Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 225: The Pirate of the Raging Times Expo

Like the original, Doflamingo lost and the birdcage collapsed on its own. Dressrosa didn't know how many people hugged each other and cried. Even the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the bright sun shone on Dresrosa, which was turned into a ruin.

However, King Rick did not look lost. They had won their freedom, and it was not difficult to rebuild their homeland.

He didn't care about the way forward in this country, and returned to the Moby Dick with Eriya. As for Ace, Shi Tian chose to forget him.

The Straw Hat Ship Group was established like the original, and it can be said that the **** Usopp is the biggest hero. And Luffy, who defeated Doflamingo, also officially stood on the stage of the new world, and no one would regard him as a vain kid anymore.

It can be said that the Straw Hat Pirates has gained a lot. Luffy is no longer alone, and directly has more than 5,000 supporters.

At the same time, Luffy also gained something, that is the hostility from Kaido of the Four Emperors.

Compared with the original work, Kaido's power expansion is much slower. The main reason is that he does not completely control the country of Waka.

In his control, only Ghost Island and Heitan Orochi's flower capital. Over the years, Kaido has colluded with the black charcoal snake, and has made the most prosperous flower capital of Wano country a place where even the air is poisonous.

The weapons factories built in Jiuli in the original work are now all placed in the capital of flowers, and Kaido has almost squeezed away the vitality of this land. In this way, he expanded the scale of the weapon factory to a sufficient level.

But because other regions are under the management of their respective names, Kaido did not get enough labor. Even the residents of the Flower City were entrusted by Mitian to move a large number of Nin Village to other areas, which forced Kaido to go outside to catch pirates as labor.

The labor problem was solved, but a fatal problem prevented Kaido from reaching the level of the original book. That is, he has lost control of the Todon Quarry, which is the most important source of materials.

It is precisely because of this that the Beast Pirate Group and Yanyin Village have been in conflict over the years.

Why did Kaido work so hard? Not to make money to get the artificial devil fruit SMILE from Doflamingo. He puts all his hopes of becoming One Piece on this army of capable people that is about to take shape.

Doflamingo's arrest meant that the road was cut off. How could he not bear the hatred of Luffy that caused all this.

Shitian didn't understand why the arrested Doflamingo would release that kind of "crazy talk" before, but now that he is in it, Shitian understands that he is not alarmist.

The status of the name JOKER in the underground society is equivalent to the four emperors among the pirates. Moreover, there is only one person in JOKER, and Doflamingo almost monopolizes illegal transactions on the sea.

It can be said that as long as Doflamingo is willing, he can mess up an originally peaceful country, and even make this country perish.

After Doflamingo was defeated, the entire underground society was in chaos. The underground world has been integrated into a kingdom by Doflamingo, but now that the king is gone, the result is naturally vassals.

Only one month after Doflamingo was arrested, the conflict on the sea has become fierce. I don't know how many times. Assassinations, conflagrations, and even national-level wars occur almost every day.

Even the White Beard Pirate Group was affected to some extent. Within a month, three underground merchants who had long provided White Beard with supplies were involved in various incidents, and even the corpse did not know which sea beast was fed.

Pirates are a group of criminals after all, and both stolen goods and purchases need to rely on underground transactions. One can imagine how much it was affected this time. And they are the largest group in the New World, so the end result is that the entire New World is in chaos.

Underground merchants, pirates and even the navy plan to fight for more benefits in this chaos. These people are like hyenas, smelling the smell of blood, ready to pounce on the other side's flesh and blood at any time.

If it is said that the war on the top caused the world to shake, more people are determined to go to the sea. So this time Doflamingo's defeat is to lift the shackles of these people's desires and make them crazy.

And all kinds of monsters, ghosts, and snakes appeared together, such as the person who sent Shitian this invitation letter.

Shitian looked at this gorgeous invitation letter and couldn't help but raised his head and said, "Really, it's not at all stable!"

Rarely, all the captains of the White Beard Pirate Group gathered together, and the center of the discussion was the invitation letter in Shi Tian's hand.

Margau sat on the railing and said: "Speaking of which, the last Pirate Expo was a few years ago, and this time I sent all the invitations to us."

That's right, the invitation letter in Shitian's hand is exactly the invitation letter from the Pirate Expo. The Pirate Expo is held irregularly but every few years. It is a celebration of Pirates.

In this celebration, the organizer will arrange various activities. At that time, the pirates who won the victory and the final prize will have the greatest reputation before the pirates of the entire great sea route.

