Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 3: No short-board white beard

Shi Tian's Zan Po Dao collided with the white beard's Cong Yunqi, and the huge force directly knocked Shi Tian far away.

Under the long-sleeved death tyrant, Shi Tian's arm was already swollen, and the pain made him unable to help but nourish his teeth.

The white beard nowadays is not on top of the old man who had no combat effectiveness during the war.

You must know that the entire top war White Beard did not have enough physical strength to use high-level domineering, just relying on the fruit ability developed to the limit has already killed the Quartet.

But now the white beard, the cloud cutting blade in his hand was pitch black, and red lightning flashed on it, obviously using armed color and domineering color.

Fortunately, Shitian is a **** of death, and his soul is several times stronger than ordinary people, so that the overlord with the white beard can fight normally.

"Goo la la la! Kid, you are very good, but this is the only way to make us leave obediently."

Shitian sighed. He had known that these monsters on the sea were not what he can match now, but he did not expect that the gap would be like a world of difference.

According to Shi Tian's own calculations, with Jing Hua Shui Yue's bonus, he also has at least six levels of Reiki Pressure. In the original Grim Reaper, this is already the adjutant assistant, which is above the level of the three seats.

Compared with the Pirate World, it should have the strength of more than 100 million Pirates. But in front of the white beard, it was vulnerable.

Although Baibeard and the other three are ranked four emperors. But it is obvious that people like Whitebeard, Roger, and Karp are also stronger among the many powerhouses in Pirate World.

These people are strong because they have no shortcomings. Their physique, domineering, physical skills, and swordsmanship are terribly strong, and they are absolute hexagonal warriors.

And now Shitian is facing such a strong man with no shortcomings.

After moving his wrist, Shi Tian said, "It is my responsibility to protect the safety of Seireitei, so I will not give up easily."

As he said, Shitian's figure moved and disappeared directly in place.

Baibeard turned the Naginata in his hand, and blocked the Zanpeike that was slashing towards him with the knife shaft.

"Shave!" White Beard said in surprise: "No!"

Shitian didn't answer, but disappeared in front of Baibeard again. This is of course not the shave in the six navy styles, but the instant step of the **** of death.

Shun step is the movement technique among the four basic skills that all the gods of death must master. It is also an extremely used technology in the Shitian novice package.

Of course, Shitian only masters the basic skills, which can only increase the speed of movement. He doesn't know how to use advanced techniques such as empty cicadas or flashing flowers.

In just an instant, Shi Tian changed four positions around the white beard.

But... there is no flaw, and I almost vomit blood in an awkward manner. Shitian could feel it even if he went around behind the white beard, as long as he swung his knife, he would surely summon the white beard to counterattack.

But now he was like a tight bowstring, if the knife didn't cut it out, he might just collapse.

Gritting his teeth, Shi Tian slashed at Baibeard's waist.

"Boy, you are not fast enough!"

Before the sky was cut, White Beard's fist had already struck him.


The space was shattered again, Shi Tian spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out. A dozen big trees were broken one after another, and Shitian was directly embedded on a boulder.

"What a monster!"

Shi Tian pulled his arm out of the stone, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and sighed.

Obviously, he has just arrived in this world from modern society and has spent more than 20 years in peace, but now I don’t feel any fear. On the contrary, he has never been as excited as he is now.

Some people are born with restless blood flowing in their blood vessels. Now, Shitian can be sure that he is also such a person.

Using Shunbu again, Shi Tian returned to Baibeard.

Baibeard looked at Shitian who was still energetic and couldn't help but smile: "What a tenacious kid! Can you still swing your knife?"

Shi Tian pointed at the white beard with the tip of a knife and said, "It's still early, I can fight all day."

The two looked at each other, and then rushed towards each other at the same time, and Zanpakuto and Naginto collided.

The ground broke suddenly, and the cracks spread more than ten meters, showing the tremendous power of the two people's blow.

Joz rubbed next to Margo and said: "I said Margo, when will the father fight?"

Margau looked at the two knives coming and going, and said: "Then it depends on when the old man can have fun. You can see it too! The young man who claims to be the **** of death is very strong, and maybe he will become Our brother."

Shitian was panting, and he was almost suppressed by White Beard in all directions. He could feel how much water the white beard put on, otherwise he might be defeated in an instant.

The strength is forgotten, who can tell him how the white beard is more than six meters in size to achieve such agility.

With his top-notch look and domineering, Shitian's full use of Shunbu almost couldn't keep up with his movements.

Baibeard stepped on the broken ground, and Cong Yunqi in his hand cut across.

Shi Tian stood up the knife and leaned half of his body against the knife, which blocked the white beard's attack.

His feet made two clear marks on the ground. Before Shi Tian returned with a breath, he saw that Baibeard had chased him up. And a circle of white light appeared on his fist.

"The Thirty-nine Round Gate Fan of Bound Dao"

In a hurry, Shitian could only use the highest level of defense he could use to bind the Dao. The round gate fan of No. 39 can't be compared with that of No. 81, let alone the situation of chanting and discarding.

Baibeard's fist directly smashed Shitian's circular light shield, and even the space wailed under this fist.

"The fourth rope of binding the Tao."

The gray light rope flew out of Shi Tian's hand and was directly wrapped around the white beard's arm.

Baibeard looked at the light rope entangled his fist, and said: "Little devil, although your little tricks are magical, they are useless to Lao Tzu. Because Lao Tzu is a white beard!"

As he said, the muscles on his arms bulged high. The light ropes that Shitian used to release from the ghost path were unexpectedly shattered.

After that, Shitian saw the naginata wrapped in armed color slashed head-on. Fortunately, Shitian reacted quickly enough and raised his knife to block it.

As if hit by a sledgehammer, Shitian's knees bend involuntarily.

Before Tian reacted from this powerful sword, a big foot kicked on his chest.

Shitian turned somersaults and flew out, only to stop until he hit a giant tree.

Feeling that the bones of his body are about to fall apart, he shook his head weakly from time to time.

"It was a terrible loss. Although I knew the result for a long time, I still couldn't be reconciled if I lost!"

A shadow cast, Shi Tian looked up and saw a tall figure blocking the dazzling sunlight. And the man stretched out his hand to himself.

"Boy, it's too early to want to challenge me! Your time will come sooner or later. Before then, bear my name and be my son!"

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