Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 40: Young Krokdal

On this day, Shi Tian was getting acquainted with his soaring power. He was indeed a little impatient before. After listening to Xia Li's prediction, although he strengthened his confidence, he was still somewhat shaken.

In addition, when he saw the golden lion heading to the end, Shi Tian's head became hot and he exchanged all the powerful Zan Pokang. After fusing Zanpakuto, Shitian's spiritual pressure almost doubled.

Shi Tian estimated that his combat effectiveness would never be defeated by the admiral. Of course, it is a situation where you have to master every bit of strength proficiently. Waiting for oneself to perfectly integrate the power of the virtual and the Quincy, then oneself will be enough to match the legend of the peak white beard.

Suddenly someone violently pushed open Shitian's door. When Shi Tian looked over with black lines, it was Margau who walked in with a smile on his face.

"Shitian, why are you still here? Come with me, and watch Yo Yi!"

After speaking, he pulled him up before he could speak, dragged him out of the room. Two people got off the boat and stood with the others.

The island temporarily repaired by the White Beard Pirates is not large, so it is easy to see what happened on the island.

There was a loud explosion in the distance, and there was definitely a fierce battle. Even if he didn't get close, Shi Tian guessed who challenged the white beard this time.

This ability to create sandstorms out of thin air with manpower can only be achieved by those with the ability to naturally bind rusty fruits. And the capable person of this term is Sha Krokdal, who is always familiar.

This is a coincidence! Shi Tian couldn't help but think to himself. Krokdal's challenge to White Beard was something mentioned in the original book, but it was at this point in time.

In the future, in order to cope with the rise of the Four Emperors, the world government created the controversial Qiwuhai system. And Klockdal is the first batch of Qiwuhai.

The reason why he will be invited by the world government and navy is probably because of the challenge that White Beard can still retreat. After all, Qiwuhai was designed to contend with the Four Emperors, and Krokdal's experience is really a plus.

Thinking about it this way, did Moria get Qiwuhai's invitation because he survived Kaido.

Shitian's eyes moved, and he didn't dislike Krokdal too much. At least he did protect a lot of people when disguised as a hero.

But the bad taste came, and Shitian seemed to be making trouble for this young "Qiwuhai".

Joz hugged his shoulders and said: "Another arrogant person who doesn't know the sky and the earth, and thinks that entering the new world will challenge his father!"

Margau stared at Klockdal, who was constantly breaking through the encirclement, and expressed different opinions: "I am very optimistic about him Yoyi! How to say he also has a good reputation in the paradise, and he is also a natural ability person. Maybe. I can make my father a little more serious!"

Shi Tian did not participate in their discussion, and directly drew the knife from his waist and rushed over.

"Captain Shitian is here!"

"Damn sand crocodile, he will definitely not be Captain Shitian's opponent."

"Teach him the captain well!"

As soon as Shi Tian appeared, all the pirates of the White Beard Pirates group became excited. The strength of the White Beard Pirates team leader is not ranked in the order of the team.

Among the many captains, everyone agrees that Shitian's strength is the top. Therefore, I am confident when I see Shitian's move.

Shi Tian swiped a knife, a knife mark directly divided the battlefield.

"You all retreat and he hands it to me."

The little brothers on the side of the knife mark backed away, and the monster's battlefield was not close to them. Only Krokdal on the other side of the knife mark was left.

Klockdal looked at Shitian. Although Shitian's slash was not aimed at him, it was enough to scare him.

"It is you!"

Shitian carried a knife and said in a puzzled way: "I don't remember seeing the famous sand crocodile."

Krokdal bit the thick cigar and said, "East China Sea, Rogue Town. I've seen you fight Hawkeye!"

Shi Tian suddenly realized that he almost forgot that the person in front of him also visited Roger's execution. At that time, when the onlookers watched, there was a lot of aura of fighting with Hawkeye, and Shitian didn't even notice Krokdal among them.

Shitian smiled and said, "So, you should know my strength and understand that I will not let you go on."

A small dust storm appeared on Klockdal's hand, and he said coldly, "How do you know if you don't try it!"

Shi Tian also got serious, pointed the knife in his hand diagonally, and said, "I admire your courage. However, I bear the name of a white beard, so that no one like you will come to trouble in the future. So I want to be clean here. Solve you neatly!"

The scars on Klockdal's face were distorted, and he snorted: "If you can do it, please try it!"

"Sha Lan!"

