are not only unrecognizable to the body at all, but the communication information is absolutely secret and will not be exposed.

And now it is also the easiest opportunity to climb high in the Navy. We must know that before the world conscription, joining the navy can only start from the most basic level, and continue to accumulate qualifications and merits to reach the navy core.

Shi Tian didn't have so much time to make his clone climb to the top of the Navy step by step. And through the world conscription, as long as he shows convincing strength, he can get the corresponding status.

Scrolling through the exchange list, looking for a suitable target for entering the navy every day.

On a navy ship, a tall woman wears a military cap on her head. The long sky blue hair fluttered in the sea breeze, adding a touch of special charm to her.

A navy soldier came up and said, "Miss Esthers, the new navy headquarters is in front of you!"

Esdes nodded and said, "Is that the navy headquarters? Is it my future stage?"

The soldier opened his mouth and said, "I believe that with Miss Esther's ability, she will definitely become a great figure in the Navy in the future!"

Esther's smile added a point of tenderness to her. She just smiled and said: "Then thank you for your blessings, and hope that we can fight together in the future!"

The soldier became excited immediately, and he was conquered by this powerful woman ever since he met Esther.

Although this woman was a bit... when fighting the pirates, she was always amiable to those who fought with her.

Except for the bad part of Esther's character, she is strong, treats her subordinates gently, and is simply the best officer.

The headquarters of the old navy, Malin Vandor. There is also a recruiting place for world conscription.


"Alan Yeager."

"Why join the navy?"

"In order to clear the pirates out of this sea without leaking!"

The clerk raised his head and glanced at Alan's eyes. What a determined look, he knew that this man would not give up his goal when he died.

He understood that this young man must have lost his important existence because of the pirate. As long as there are pirates on this sea, young people with such eyes will always appear.

Picking up a seal and printing it on the registration form, the clerk handed the document to the young man from the window.

"Next! Huh? People!"

The teenager in front of the registration desk kicked it and said, "Hey! Are you teasing me?"

The clerk moved his gaze downwards and saw that there was indeed someone standing in front of him. He smiled embarrassedly and said, "I'm so sorry...that name?"

"Lewell Ackerman!"


"Damn, what have you been laughing at?"


"Mikasa Ackerman"

Shitian arranged for a group of people to participate in the World Conscription, and his clone joined the navy together.

Shitian's avatar stood in front of Sakaski, his gaze scanned Akadog's trousers. That leg was cut off by the body, and it was said that it was fitted with a special prosthesis made by Begapunk.

Sakarski bit his cigar and said: "You are what they said is a strong man with general strength, then come and get to know it!"

Shitian's clone said coldly: "The new navy marshal Sakarski doesn't recognize anyone in the sea! My name is Akunorokia, ability... Animal type lizard fruit phantom species, black dragon form!"

Shi Tian didn't give another name to the clone this time, and directly used the name of an existing character.

It happened that Shitian was afraid of exchanging the real Akunorokia and he was destroying everywhere, and this time he simply put all the abilities of the Black Dragon King on this clone. Let this clone join the navy as Akunorokia.

Sakarski took a cigarette and said: "Eudemons? So it's not an exaggeration to say that there is a general's strength.

Although you don't know why you were unknown before, your ability to join the Navy means that you also have your own justice to implement. As long as we are all on the path of justice, then everything won't matter! "

Akunolokia said: "Do you need me to prove it? The justice I insist on?"

Sakarski smiled and said, "If I said I needed it, what would you do?"

Akunolokiah blinked his eyes and said, "Do you want me to beat Kaido now?"

Sakaski: "...?"

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