Eriyi lay weakly on the railing. She hadn't seen Shitian for five days.

Although she didn't know what Shitian was doing, she could feel Shitian was doing a very dangerous thing. And even Shitian is not sure about this matter!

The sun gradually set on the sea level, and the day was about to end again.

Suddenly, Eriya saw several black spots getting bigger and bigger in the sunset. There was a lovely smile on her face.

As soon as Shi Tian landed on the boat, a petite body fell into his arms.

For a moment, he could feel the worry and anxiety of the girl in his arms. Shitian smiled, and hugged Eri Yi and said, "I make you worry, I'm back safely!"

After time, Urahara Kisuke and the other four also landed on the boat. However, apart from the grass deer Yaqianliu who had been watching, the other three were somewhat embarrassed.

Ye Yi moved her shoulders and said, "No, I'm going to be exhausted. I'm going to have a big meal and then sleep darkly!"

Shi Tian turned around and said, "I'm troubled you this time, let's take a rest first!"

Shitian was right. The large number of ghost roads arranged by Urahara Kisuke lasted only two days, and the next three days were Ye Yi. Urahara Kisuke and Kakiki Kenha and three people worked together to hold back Shitian.

This can be seen from the embarrassed look of the three of them.

On the fourth day when Shi Tian was emptied, Shi Tian broke through the gate of the Four Beasts two days ago. No matter how strong the secret technique was, it could not withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of the sky flashing.

The three of them fought fiercely with Shitian when they broke the seal. And after two days of hard fighting, even when the three of them besieged, Tian was forced to an extremely unfavorable situation.

Ye Yi, who had used Shunhong for a long time, avoided Shitian's blade at the moment of the moment, turning somersaults and withdrew far away.

"Blood Cloud Shield!"

Urahara Kisuke held the liberated Hongji upside down, and a hexagonal red energy shield stood in front of him, just blocking the time when he pounced.

"Bloom, Hong Ji."

Suddenly, a large number of red light arrows were shot out from the shield of Xuexia, and these light arrows directly penetrated Shitian's body. Shitian has long forgotten to avoid and resist, even if it is penetrated by a light arrow, it is only more crazy.

It is a pity that a large amount of white matter poured out of Shitian's body, and the wound healed in an instant.

Shitian's Zanpodao was raised high, smashing Urahara Kisuke's **** shield with a single knife, and slammed him out.

"Captain Mengki!" Urahara Kisuke shouted, and Kenpachi Mengki stepped forward to take the place of Urahara Kisuke.

Both of them are like wild beasts, hacking at each other with two knives, without any swordsmanship at all.

Yeyi came to Urahara Kisuke and said, "How is it, are you seriously injured?"

Kisuke Urahara used a trembling hand to put a medicine into his mouth and swallowed it: "It's nothing, it's just a little bit of strength and I broke a few bones by the way!"

Ye Yi also laughed and said, "Are you still in the mood to make a joke at this time!"

With that, she looked at the hourglass that Kisuke Urahara had thrown aside from the beginning. The sand in the hourglass is almost running out.

Urahara Kisuke also noticed Yeichi's sight, and he said, "It looks like we only have one day left. If he can't succeed tomorrow, we must kill him here!"

At one o'clock in the evening, he nodded and looked at Jian Mujian who was completely red-eyed: "Then there is no way, now I have to work hard."

As she said, she separated her hands and put on a strange posture.

"Shunhong, Thor Fighting Type!"

Two horns appeared on the head of Ye Yi, behind which a large number of thunder and lightning gathered into six Gouyu Taiko drums.

Urahara Kisuke inserted Hongji on the ground, and the black web-like object spread out and entangled Shitian's body.

Kisuke Urahara reminded: "Captain Mengmu, step back, Miss Ye Yi is going to be serious!"

Gengmu Jianba Fei stepped back, but said dissatisfiedly: "Jing do extra things!"

Gengmu Jianba hadn't fought so happily for a long time, and even in the new world, there was no opponent to his liking. Although the imaginary Shitian lost his reason, his combat consciousness became more acute for some reason.

