Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 226: Tea Party and Zou

Just when all the pirates on the Great Voyage received the Pirate Expo, another person also sent an invitation to the giants of the underground society and his allies.

BIGMOM’s tea party, a party reported by the Four Emperors himself. Although the number of people invited was not as large as the Pirate Expo, the guests present were all big names.

Generally speaking, BIGMOM organizes tea parties to celebrate his joining of newcomers. So many tea parties are held together with her children's wedding.

Using marriage to expand his strength, only BIGMOM, a guy who is obsessed with having children besides sweets, can do it.

Therefore, BIGMOM is very keen to send out invitations for tea parties to the rising stars among the pirates and some forces.

Who dares not accept the invitation of the Four Emperors, that means not giving BIGMOM face. So those who took the invitation and went to Cake Island became BIGMOM's subordinates or allies. And those who refuse... naturally have no good end.

As we all know, the invitation to the BIGMOM tea party is actually a compulsory summoning order, which must be appreciated by the devil of hell.

Capone Becky joined BIGMOM after receiving the invitation of the BIGMOM tea party, and then married BIGMOM's daughter Charlotte Chiffon.

And this time his purpose is to send the same tea party invitation to another person.

In order to hold this tea party, especially to make the best wedding cake, the whole BIGMOM moved.

Eggs, flour, milk...just in order to obtain these materials, the BIGMOM Pirates destroyed many towns. This shows BIGMOM's expectation and attention to this tea party.

Therefore, BIGMOM ordered Capone Becky to die, and must bring the person on the invitation letter.

The person Capenberg would invite this time is Sanji who is now in the Straw Hat Pirates. And Sanji's full name is Vinsmok Sanji.

In the North Sea, the villain in the well-known fairy tale, the prototype of the evil Legion Djerma 66 is the Djerma Kingdom commanded by the Vinsmok family.

BIGMOM wants to get the scientific power of Djerma to become the One Piece. The commander-in-chief of Djerma, Vinsmok Gage, also wants to use the power of the four emperors to reproduce the glory of the king of the North Sea of ​​Djerma.

The two hit it off, and then this tea party was born. The focus of this tea party is a wedding, a wedding between Vinsmok Sanji, the third son of the Vinsmok family, and Charlotte Brin, the 35th daughter of BIGMOM.

The protagonist of the wedding could not be absent, so Capone Becky was sent to inform Sanji.

The ships of the Flame Tank Pirates are sailing on the sea. The BIGMOM Pirates has the deepest involvement with the underground world. Several giants in the underground world are all guests at the tea party.

Therefore, the intelligence of the BIGMOM pirate group was very accurate, and the straw hat group who was chasing away from Dresrosa followed.

Capone Becky took a deep sip of his cigar, his eyes full of ambition. Pengle IX once evaluated Capone Becky, saying that he was a qualified gangster.

Conspiracy, betrayal, blood, and most importantly, ambition, Capone Becky is a man who is too familiar with these.

He went to sea not because of anything else, but because Xihai could not fulfill his ambitions. The Pengley family is too powerful. With the joint efforts of Pengley IX and the outside counselor Sawada Iamitsu, the Pengley family has become the uncrowned king of the West Sea Gang.

When Capone Becky left, the power of the Pengley family had even begun to spread to other sea areas and great sea routes.

Capone Becky did not see any possibility of being in the Pengley family, especially the Valian troops of the Pengley family, so he was always on his back.

So he chose to betray, and during the party, he attacked the phantom knight of the Mirfiore family of the Pengley League, causing the phantom knight to break his arm, and took the opportunity to take his **** ring.

It's a pity that the ring of Marais in the hands of the illusion knight is not the real ring of the mist.

It is precisely because of this that he was hunted down by two families, and it can be said that he escaped into the great sea route. It is completely different from the beautiful gangster in the original book.

In order to completely get rid of the Pengley family's target, he must find a stable new backer. So he chose BIGMOM, the four emperors of the new world.

It was a monster that the guardian of the family could not match, and the situation was exactly as he expected. After he joined the BIGMOM Pirate Group, he developed steadily for a while.

Rubbing the air on his fingers, like a ring screaming to the soul, Capone Becky's face was gloomy.

"It's time to think about the next step!"

How could Capone Becky subdue to others, even if that person is the four emperors of the new world. And he had a hunch that this tea party might be an opportunity.

Therefore, not only for BIGMOM's order, but also for his own ambitions, he must also bring Sanji back so that the tea party can start successfully.

But for some reason, Capone Becky has always had an ominous hunch recently. In the end he can only attribute this to the side effects of the finger ring on his hand.

The ring of bone remnants originally belonged to the ring of **** held by the illusion knights of the Milfiore family.

The appearance of the ring of **** is before the seventeen rings and seven pacifiers of 7³. The source of power is the contract with the devil rather than the deadly fire. It can bring a huge improvement in abilities, but it also has powerful side effects.

