Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 51: Four Emperors

In order to celebrate the safe return of Shitian, the White Beard Pirates of course started the banquet again.

When Shitian held his glass, the smile on his face never disappeared. Although it was dangerous this time, the reward was great.

Mastering the mask mode is naturally one of them, and Shitian’s exchange list has also been refreshed. Among them, the Zanpaku Knife, which belongs to the broken face, is newly added. Of course, among the characters, there are also many broken faces with names and surnames.

At first, Shi Tian thought that the system lied to himself, and his novice package was not a complete template. The original Zan Poknife that has broken face needs to be virtualized before it can be opened.

However, the biggest gain for Shitian is to recognize his own heart. The fear and anxiety hidden in it were replaced by firmness, and Shitian understood that he had truly stepped into a new field.

Standing in this field, Shi Tian looked back at himself and realized how much he wasted his ability at that time.

Shi Tian did not gain any new powers except for the mask this time. But even so, when the mask mode is not turned on, Tian still has enough confidence to defeat the admiral.

If it were replaced a few days ago, Shitian could beat Huang Yuan and Hawkeye without using a mask at all. If the mask is turned on, he can even challenge Kaido and BIGMOM and defeat them.

Shitian couldn't help laughing secretly. Although he was a little bit idealistic, he had truly transformed once with the realization of the strong.

Shi Tian turned his head and looked at the sea outside, raising his wine glass, not knowing who he was toasting.

"The storm of the new era? It depends on whether you can blow me!"

In the next few years, there was no big move, just waiting for the chess pieces laid out before to take effect.

When the major protagonists grow up, he is afraid that the invasion will be too much to spend. Unlike the unhurried attitude of time, the sea is still so unpredictable.

First of all, Qiwuhai's quota has been replenished over the past few years, and now there is only one quota left.

Following Sand Crocodile and Moriah, Hawkeye also accepted the invitation of the world government. And the fourth person is Shiping.

Shitian originally thought that Jinping would not become Qiwuhai while Tiger was still there, but he did not expect that Neptune would ask for Jinping.

Jinping was a man known as the Seaman, how could he refuse the king's request, who was once the leader of the Dragon Palace Guards. Therefore, in order to protect the fisherman island, Jinping became one of the Qiwuhai.

Tiger is also a hero with a broad mind, so naturally he won't stop it. And he also hopes to protect his hometown.

The flamingo was inspired by Tiger's actions and hijacked the heavenly gold. In this way, he also became Qiwuhai.

And Boya Hancock, who was rescued by Tiger from Marijoa, quickly grew up. As a superhuman person with sweet fruit ability, she relied on her beauty and great strength to become the king of the Hydra of Daughter Island.

She was favored by the world government when she went to sea for the first time, and in order to protect Nine Snake, she also accepted the appointment as Qiwuhai.

Shitian knew that the last remaining quota belonged to the tyrant Basolomi Bear. In order to get close to the world's first scientist Begapunk, Xiong Miku used brutal means to kill a large number of pirates, and this was an opportunity to get this place.

Before him, the world government originally intended to give Ace this place, but of course Ace rejected it.

The world government originally wanted to use Qiwuhai to check and balance the several great pirates in the new world, but these pirates appointed by them were competing with each other with willfulness. They simply failed to contain the rampant forces of the New World Pirates according to their intentions.

The new world is still gradually out of the control of the navy. With the exception of a few bases where elite navies above lieutenant generals are located and particularly powerful kingdoms, the flags of pirates are hung in other places.

And these flags basically belong to three people. The sea has recognized that Edward Newgate, the beast Kaido, and BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling are the sea emperors of the new world.

But recently, another pirate has shown the power of the emperor in the new world. This person is the red-haired Shanks from the Roger Pirates.

Like Roger, he has no interest in rule and territory, just wandering around in the sea.

Moreover, he is different from the White Beard, Golden Lion, Kaido and others who came from the Rocks Pirates. The number of people on his ship is far less than other big pirates of the same level. In contrast, everyone on his ship is a powerful pirate with good strength.

In terms of average strength, the Red-haired Pirates seem to have surpassed Kaido's Beast Pirates and Charlotte Lingling's BIGMOM Pirates.

Only the White Beard Pirate Group, which was strengthened by Shitian to a level, could suppress him both in number and strength.

As Shanks became more active, some people gradually regarded him at the same level as the other three great pirates.

I don't know since when, someone secretly referred to the four of them as the four sea emperors who came to the new world.

Margau flipped through the newspaper and suddenly laughed and said, "It's really funny! The red-haired guy is also called the Emperor of the Sea."

Shitian glanced at the newspaper in his hand, and the most striking piece of news was that Shanks and Kaido were at war near a kingdom.

The cause was that the drunk Kaido turned into a dragon, sinking the red-haired banquet island with a breath of heat.

Then the two fought, and when the large troops of the Hundred Beasts and Pirates arrived, it turned into a battle between the two Pirates.

In this battle, Shanks' personal strength and the tyrannical combat effectiveness of the entire red-haired pirate group were vividly demonstrated. The newspaper also referred to this battle as the Battle of the Emperors of the Sea.

Shitian murmured to himself, although the sea emperor's statement has been around for a long time, this is the first time someone has written it upright in the newspaper. Perhaps soon, the Four Emperors will officially appear on the stage as the strongest force in the Pirate World.

Joz said uncomfortably, "The red-haired guy was still Roger's trainee pirate at the beginning. That kid is as famous as the old man, which is really uncomfortable!"

Whitebeard didn't react as much as Joz, and he said, "Hey! Hey! Has the kid on Roger's boat climbed to this height? Sure enough, that kid is very similar to Roger!"

Shi Tian also smiled and said: "Even the Four Emperors, if he dares to challenge us, we will let him see our strength."

Everyone raised their wine glasses together and gave out cheers that shook the sky.

Shitian looked at the captains who didn't know it at all, and couldn't help but quietly said: "But then again, that kid is now called the Emperor of the Sea. Do you still have your mind to wander around?"

The few captains beside him held their wine glasses to their lips and stopped for a moment.

Margau put down his glass with a wry smile and said, "You are really merciless! No, I'm going to practice."

Then he stood up, jumped out of the boat and went to exercise on one side of the island.

The other captains also put down their wine glasses one by one, and went to find a place to practice!

The white beard picked up the wine bottle that Margau put aside and took a sip, "Goo la la la la! You kid finally looks like an excellent leader."

Shi Tian whitened him with a glance: "Don't think that if you praise me, I won't tell Margau that you drink his wine secretly."

White Beard said with an unhappy expression: "It's not cute! But I'm really happy to see your growth."

Shitian curled his lips, pretending not to see Baibeard taking Joz's bottle.

Shi Tian also stood up and said to the younger brothers below: "Today is your last time to slack off! Starting tomorrow, everyone's training will double for me!"

"Goblin!" ×N

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