Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 5: Invasion points and redemption



Bring Binks' wine to you

Ride the wind and waves like the sea breeze

On the other side of the sea

The sunset is also noisy

The singing of birds

Draw a circle in the air

Goodbye, the hometown of harbor and silk

Let's sing a song

The waves of gold and silver have also turned into splashes

We leave only because of the ocean

Bring Binks' wine to you

We pirates split the waves

Sleeping on the waves, home is on the boat


On the pirate ship, everyone was holding wine glasses and sang the hymn that belonged to the pirate.

Shitian and Margau put their shoulders on each other, and their wine glasses touched each other.

Margo drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said, "Oh my god! I'm curious, what the **** is death?"

As soon as Margao said this, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone, whether it was the ghost road that was revealed from time to time or Yuan Liuzhai's terrible liberation, they made them amazed. I am naturally very curious about the existence of the **** of death.

Even the white beard put down the wine bowl like a washbasin and looked over.

Shitian was overjoyed, isn't it just for this moment that he has been busy for a long time?

So he opened his mouth and said: "Everyone knows that there is a devil fruit that can allow the soul to return from the kingdom of yellow spring after death?"

Whitebeard is also from the Rocks Pirates, and has some knowledge of all kinds of weird devil fruits. Naturally, I thought of which fruit Shitian was talking about.

"You are talking about the yellow spring fruit, which is said to be able to resurrect once after death. There is such a miraculous fruit on the sea, but this fruit has not appeared in decades."

Shi Tian nodded and said, "It is true. The owner of Huangquan Fruit some generations ago is the first **** of death in history.

He ate the yellow spring fruit and indeed went to the world of the dead after his death. But when he returned to this world, he usurped the power of the kingdom of the dead.

He is the Spirit King, and he distributes his power to those who follow him, and the **** of death also appears. "

Everyone showed surprised expressions, and where they couldn't see, a series of notifications jumped out of the light curtain in front of Shitian.

Invasion point +1000

Invasion point +869

Invasion point +999

Invasion point +199999

Shitian almost went crazy, this wave was completely rich. Especially the last 200,000 intrusion point income, I think Baibeard provided it.

Baibeard drank a big sip of wine and smiled and said, "Shitian, your identity is not just a simple third seat! That old man is not a simple person. He even went out for you to show that you are absolutely not. simple."

Shi Tian had already prepared the draft, and directly explained: "I can't hide it from the old man! I said that the Spirit King has gained power that does not belong to this world, and even the death gods who share this power have transcended the boundaries of mankind. .

The first is that the life span has been greatly extended, even the ordinary **** of death has a life span of more than a thousand years. The captain is the strongest in a thousand years is not an exaggeration, but that he really hasn't lost in a thousand years. "

White Beard grinned and said: "I didn't expect that he is really an old man, who is a thousand years old. But a thousand years old can be so strong, the **** of death is really terrible!"

The powerhouses in the Pirate World are faced with an unavoidable problem, which is birth, old age, sickness and death.

Qiang Roger also had to slowly die due to illness, and the old white beard could not even use domineering arbitrarily. This is the rule of the world, and no one can avoid it. It is precisely because of this that the fruits of surgery that can make people live forever have such high value.

This time I heard that someone can live a thousand years and still maintain a strong combat power, how can we not surprise them.

Shi Tian looked at White Beard, and the undesirable thing that everyone wanted for a life span of more than a thousand years didn't seem to be in his heart. This man's spirit is so amazing.

On one side, Joz touched his head and said, "What does it have to do with Shitian?"

The white beard put down his glass and said, "Be patient with Joz. It will be the important point every day."

Shitian nodded and said, "Although he has almost become another creature, the Spirit King also has his own limit of life. After the death of the Spirit King, everything about him became three parts, and the body gave birth to the Quincy. The soul is divided into two parts, one part becomes the death god, and the other part becomes an existence named Xu."

Looking up at the crowd, Shitian slowly said, "And the part of the **** of death is me. In a sense, I am the son of the spirit king."

Shitian also considered for a long time before arranging such an identity for himself.

The system seems to have few requirements, but it is not easy to achieve. Since the heavens invaded the system, the setting should naturally fit the original world.

How to combine the settings of the two different worlds of the Death Pirates takes time and a lot of brain cells.

But in the future, different Zanpakuzai will be used from time to time, so it will be difficult to meet the settings of Zanpakuzai.

That's why Shi Tian arranged his identity in this way, and his "special" identity allowed him a lot of space for activities.

After listening to Shitian's words, Baibeard suddenly laughed and said: "Gum la la la la la! I have no idea that our new family is still a prince!"

Everyone laughed, especially Markao, who put his arms around Shitian's shoulders even harder.

"There has never been a prince on our ship! But I suddenly thought of a question. When you said that death has a lifespan of thousands of years, how old are you now?"

Shitian seemed a little shy and said: "I'm just over two hundred years old, and I'm still a young man!"

Everyone was stunned, then turned to look at the white beard. His eyes were weird, Shitian seemed to be able to see their lines.

"Father, is it really okay for you to let a young man of'only' two hundred years old call you Daddy?"

Baibeard also stayed for a while, and then said: "According to Shitian's family calculation method, isn't the two-hundred-year-old just a kid! Everyone must take care of your brother."

Everyone was silent for a while, and then burst into laughter. Mal Gauguin was screaming with joy with his brother.

Shi Tian also laughed, this kind of atmosphere is what a family should have, and he is extremely relaxed at this time.

The calm sea reflected the sky full of stars, and the people who fell to the ground on the Pirate Boat that had been banqueting for a day, snorted one after another.

But Shi Tian was very energetic, sitting on the bow, he opened the system interface.

First, he looked at the invasion point, the total of 600,000 invasion points made him grin open involuntarily.

Then, of course, open the redemption options and see what good things can be exchanged.

The redemption list of the Grim Reaper template is divided into four categories, one is the skill category, including ghost roads with higher serial numbers, and special skills like instant open and empty cicada.

The second category is of course all kinds of ZanPai knives, Shitian looked at the familiar ZanPai knives on the list, and his saliva flowed down.

The third category is a variety of props from the **** of death, including the flying props taken out by Yoichi Sifengin and the props used by Ukitake Shiro to seal the heavens. Among them, there are various buildings in the Reaper, such as the Mao Spiritual Academy, the Xuye Palace and so on.

This category has little effect on the current time, so he skipped to look at the fourth category.

He just closed it after a glance, nothing else, the price was suffocating. Even a deputy captain-level figure costs at least millions of dollars. Don't even think about the captain class.

Finally, Shitian opened the page of Zan Po Dao.

Although Jinghua Shuiyue is powerful, it is indeed inconvenient to use it in combat nowadays. Therefore, he urgently needs to exchange for a Zanpaku Knife that can be used in battle.

He also wanted to trade out Liubian Ruohuo, but the price of three million just made him think about it.

His current invasion point is enough to change the Zan Pokhan at the price of the deputy captain.

Speaking of the vice-captain-level Zanpodao, there are quite a few powerful ones. The complete Swastika of Asanai Renji Shewei Maru has the protagonist level of combat power, while Kuchiki Rukia's Sleeve Baixue Swastika can achieve absolute zero. There is also a Zanpaku Knife with a weird effect like Wabisuke of Kira Izuru.

At the end of the day, the original 13th division's deputy captain Shiba Haiyan's Zanpaku Daohuahua was selected.

Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to hold a trident on the ocean?

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