In a blink of an eye, Akunorokia had joined the navy for several months, and it was no accident that he wore the navy coat of justice.

Because of Akunolokia's strong strength, he directly became a lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, code-named Black Dragon.

Had it not been for Fujitora and Green Bull to join the navy first, perhaps Akunorokia could directly become admiral of the navy.

But even a lieutenant general, because of Akunorokia's powerful strength, his actual power far exceeds that of ordinary lieutenants.

Sakarski even assigned an exclusive subordinate to the Black Dragon.

It was in order to find suitable adjutants and subordinates for himself, that Akunolokia came to Malin Vandor.

The last time I came to this island because of the war, I did not expect that this time I changed my status and boarded the island in a fair manner. There were still people lining up to welcome me along the way.

"Lieutenant-General Black Dragon, welcome to Malin Vatican!" The Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan who was stationed at Malin Vatican greeted him.

In fact, there have always been different factions within the Navy. The last three generals are representatives of different factions.

Because of the different concepts of justice, there are radical hawks represented by the red dog, moderate doves headed by the green pheasant, and...centrists led by the yellow ape.

The ideological contradiction is the most difficult to resolve, and this contradiction finally broke out in the battle for the position of marshal, so there will be a duel between the green pheasant and the red dog.

After Akinu became the admiral of the navy, how to deal with the navy, which had a different concept from him, was a problem.

Although he believes that these dovish navies will not forget their position even if they are different from his ideas, but they can never be used without ill-fated.

Therefore, Aka Inu simply sent the dovish navy to some seemingly important positions, but in fact there is no use for it.

Just like the current Malin Vandor, although it was a former navy headquarters, it has now become a good place for elderly care. That's why Huo Shaoshan, a dovish lieutenant general, was sent to guard here.

And now the most important place of Malin Vandor is the naval training camp. Because the headquarters of the new navy is located in the new world, the environment there is really not suitable for training newcomers, so the training camp is still placed in Malin Vandor.

The purpose of Akunorokia's trip is to choose the right people to expand his troops.

The training camp in Malin Vandor is called the Navy Elite Training Camp.

The three former generals and most of the elite lieutenants graduated when Zefa was in charge. It can be said that Zefa cultivated the golden generation of the Navy.

After the Warring States Period and Karp retired, they also served as instructors in the training camp. And Zefa has gradually rarely appeared in training camps since his arm was broken, especially after the recent legend that the newly appointed Qiwuhai was a pirate, Zefa's actions were even more out of the control of the navy.

If according to the rules of the naval training camp, each branch will send outstanding talents to the headquarters for training at the beginning. When the strength is enough to pass the assessment, the corresponding military ranks will be awarded and sent to each branch.

This is also the Navy’s ongoing promotion process, but with the opening of the world’s conscription, the Navy has received a large number of troops and also bears a lot of pressure.

Therefore, the main function of this training camp is the basic training of excellent recruits. Further strengthening will be carried out in battle after being dispatched to specific units.

And Sakarski took good care of Akunorokia's powerful combat power, and directly gave him the right to choose recruits first.

I knew that since the world's conscription, many powerful people have joined the navy. And capable men are what every chief wants.

Especially after the top war, the vitality of the navy has not yet recovered. Otherwise, the training time for recruits will not be compressed.

Especially for this batch of recruits trained by Marin Vando, many navies are waiting eagerly for their headquarters.

Which is like Akunolokia, you can pick it by yourself.

Standing on the edge of the training field, Akunorokia watched the recruits who were training facing Huoshaoshan beside him: "I heard that this batch of recruits has only been training for a few months. The battlefield?"

Huoshaoshan is also the mildest type of lieutenant generals. At this time, I was worried about the safety of these recruits when I heard Akuno Lokiah.

He couldn't help feeling that "it's absolutely no problem to hand over the recruits to this man!"

So he laughed and said: "Don't worry, the world conscription can be trained in Marin Vandor and they have their own advantages.

Some people even have the ability to directly participate in new world missions, here just to wait for the distribution of the headquarters. "

Akunorokia touched his nose and said, "Really? Then please tell me about it."

Just a change of title has brought the relationship between the two people closer.

Huo Shaoshan nodded and said, "Of course it's okay! The two young men over there who are competing in swordsmanship are Gaujiro and Dorech. Both of them have the strength of swordsmen, and they can practice with a little practice. Domineering.

And the kid with a cowboy hat. His name is Vicklow. Although he comes from a gang in Xihai, he has his own understanding of justice. Moreover, he has awakened his domineering look, he is an excellent sniper.

But the ones I recommend most are these people. The young man sitting over there is Levi, and I have never seen a young man with such a strong fighting talent. So far, he has never lost in the same competition. Even if the opponent is capable of Devil Fruit. "

Akunorokia nodded. Lewell was the ceiling of ordinary people's combat power in the giant world. After coming to this world, he was strengthened by the rules of the world. It is not surprising that he could have such a performance.

Huoshaoshan continued to introduce.

"Although the physical training over there does not have considerable combat effectiveness for the time being, there are a few things that can be expected in the future.

Although the girl named Mikasa is a female, her physical fitness is also the best among all recruits. Moreover, she has grown at an amazing speed, and in a few months, she is no different from when she first joined.

The boy next to him is called Allen, who is the most purposeful and persevering person I have ever seen. Although he hasn't seen any extraordinary talents for the time being, he will definitely be able to become a strong man in the future based on his enlightenment. "

With that, Huoshaoshan pointed to the last person and said, "There is still that young man!"

Akunorokia followed his fingers and looked over, and saw the thin boy. He was carrying a big load bag, and that was obviously too much for him.

Poor Armin, there is no light of consciousness in his eyes.

Huo Shaoshan said: "Although this young man named Armin is weak in combat effectiveness, but his mind is first-class clever. Not only is he tactically arranged, he is also very good at sailing, and is the best candidate for staff."

Akunorokia nodded and said: "I believe my brother's vision, just these few people! As for the other ordinary soldiers, I will negotiate with the training camps of other branches to supplement them."

Huoshaoshan glanced appreciatively at Akunolokia, Malin Vandor's training camp is positioned to train officers. If Akunolokia wiped out all the outstanding talents, it would undoubtedly offend other powerful navies.

It's just enough to stop as it is now, but it is beneficial to his subsequent development in the navy. In this way, Akunorokia returned to the navy headquarters with a few people.

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