The small dust storm in his hand was directly thrown out, becoming bigger and bigger in the air. By the time Shi Tian was in front of him, it had become a huge salon scroll.

"With this kind of move, you are looking down on someone!"

Shi Tian narrowed his eyes, and the Zanpei Dao was not freed, and he split the Salon scroll in two with an ordinary slash.

Shi Tian himself stepped forward and pounced on Krokdal. When his knife was raised, it had changed shape.

"Rumble! Heavenly Scourge."

Before the sky approached, a huge wrist in the sky fell down while holding a huge machete.

The ground wailed, and the huge slash cut the ground behind Krokdal into two.

The scattered sand flew back to Krokdal's body, turning into half of his body.

Shitian unexpectedly said: "Very keen! It turned into sand in advance to avoid the blow."

Krokdahl was undecided, and stepped back fearfully.

"The giant swords just now were all made up of domineering!"

Although the time of contact with domineering is not long, Krokdal also knows that armed dominance can only be used for hardening, entanglement, release and so on. But I haven't heard that it can be condensed into such a big knife!

If it is ordinary domineering. Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be done. But the ability to solve the scourge is to use Reiki to form huge arms and blades that perform the same actions as the body.

Under the influence of the will of the world, Rei Pressure possesses the same ability as Domineering, and even if the Scourge only has the initial solution, it is a huge threat to those with natural ability.

Shi Tian weighed the censorship with his hands, and in the faint light, the blade changed its shape. This time it became an ordinary knife.

Krokdahl didn't know what terrifying ability Shitian had with the knife, but he knew that Shitian could not be allowed to take the initiative all the time.

"Desert Knife!"

A scimitar made of sand flew directly to Shitian. That kind of power is no less than that of a sword tyrant with a sharp knife.

"Scatter it, Senbonzakura."

Shitian's blade disappeared, replaced by cherry blossoms that suddenly appeared in mid-air.

Obviously it was a beautiful flower petal, but it hit Krokdal's desert sword but directly smashed it away. The broken sand fell on the ground, while the cherry blossoms continued to fly around Shitian.

Shi Tian stretched out his hand holding the hilt, and the petals flew toward Krokdal together.

Senbonzakura is Kuchiki Byakuya's Zanpaku Sword, and the blade will turn into thousands of tiny blades after the initial solution. When these blades reflect light, they are like flying cherry blossom petals, hence the name Senbonzakura.

These thousands of blades can be manipulated by the master at will, and being hit by it is truly a thousand swords. But now it was Krokdal who faced it.

"Arc Moon Sand Dunes!"

As Klockdal waved his arm, a large amount of sand poured up, colliding with the sky full of cherry blossoms, and the sand and the cherry blossoms flew out.

Shitian made a squeeze gesture, and the power of Sakura's impact increased greatly, directly smashing Klockdal's sand.

"Desert King Kong Sword!"

Krokdal waved his hands, and four larger sand sabers were cut out together. Not only that, Shitian could perceive that it was also entangled with domineering.

Sakura was finally repelled and turned into Shitian's long sword again.

Looking at Krokdal, Shitian sighed and said: "Not bad domineering, what the future..."

Thinking of being distracted when fighting is a bit despising Klockdal. However, with the power displayed by Krokdal now, it is indeed difficult for Shitian to pay attention to it.

To be honest, you can't use the record to evaluate your strength in the Pirate World. Not only was Luffy unreasonably blasting a group of people in the future, even before there were a lot of unreasonable battles.

Barrett and Raleigh drew a tie, and at the same time he was on par with Crockdale. Who put the water in this is really a headache.

But the idea of ​​being punctual is related to the nature of the power of domineering.

To put it plainly, domineering is the power of the will, and people like Krokdal whose will has collapsed will naturally not be able to cultivate to a high level. In the same way, Moria and the Golden Lion are no better.

And the reason why the protagonist Lu Fei is so strong, after only two years of cultivation, has caught up with or even surpassed a group of veteran powerhouses, probably because of his unshakable will!

Thinking of this, Shitian shook his head again and said: "Forget it, I am not in the mood to experiment with my new power with you. As I said before, let's solve you cleanly!"

Sweat dripped from Klockdall's forehead, and Shi Tian did not release the momentum that made him nervous. The sweat was entirely due to the heat.

"This is my strongest Zanpaku knife, don't just die!"

Flames flew on the blade, and in an instant, the temperature on this island rose rapidly.

"Everything in the world is ashes! Flowing blades are like fire!"

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