Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 42: Akatsuki is terrible

Aka Inu looked at the man floating in the air, his face was blank, and there were many black objects like nails inserted. The pupils in a pair of eyes are threaded, and just looking at these eyes has a cold feeling.

As a monster in the navy, the red dog has experienced countless wars. But he had never encountered such an opponent.

Murderous, fighting spirit, desire to win. He could clearly feel these from his opponent during the battle. But he couldn't feel anything in that man, as if the opposite was a dead person.

"Navy?" Payne looked at the flag on the warship and said, "What are you keeping in front of me?"

The red dog spit out a sip of cigar smoke, and said in a strong tone: "You are the mercenary organization named Akatsuki. You have been very active these days!"

Payne's reincarnation can't see any emotions in his eyes, just staring at the Equator Dog Road nonchalantly: "What does this have to do with the Navy?"

The red dog spit out half of the cigar in his mouth, and said: "You know that the trouble is too much, and it has hindered the justice of our navy. I am only here to warn you this time, I hope you can rest a little. Otherwise, justice will definitely be imposed. On your heads!"

Payne's tone is full of irony: "Justice, really boring and meaningless words! The so-called justice is just a reason for the strong to oppress the weak."

The magma continued to drip from the red dog's fist, burning a lot of scorch marks on the deck of the warship.

"Are you insulting our justice!"

At first Akinu still remembered that the order that Tsuru gave him was to try not to use force to solve Akatsuki's problem. But when Payne said such words, how could he hold back his anger.

The most intolerable thing he believes in absolute justice is that some people question justice. A large amount of magma followed the red dog's fist and sprayed directly towards Payne.

"Heaven Dog!"

Facing the magma that seemed to burn everything, Payne just raised one hand.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Around Payne, a transparent sphere appeared. The magma hit the sphere and was directly knocked into the air, without touching Payne's body at all.

This is exactly the ability of Penn's Six Paths of Heaven to create repulsive force through pupil power.

In order to exchange Nagato, Shitian spent a lot of invasion points. The main reason is that his reincarnation eyes, which were originally Madara, cost a lot. After all, Madara already exists, and he needs to have an extra pair of fairy eyes.

Compared with the eyes of reincarnation, the number of puppets of the Six Paths of Payne is much less.

There were so many Devil Fruits that Red Dog had seen, so naturally he wouldn't be shaken by Penn's ability. Stepping on the moon step under his feet, the red dog jumped directly from the warship to Akatsuki's ship.

The sound of the air being pierced through, the red dog fisted out, a large magma gushing out and burning the object shot at him to ashes.

The wings of Paper fluttered behind Xiao Nan. It was she who launched the Shuriken of Paper on Akadog just now.

Shi Tian has always wondered if Xiao Nan is a blood ninja, after all, the paper style she uses is too special. In terms of immunity to physical attacks, it really resembles the natural system.

It is a pity that paper is paper after all. Even if Xiaonan can be waterproof after pouring into chakras, it will still fail when exposed to oil.

The flame is also Xiao Nan's weakness, the red dog's magma ability can be said to have destroyed most of Xiao Nan's ability.

Payne landed on the ground and turned around and said: "Xiao Nan, you retreat, his power has restrained you too much! Give it to others, and you will solve the other people on the warship."

Xiao Nan nodded and flew directly to the warship while flapping the paper wings.

Where did the red dog hurt the ordinary navy on the warship, and a large amount of magma appeared in her hand, turning into a huge magma dog's head biting into Xiao Nan in mid-air.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

At Akatsuki, three people jumped onto the railing, one with a strange knife wrapped in bandages on his back, with a murloc-like face.

The face of the person with the same forehead guard on his head has a pattern like a railing, and a huge knife is carried on his back.

The last person with a mask on his face may see a large number of objects like black lines squirming around his sleeves.

Dry Persimmon Guikun, Loquat Juzo and Kokaku are all three of Akatsuki who are good at water Dune. To deal with magma naturally requires these two people to take action.

Dry persimmon ghosts and loquat shizang kept making imprints in their hands, while the horns raised their arms, and a mask painted with dark blue patterns stretched out from their wide sleeves.

"Shui Dun, the art of shark bullets!"

"Water escape, the art of the big waterfall!"

"Water escape, water curtain tent!"

A shark made up of liquid flew out with a water cannon ball, and the big waterfall spit out from the loquat juzang hit the magma dog's head together. The water mist dissipated and you could see solidified magma falling into the sea.

Among the three, the horns used the Secret Technique of Resentment and Yu to obtain the ability of water escape, and the water escape used by the dried persimmon ghosts and loquat juzang, who were born in the mist, were all hard practiced.