After Carpenbergi put on the ring, he could often hear the pain of thousands of souls, whispering his own demons, which can drive people crazy. If it hadn't been for his ambition to keep him going, he might have gone crazy.

"What is that!"

Capone Becky heard the sound coming from outside the cabin, got up and walked out, and then he saw what he was sighing.

It was a huge pillar, and you couldn't even tell how thick it was at first glance, and the size of an ordinary island is no more than that. The pillars are full of folds, and there are a lot of seaweed covering them.

But this pillar actually moved, and as the pillar moved forward, waves of waves were surging in the sea. And the pillar moved forward, revealing the almost identical pillar behind.

By this time everyone knows what kind of pillar is this, it is clearly a leg of a huge animal.

"This is the famous giant elephant in the new world!" Capone Becky could not help but sigh as he listened to the sound of the elephant crying like thunder.

The slave trade prevailed in the sea, and the fur clan slaves were as rare as mermaids.

In addition to the fact that every member of the fur clan is a powerful warrior, the biggest reason is that the home of all fur clan is a legendary dream island-Zou!

There is a giant elephant in the new world that has been walking on the sea. It is said that this giant elephant has been walking aimlessly for more than a thousand years.

The Kingdom of Zou is the name of the land attached to the back of this giant elephant. It will always keep moving, and it is a magical island that does not limit a certain area.

Because it is not land, it cannot be found by the "record pointer", it can only be found by the life card.

And this dreamy island is also the goal of Capenberg.

Pockems, who was next to Capone Becky, said, "Yes, this is my hometown, Zuowa."

Bockmus is a fur clan, but he joined the BIGMOM Pirates many years ago. Capone Becky relied on the life paper in his hand to find the giant elephant.

Capone Becky opened his mouth and said: "Tell us about our mission again! The target of the mission is Sanji Heizu, the chef of the Straw Hat Crew, and the Caesar you didn't bring back last time.

Listen, I don't allow you to interfere with me! "

Pockems said unconvincedly: "I don't need to listen to your orders, only my mother can order me!"

Capenbergi glanced at Pockems, stopped talking and was about to land on the island of Zou.

On the back of the giant elephant, a banquet has already begun.

The current rulers of the furry duchy above Zou are the Duke Inuran of the King of Days and the boss of the Cat Viper of the Night King. Both of them were Mitian's retainers, so Momanosuke was greeted warmly after his arrival.

As Momosuke's friends, the straw hat group was naturally treated. This magical and friendly country instantly won the favor of the straw hats.

I don't know what Momanosuke said with Duke Inuran and the boss of the cat viper. These two are incompatible with each other. When they meet, they will fight life and death. As a result, the guy in the furry Principality divided into two parts, day and night, actually shook hands and made peace.

And after learning that Luo and Lu Fei formed an alliance and wanted to pull Kaido from the position of the Four Emperors, they immediately expressed their intention to go to Wano Country together.

At first, Luffy refused. He didn't want to rely on these unrelated people to defeat Kaido. But Momanosuke took him to the place where the historical text of the signpost was hidden in the whale forest, and at the same time told him what happened in Wano country twenty years ago.

The Black Charcoal Orochi holds the lives of the residents of the Flower City, using this as a bargaining chip to prevent both Mitian and Ninja from completely regaining the country of peace. But everyone knows that it is Kaido of the Four Emperors on the Island of Ghosts that really hinders the founding of Wano Country.

Therefore, the country needs an external force, an external force that prevents the black charcoal serpent and Kaido from threatening the lives of civilians in the country.

Momanosuke doesn't know what Mida knows, but he can be sure that Mida's consent to leave Wano country this time is definitely a plan. And he believed that Luffy was the person Mita wanted him to meet.

Just as Luffy was thinking, the ground suddenly shook, and then there was the painful cry of a giant elephant.

A group of people hurried out, only to find that the entire furry principality was the same, and a large number of buildings collapsed in the earthquake-like shaking.

Duke Inulan said angrily: "Damn it, someone is attacking the Lord Elephant!"

Everyone couldn't help showing their expressions of surprise. They all saw the existence of the elephant with their own eyes, and they were now on the back of the giant elephant.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of madman would dare to attack such a behemoth.

Suddenly, Luffy Katanosuke was stunned at the same time, because they heard a loud voice. It sounded as if someone was speaking directly in his head.

"Quick... Order me quickly, if you hear it, quickly..."

Luffy shouted to the surroundings: "What is the order? Who are you?"

Nami said in a puzzled manner: "Luffy, who are you talking to, we have nothing...!"

Luffy was also confused: "But I only heard him talking, he didn't listen to what I was saying. How do I know who he is?"

Pedro, a cheetah fur clan on one side, said: "The Pirate King Gore D. Roger and Lord Mita also encountered the same thing. Although they could not talk to each other, they heard a loud voice!"

Momanosuke suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange picture appeared just before his eyes. He seemed to be aloft, looking at the sea from a downward angle. And there, several tattered ships are constantly firing at this side.

"This voice... is from a giant elephant?" Momanosuke couldn't help but be surprised.

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