Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 41: Navy and Akatsuki

When Shitian sat in the cafeteria quietly eating his own meal, he could clearly feel that the eyes of other people watching him became more frantic.

It is no wonder that a well-known pirate is defeated so easily by Shi Tian, ​​and he will naturally win the respect of everyone.

Ye Yi took a lot of food as usual and placed it next to Shi Tian again. Then she herself sat next to Shitian, smiling at him and said, "You are a big show today!"

Kisuke Urahara was also sitting on the other side. He obviously only gave him the memory of Captain Reaper for a long time, but as soon as this guy appeared, he dressed up as the uncle in the original work.

Its real time Tian doesn't like Urahara Kisuke. In the original book, he and Aizen are quite behind the scenes. Even the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo and his party were manipulated by him at first.

But he is one of the few scientific research talents who can compare with Bergapunk, and at this point, he can only ignore his dark heart from time to time. Compared to Nirvana, Kisuke Urahara still has a bottom line to say, and he is not a complete scientific lunatic.

Kisuke Urahara is thoughtful, and he also knows that he is a bit disgusted with his non-stop calculations compared to Shitian. So when you get along with Shitian, you don't think too much. Only in this way can the two maintain a friendly relationship at least on the surface.

He smiled and said: "Ah! It's amazing. It's really gratifying and gratifying to have liberated the Captain's Zanpaku."

Seeing Urahara Kisuke holding a paper fan, as if talking about cross talk, Shitian couldn't help but said: "Urahara, you fellow, can't you speak in a different tone?"

Kisuke Urahara just shook the paper fan and said nothing.

Ye Yi delivered food to her mouth while saying: "Are you too serious? You burned half of the island to ashes yesterday!"

Shitian retorted: "That's the reason why the power of Liu Jianruohuo is too strong! I have condensed a lot. Besides, isn't Krokdal dead?"

That's right, after Shi Tianshi solved Liu Jianruohuo yesterday, he burned half of the island with only one move. But Krokdal escaped, and even so he was definitely injured.

No one was chasing by the White Beard Pirates, this was not the style of the White Beard Pirates. Being able to escape from Shitian's terrible blow made everyone recognize him somewhat.

When Shi Tian said this, a strange smile appeared on his face suddenly.

"This is interesting, did they meet together?"


Time was pushed to a few days ago.

Marine Headquarters Marin Vando, the office of the Marshal of the Warring States.

The Chief of Staff of the Navy, He opened the door and walked in, putting a stack of photos on the desk of the Warring States Period.

The Sengoku gaze moved away from the document in his hand, and he said, "What's the matter? Is this the newcomer pirate who has emerged from somewhere?"

Since the beginning of the great pirate era, all kinds of monsters, ghosts and snakes have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. Every once in a while, he has to deal with the issuance of a large number of new reward orders.

He shook his head and said, "These people are not pirates, but they are no less tricky than pirates."

The Warring States Period took a serious look at these photos.

There are eleven photos in total. The first ten are ten people with forehead guards with horizontal lines. They are all wearing black coats with red clouds. And the eleventh is a banner with the same black background and red clouds.

Crane introduced: "The mercenary organization Xiao, this is an organization that recently appeared in the first half of the great route. This organization earns money by receiving various commissions, including not only the rewards of our navy, but also many wars. Commissioned."

The Warring States Period knocked on the table and said, "Is there any problem? It's just a group of hyenas. It's not worth your seriousness!"

He shook his head and said: "These people captured a country in the previous stage, and the entire country's army was directly defeated by these ten people!"

Warring States also raised his eyes solemnly, and muttered: "A monster that destroys the country! It seems that you really can't underestimate it."

Crane nodded and said, "These people are very dangerous. Although they are not pirates, they should not be allowed to continue to do things arbitrarily."

An embarrassed expression appeared on the face of the Warring States Period. On the one hand, mercenaries, mafia, and pirate hunters were all help that the navy could fight for. He didn't want to provoke him for no reason.

Another important reason is that the Navy now has no spare capacity to deal with a group of monsters with the ability to destroy the country. Since the era of the great pirates began, fires have been everywhere, both in the four seas and in the great sea routes. The navy's strength has long been stretched, and even after several conscriptions, it has not been able to alleviate this dilemma.

Warring States sighed and said, "Then what's your opinion?"

Crane thoughtfully said, "I also don't agree to resort to force directly. Show them the attitude of our navy and tell them to constrain. If they continue to trouble justice, they can only be eliminated!"

Although Crane is a woman, he is no less decisive than the Warring States Period.

Warring States nodded, agreed with Crane's view, and said: "In this case, this matter will be arranged for you."

Then Shi Tian saw the following picture. If Shi Tian knew that such a conversation had taken place in the Navy Headquarters, he would definitely doubt whether Crane had any intention to resolve it peacefully.

Because the one she sent out to contact Akatsuki was named Lieutenant Admiral Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters, who is now a candidate for the general, code-named Akadog.

There are various understandings of justice within the Navy. Even the Warring States, who became a marshal, could not let everyone believe in his justice over the sea.

And Sakaski Akainu is the one with the most extreme understanding of justice. What he pursues is complete justice, and even civilians that hinder him from practicing justice will be removed mercilessly.

Crane sent Aka Inu out, and it was hard to imagine that a peaceful discussion could be reached.

Shitian was looking forward to it, and Akatsuki wouldn't lose to Akinu casually.

"In the ninja world, the rules are not allowed to be broken! And Akatsuki is to break the heavy night called the rules and usher in the organization of the ninja breaking dawn."

This is the content in everyone's memory, and of course it was added in from time to time. After all, there is no history of Ninja Wars, knowing that the concept must be changed.

Under Shitian's arrangement, Akatsuki is a group of guys who don't want to obey the ninja rules to hide themselves, and don't want to be tied into a cage. And the country of Wano was controlled by the five Ninja villages, and they had to leave Wano.

Its current members include Zero Burial Nagato, Baihu Xiaonan, Xuanwu Loquat Juzo, Suzaku Uchiha Belt Soil, Nandou Dry Persimmon, Jade Female Scorpion, Qinglong Deidara, Beidou Jiaodu, and Santai Feida. The last person was Oshemaru, who was discovered by Urahara Kisuke, fearing that the **** of death would make trouble and joined, code-named Sora Chen.

This lineup is of course not as good as in the original, and Loquat Juzo did not even decapitate. But Uchiha Itachi is too young and lacks strength. It is absolutely useful, and Shitian can only spell out such a lineup.

Fortunately, Da She Wan looked for it by himself, otherwise ten people would be dissatisfied from time to time. The guy in the original who was killed by the corner without mentioning the name shouldn't let him hold back in Xiaoli.

Although it is not the top lineup, Shitian believes that even in the face of Akagi, Akatsuki will not lose.

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