It was this kind of battle that made Gengmu Jianba's blood boil over.

However, he also knew that he couldn't hold on for much longer than Shitian, when Lingpressure was almost infinite, and it was not the time to enjoy fighting.

Struggling from time to time, one hand has torn through the black object that bound him. But he couldn't break free completely, Ye Yi had already launched an attack.

Thunder bursts in the sky, and countless falling thunder fell from the sky and hit Shitian's body severely. The dazzling light made everyone unable to see what was happening inside, and could only hear the painful roar from time to time.

Lei Guang dissipated, and Shi Tian could be seen kneeling on the ground. But except for a little dust on his body, there is no sign of injury at all.

Kisuke Urahara pulled out Hong Ji and said with a wry smile: "God Allah! This is really a headache!"

The burden of using the Thor Fighting Type on Yeyi is not small, she gasped slightly, "Stop complaining! It is very good for him in this state to not use Zanpaku Knife and Ghost Dao!"

Gengmu Jianpachi didn't say anything, and rushed directly to Shitian when he stood up.


Shitian’s soul world, Shitian did not know how many times he was hit by Xushitian, smashing huge waves on the sea.

Shitian didn't know why he still bleeds in his soul state, anyway, his sight was already blood red.

Xu Shitian Tan started and said, "I said, you are a trash. There is no injury or weakness in this world, then the problem is coming!"

Xu Shitian pointed his sword at Shitian and said, "Why are you weaker? There is only one answer, that is, your will is weakened! So why don't you give up and give your body to the stronger me!"

Shi Tian shook his knife and stood up, his eyes were completely different from before.

"We are the same soul, right! So our memories should be exactly the same, right!"

Xu Shitian looked at Shitian incomprehensibly, wondering why he asked so at this time.

Shitian smiled and said: "Since you have my memory, you should understand a truth, that is, the villain died of talking too much!"

Shitian's blade slashed on Xu Shitian's body fiercely. The knife was so fast that even Xu Shitian couldn't react to it as sharp as a beast.

Xu Shitian showed a hideous expression and slashed towards Shitian. But Shitian had already retreated, and Xu Shitian's sword had only an afterimage.

Shi Tian was clearly embarrassed, but his eyes became more exciting and sharp.

"Thanks to you, I understand it too! I'm just an ordinary person. Although I have gained tremendous power, I am far from enlightened.

Although I have said a lot of big talk, deep down I am just an ordinary person. You are right, I am afraid of losing my strength and fear of taking my body away from you.

I even started to fear fighting with you with a knife, but I still don't want to lose! Because I am more afraid of being hurt by you to my family and friends. They are not the paper people in our memory, they are important beings who laugh and shed tears with me.

Even if I am a trash like what you said, I will never lose to you! "

Shi Tian slashed on Xu Shitian's shoulder, and Xu Shitian also took a stab. Shitian didn't evade this time, letting the blade enter his body.

"Do you think I haven't grown at all after fighting for so long? Don't underestimate me!"


Gengmu Jianba's hand, which had been ragged in Zhanpei Dao, was directly broken in half, and there were scars everywhere on his body. His death tyrant's pretence had long been broken, but at any rate there was no trace of blood soaking.

Kendaki Kenpachi attracted most of Shitian's attacks, so the situation of Yoichi and Kisuke Urahara was not as miserable as he was. But even so, the spiritual pressure of the two was exhausted.

Ye Yi saw that there was only a thin layer left in the hourglass, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't say stop him from going out like this, whether we can survive or not is all a question."

Urahara Kisuke just wanted to speak, and suddenly looked at Shitian unexpectedly.

Shitian stopped walking this way, and a crack suddenly appeared on his mask.

A pale fragment fell to the ground, and then a large number of cracks appeared in Shitian's body along with successive noises.

Like a butterfly breaking through a cocoon, Shi Tian's pale skin shattered, and Shi Tian's body returned to normal.

It's just that in addition to a Zan Po Sword in his hand, another knife with the opposite color to the normal Zan Po Sword appeared in his other hand.

"Finally, it succeeded!" Shitian said when he opened his eyes.

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