Climbing to the sky in one step and becoming famous in the sea is what attracts all the pirates.

The situation where all the pirates on the great route will participate, the reward will easily exceed 10 billion Baileys each time. Of course, the location and time of the Pirate Expo are not allowed to be disclosed to the Navy. This is also an iron rule that all pirates abide by.

It is precisely because of this that every time the organizer chooses the place and time and sends the invitation letter to all the pirates participating in the Pirate Expo to notify them.

Shitian looked at the gear skull pattern on the invitation letter, and said: "Just like Margau said, the Pirate Expo in the past would not invite the Four Emperors. But this time he sent the invitation letter to us. This is the most important thing. Abnormal place."

With the size of the Four Emperors Pirate Group, there is no need to participate in the Pirate Expo to increase visibility, nor do they look down on the prizes offered by the organizers. Moreover, the Four Emperors did not have the leisurely heart to "share with the people", so even if they were red-haired, they did not participate in the Pirate Expo after becoming the Four Emperors.

Joz said: "Who knows what that guy thinks, that's Buena Festa, who knows what that guy is thinking!"

The logo on the invitation belongs to a guy who is notorious in the new world. He was identified as an extremely dangerous criminal as the most brutal war planner.

But Festa likes to be called him most by the title of King of Celebration. What Festa wants to create is the grandest and most lively celebration on the sea.

What he wants to hold is not only a celebration that will attract the attention of the world, but also a celebration that will change the world. Only one person before him did it.

This person is Roger, and the celebration created by Roger is called the Great Pirate Age.

Shitian smiled and said: "Moreover, this guy also made it clear that the afterthought of the Pirate Expo is to find Roger's treasure. It is not unusual in any way."

Margau opened his mouth and said, "Then what shall we do, don't we go to participate?"

Shitian shook his head and said, "No, let's go and see! I am very interested in that Roger's treasure."

Shitian said he was interested in the so-called One Piece Treasure, but he had known that it was a record pointer to Ralph Drew.

Shitian was not interested in the island and the so-called secrets. He just wanted to meet the man-Douglas Barrett, the descendant of the devil.

To be honest, Shi Tianbo can feel the change of the times more than in front of the screen. When Shi Tian first came to this world, it was the most shining time of the last era.

And Shitian personally watched the stars of the last era fall one by one, Roger and the Golden Lion until the top of the war, the white beard voluntarily greeted the end as the remnant party of the era.

Shi Tian watched as the newcomers appeared one by one and made their mark on the sea, while the people of the old era left the scene one by one.

Luffy was making a big fuss in Pushing City, although a lot of old guys were released. But these people did not set off corresponding storms on the sea. These people have truly become remnants.

Except for the Four Emperors Pirate Group, there are few strong men from the previous era who are active in the sea.

Barrett caught the tail of the last era and is a "young man" left over from the last era. He is also one of the few people who has the courage to cause big events.

Although what he did was crazy, he actually wanted to absorb the power of the Navy's Demon Slaying Order to make himself stronger. It was his madness that made Festa cooperate with him.

Shitian also knew that Barrett's plan was unlikely to succeed. Neither the Four Pirates nor the Admiral were the strongest achieved by other things.

The only blame is that Roger's obsession with Barrett is too deep, and it is still hard for him to let go.

In any case, Barrett can be regarded as the afterglow of the last era, and Shitian wants to see his last with his own eyes.

But... this time is wrong, although the location on the invitation letter is also Delta Island, but the time is too long in advance.

Although the timeline of the theatrical version is not clear and even conflicts with this article, I guess it should be later.

Thinking about what went wrong again, I couldn't help but feel a little headache every day. I don't know whether the road flying group can participate in the Pirate World Expo as before.

However, Shitian finally believed that fate would let Luffy also reach that island.

Note: There is a contradiction between the theater version after the new world and this article. The first stop after the straw hat group enters the new world is Punk Hassad, and then Dresrosa.

But after Dresrosa until Wano Country, the straw hat group was scattered, it is impossible to have all the members in the theater version.

The full staff is only in the section from Punk Hassad to Dres Rosa, which means that a group of people on the way beat Zefa, find pure gold, make trouble in the Golden City and then participate in the Pirate Expo. It's also busy enough.

Even if time is aside, Luo is with him on the way from Punk Hassad to Dresrosa, so it is impossible to be in this section.

There is no way to explain it!

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