Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 4: White Beard and "Captain"

The term father is very complicated for Shi Tian.

Before the age of five, when his family was still intact, although the impression was vague, the good memories were still very clear.

But since his biological mother started working hard in the business world, the atmosphere at home has become more and more indifferent. Until the parents divorced.

Although his father fought for his custody rights, Shitian knew that it was all his grandmother asked for.

He could feel a sense of alienation every time he saw his father's complicated eyes. Maybe it was his mother's determination that made him sad, and he was treated indifferently by his father even with him.

Later, when my father had a new family, this indifference became more obvious. The disagreement has also become an acceptable method for both of them.

Looking at the man in front of him who stretched out his hand to him, I felt a kind of heartbeat after a long absence.

Although he already knows what kind of person this man is in the comics, Shitian still feels moved when he really reaches out his hand.

The two hands were slowly held together.

"Little ones, it's a banquet for the new family members to join!" Baibeard smiled and gave the captain's order to everyone.

Everyone cheered suddenly. For the men on the sea, fighting and banquets always make people excited.

At this time, Shi Tian stood up and said, "No, father, we must leave immediately."

White Beard couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong? Is there any problem with this island?"

Shitian whispered to White Beard: "Father, you know that I am from an organization called the Gotei 13th team. At my level, it is only three seats, and there are 13 more than me. A deputy captain and thirteen captains.

Especially the captain standing at the apex of Seireitei, that is the existence of different dimensions. The battle just now definitely alarmed them, and if they don't leave quickly, they will be in trouble. "

If you are afraid, then it is not the white beard that crosses the sea.

So he boldly said, "Gum la la la la! There is nothing terrifying with me, I am a white beard!"

"I can't assume that I didn't hear this."

As soon as White Beard's voice fell, someone uttered in the sky. Baibeard turned and looked at it. It was a person standing in midair like Shitian.

Lai Ren and Shi Tian wore the same clothes, except that he wore a white haori. He looked very old, bald, without a single hair, only two interlaced scars.

The old man had a long white beard on his chin, which was tied with a purple ribbon and hung on his chest.

Perhaps because of his old age, the old man was slightly rickety, and he was still holding a wooden crutches in his hand.

The old man's eyes were narrowed, and no one could see his eyes.

Shitian stood in front of Baibeard and said in shock: "Sir, Captain, why are you here in person?"

The old man looked at Shitian and said in an unhurried tone: "The old man only sensed the danger, so he came to check. But what are you doing? Are you trying to betray the Gotei 13th team? Don't forget your identity. !"

As he spoke, a terrible aura spread from the old man. What a terrifying aura it was, as if the whole world was shaking. Many members of the White Beard Pirate Group had difficulty breathing under this momentum.

When Shi Tian just wanted to speak, Baibeard patted him on the shoulder and passed him to face the old man in mid-air. All the suffocating aura was blocked.

"This kid is already my son, no one can take my family away. If you want to pretend not to see it, please help a lot!"

The old man was unhappy: "Impossible, he belongs here!"

The white beard clenched Cong Yunqie, shook his head and said: "There is no way, I said, no one can take away my family."

Shitian came to Baibeard's side and said, "Father, you must be careful. This is the captain of the Gotei 13th team, and his name is Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni. He is the Gotei 13th team for a thousand years. The strongest **** of death ever. His Flowing Blade Ruohuo is the strongest and oldest Zanpaku Knife of the Flame Element. Just the beginning of the solution, there is the temperature of the sun's surface."

White Beard nodded. He has the confidence of the most powerful man in the world, but he is never arrogant in battle. Especially the reminder given to him by his family, he will never ignore it.

"Little ones, all go to the boat. You can't participate in the next battle."

The authority of Whitebeard made everyone act quickly. The man who was able to move hurriedly returned to the ship with the shocked and unconscious man.

After everyone was hiding away, the captain said, "Are you finally ready?"

White Beard smiled and said, "I didn't expect to look like a stubborn old man, but he was unexpectedly reasonable!"

"It's useless to say more!" Yamamoto Genryuzhai retracted his hands from his sleeves, and then stretched out from the placket. The white feather texture fell, and the old man's sturdy upper body was exposed.

White beard saw the dense scars on the old man's body at a glance. He knew that it was the proof of a strong man's many battles.

But the most striking thing is the strong muscles that a normal old man can't have, which makes the captain look like a beast.

The walking stick that Yamamoto Motoyuzhai held in his hand shattered every inch, revealing the long knife hidden in it.

"Everything in the world is ashes, and the blades are like fire!"

Yamamoto Genryusai opened his squinted eyes, chanting in his mouth, and the long knife in his hand has turned into a blazing flame.

On the Moby Dick, which was far away, Margo wiped the sweat from his head. Obviously a person with the ability of the fruit of the phoenix, to a certain extent, he also has a certain fire ability. But at this time, he was also shocked by the heat carried by the long flame blade.

Facing the Yamamoto Genryusai, who was surrounded by fire, like the **** of fire, White Beard couldn't help but sigh: "What an over-enthusiastic old man!"

Although I don't understand what Zanpai Dao is, the powerful force is the same. Never treat the opponent in front of him as an ordinary old man. If one is not careful, he may suffer a big loss.

The monstrous flames collided with the shock of the shattering space, and even the people on the Pirate Ship were choked by the shock wave.

"Look at the sky, everyone!"

Suddenly a pirate called out loudly. Everyone hurriedly looked, but they lost their voices in surprise.

I saw that one side of the sky was burnt red, while the other side was full of cracks. The battle between the two seemed to tear the sky apart.

Everyone was stunned by this devastating battle, and no one noticed that Shitian's face on one side was getting paler and paler.

That's right, the captain doesn't really exist, everything is seen and felt by Shitian using the mirror to manipulate everyone.

A world's top powerhouse like the Captain, who wants to exchange for a massive amount of intrusion points, can't get it out of the time when he is poor and white. Can only use Jinghua Shuiyue to temporarily top it.

Jinghua Shuiyue is indeed a Zanpaku knife against the sky, its ability to manipulate the five senses is simply unreasonable, even Baibeard thinks that he is really fighting a strange power.

But Shitian overlooked a point, who was the original owner of Jinghua Shuiyue! That was the big boss Aizen Soyousuke, who was called Lan Da by countless people.

Kyoka Shuiyue is indeed extremely powerful, but Aizen Soyousuke himself is even more powerful. In the entire Reaper, Ai Ran Soyousuke has never used his own **** before playing with everyone.

The four skills of Zhanquan Zougui, Ai Ran Soyousuke, have reached the peak of cultivation, and Reiatsu has reached the peak of the **** of death.

In the Thousand Years of Blood War chapter, Lan Ran Soyousuke knocked down the Lingwang Palace with only his own Reiatsu, and one can imagine how terrible it was. If the soul of other gods of death is water, then Aizen Soyousuke's soul is mercury, which is steel.

Therefore, Ai Ran can use Kyoka Shuiyue wantonly to play with a group of captain-level death gods, but Shitian was almost sucked up by Kyoka Shuiyue.

In particular, many people in the White Beard Pirates have mastered the domineering look and feel, and it takes even more effort to trick them.

With such a big scene, Shi Tian was not sure how long he could hold on.

Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky, just on the bow of the ship, it was the white beard.

"Little ones, we are sailing now!" Baibeard commanded loudly with a naginata in one fell swoop.

Everyone performed their duties one after another, and the Moby Dick swayed swaying toward the sea.

After everyone gradually moved away, the monstrous flames on the island gradually disappeared, and then the old man with the knife dissipated together.

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