No matter which one, they actually used the Devil Fruit ability to control the water flow that was impossible.

The red dog kept stepping on the air and said: "This kind of move, you are the ninjas of the country of Wano! You should have recognized it by the forehead on your head."

Although it had been a long time since the previous battle of Wanokuni, the navy had always been wary of the ninja group. After all, it was a powerful force that defeated two great pirates at once.

Payne's tone became even colder: "We are different from those guys who don't know what pain is. We have surpassed the **** of ninjas a long time ago."

"Stop talking about inexplicable things!" Akakinu was unsure, but it didn't prevent him from solving the opponent in front of him.


The magma fist flew out and exploded in the air into a sky full of fireballs covering Xiang Xiao's ship.

Da She Wan licked his long tongue for a day and licked his lips, and said: "His ability is too troublesome, let's solve him quickly!"


"Resolve it early, he doesn't have a bounty."

"It's so exciting!"

"I want to sacrifice him to Lord Cthulhu!"

Everyone agreed with Dashewan's opinions.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Payne first shot and manipulated gravity to draw the red dog directly.

Akinu only felt that an irresistible force fell on him, and he couldn't use it in mid-air. He flew directly to where Payne was.

But before he was close to slam a magma fist, Payne stretched out his other hand. Payne, holding his hands flat, uttered four words.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The spherical force field opened, and the Akagi flew out with a severe blow.

Looking at the red dog flying upside down, Payne directly ordered: "Scatter!"

All the people on the ship disappeared, immediately surrounding the red dog.

The first one to attack was Fei Duan. He appeared directly in the air, hooked the red dog's body with a sickle in his hand and threw a fist heavily.

The red dog finally managed to control his body, and with one blow, the dog bit Guren attacked the front corner.

Jiao had taken off his robe early, and the three masks connected with a large number of black objects were entangled together, and the lightning air current and the flame merged, directly smashing the magma.

As soon as the shock wave of the explosion dissipated, it was as if a bird made of clay rushed to his side. The red dog didn't expect that this thing turned out to be a bomb, and even the domineering was destroyed by the explosion for a while, and he himself couldn't help vomiting blood.

At this moment, another person appeared in front of him. The man was wearing a spiral one-eyed mask and looked very weird. Subconsciously, Akagi punched out, but he didn't expect it to pass through the person's body as if he was hitting in the air.

Before he could react, the man kicked him out.

As soon as the top of his head went dark, the red dog looked up and saw countless iron sand condensed into sharp spikes straight down.

The red dog raised his fists, and one magma fist flew out. The iron sand began to melt at this high temperature.

Suddenly, a huge tornado appeared, and the sea water directly solidified the magma and the iron sand that turned into molten iron, and the red dog seemed to be locked in a cage.

It was Oshe Maru who used Fengdu Ninjutsu. He used the environment at sea to create an effect comparable to high-level water escape.

But even a cage made of pure steel couldn't hold the Akagi. The real trouble was the fog.

"Fog hidden, silent killing technique!"

I couldn't react to seeing and hearing the domineering, and finally, thanks to my accumulated intuition about danger, he avoided the point.

The coat of justice was directly cut open, and two blood stains appeared on the back of the red dog crossed.

Suddenly, a huge suction force came from above, and the red dog only saw a black ball appeared in the sky. He was constantly sucking up his solidified magma, iron sand, sea water and other items. Even Akinu himself was sucked over.

Payne raised his hand and said in his mouth: "The earth bursts into the sky!"

The black sphere, which seemed to swallow even light, was not easy to deal with at first glance. Where can Aka Inu dare to neglect.

The magma continued to gush out, and the magma that appeared this time could be far greater than before, and the magma turned into a **** dog in a more violent way and rushed towards the ball.

This time Earthburst Star Penn didn't input too much Chakra, so it broke under the attack of the red dog.

All the things that were sucked up just now fell down, the most being sea water, this area was like a heavy rain.

Payne didn't find the red dog and didn't say anything. In the distance, Xiao Nan flapped his paper wings and flew back: "The navy on the warship has a few good players. I couldn't solve them. Then the navy that used magma went back, and I retreated."

Payne nodded and said: "You are doing the right thing. If they don't understand what pain is, just let them come!"

Shitian looked at the rare Xiao Da Tuan, and couldn't help but feel sad for the red dog. With the strength of the red dog, even if he was singled out against Heavenly Dao Payne, he would not be easily defeated, but he encountered a boat of monsters. It's good to be able to escape.

"Navy!" Shitian smiled and secretly said: "Soon you will find that this sea is much more complicated than you think!"

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