Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 58: Successful assassination

An agent in a white suit stumbled to a room.

CP0, wearing a white top hat, pushed the door and walked out. He saw that he had been following his subordinates before he put down his guard and said: "What happened, you dare to disturb Saint Charles's meal."

The agent said: "My lord, a killer attacked us! Although we were discovered in time, this group of killers is very fierce and has killed many of us."

The white hat said unhappily: "It's really a bunch of trash, where are these killers now?"

The agent replied: "They have been stopped by several agents of CP9, but..."

"But what?"

The white top hat is so angry, this subordinate is really ignorant, and they are all sold out when they are.

The agent lowered his head and said: "I don't think the people in CP9 can stop the killers, and I don't know if other killers have also arrived on the ship."

The white hat frowned, he had a headache now. I thought this **** mission would be very simple, but I didn't expect to encounter such a bad thing. And even if you contact the reinforcements now, there is no way to arrive in time!

In the unlikely event that the Tianlongren had an accident under his own protection, even if he could escape from the killer, the world government would not let him go.

"What should I do?" The white top hat walked around, his head was too big to think of a way.

At this time, the agent said: "My lord, I have a way."

The white top hat hurriedly asked: "What can I do? Hurry up!"

The agent replied: "Since we can't stop the assassin, why don't you let Saint Charles Roth take refuge first.

The station in the Capital of Seven Waters leads directly to Judicial Island, and you can quickly reach Judicial Island by sea train. When there are more killers on Judicial Island, we don’t have to be afraid. "

The white top hat tapped his fist on the palm of his hand and said: "Yeah! Judicial Island is an island of iron walls that has never been breached. If you get there, you are afraid of any killers.

Hurry up and make arrangements. I'll take Challross Saint to the station immediately, and we must leave as soon as we arrive. Remember, no other people are allowed on the train, lest the killer gets mixed on the train and hurts St. Charles. "

The agent lowered his head and said, "My lord, I will go right away!"

No one saw it, and a smug light flashed in the agent's eyes.


The white top hat even coaxed and deceived, and finally took Charl Rose Saint to leave the luxurious ship. He left most of the people on the ship and dragged the killers of the night attack. He only took a small team of elite CP agents to **** Chalrose to the sea train station in the City of Seven Waters.

After arriving at the station, White Hat couldn't help but admire that the former agent was still very good at doing things, and the station was full of passengers who were kicked out.

Saint Charles Roth sat on a slave and boarded the vacant train with satisfaction.

The whistle sounded, and the train gradually moved, breaking through the night and heading into the distance.

In the VIP carriage, Saint Charles whipped the slave in front of him with a whip. He was in a bad mood when he was called out of bed. Although he vented a bit after shooting a slave, the unhappiness in his heart was not so easy to disappear.

However, this tossing made him very tired, so he was tired after a while, leaning on the sofa and panting.

As Charl Rose was drowsy, the train suddenly stopped.

White Hat couldn't help but wonder, even if the sea train was very fast, it would not have reached Judicial Island from the Capital of Seven Waters so quickly.

He pulled the curtain on the window of the car. Of course, outside the window was not a judicial island, but a small station.

"What's the matter? Where is this place? How could the train stop here?"

The white top hat couldn't help feeling a sense of being fooled. He didn't know what went wrong. But he didn't believe that the people who calculated them only brought them here and did nothing else.

"Everyone is on alert and protect Saint Charles Roth!" The white top yelled, and other agents hurriedly came up and surrounded Saint Charles Roth.

Several cutting marks appeared on one side of the carriage wall with a loud noise. The carriage was opened with a big opening, and a man in armor walked in.

There was another loud noise, and a big hole broke in the other side of the carriage, and two figures walked in through it.

One of the women wears a blindfold and one hand is a mechanical prosthesis. The man next to him was wearing a white hunting suit, with a pair of corners on his head, and a red gou jade inlaid on his chest.

The hole in the carriage was made by him with a big stick in his hand.

The white top hat looked at them and said, "Who are you? Don't you know that offending a Tianlongren is a felony?"

Saint Charles Charles didn't realize his situation at all, and yelled: "What are you talking about, these guys are all damned! I order you to kill them right away!"

Na Jiexitan shook her head and said, "It's really ugly and stupid!"

An agent wearing a white suit pushed through the door of the control room and walked out, but instead of walking to the side of Saint Charles and the white top hat, he stood behind the person wearing the armor.

"Have you betrayed CP!" When White Hat saw this scene, he couldn't figure out what went wrong.

The agent smiled and said, "What betrayal! I am not from your side."

The first half of his sentence was still the familiar male voice of the white hat, while the second half of the sentence became the voice of a girl.

The agent waved his hand as if he had lifted a layer of fog. A man turned into a pretty girl.

"Introduce myself, I am Chelsea of ​​Night Attack."

The face of the white hat was full of clouds, but Saint Charles Rose opened his mouth like an idiot.

"Hey! I order you to be my slave!"

Chelsea peeled off a candy and put it in her mouth, showing an expression of disgust and said: "Boss, hurry up and solve it! I don't want to continue listening to this idiot!"

Na Jie Xitan nodded and said, "Tazmi, Susano, I'll leave it to you, hurry up and end this mission!"

It was Tazmi who was wearing the armor. In order to make him fight as soon as possible, Shitian specially exchanged another armor-type Emperor Shura incarnation, a noble chariot.

This imperial tool is improved based on being haunted by evil spirits. Although it does not have the evolutionary ability of being haunted by evil spirits, its performance is better than that of being haunted by evil spirits. Moreover, the noble chariot does not have the side effects of being surrounded by evil spirits.

Tazmi has been practicing with Brand, and he is also the one who masters the domineering in the night attack. Noble chariots and evil spirits also have attached weapons, even the appearance and name of the weapons are very similar. (Used when playing the High Throne in the animation.)

Tazmi wielded a big gun named Blue-backed Shrike and attacked the white top hat. The white top hat could not choose to avoid it at all, because behind him was Saint Charles.

The big gun continued to pierce the white hat, cutting his clothes and body, even if he used iron with all his strength, he couldn't prevent such a fierce attack.

Suddenly, a scream came from behind. He looked back, and it turned out that Susano had already knocked down all the CP agents. Now he was stepping on Saint Charles Rose who fell to the ground with one foot, and his blood-stained stick was raised high.

"Damn fellow, I am a descendant of God, how dare you hurt me! The world government will not let you go..."

Na Jie Xitan dug out her ears with her fingers and said, "It's so noisy, Susano, hurry up and solve everything!"

The white top hat shouted in horror: "No! Stop it!"

But no matter where Susano would listen to him, the iron rod was directly knocked down, and it was not only the hood that cut off the air of ordinary people from the Celestial Man, but also the head of Saint Charles Roth.

The white top hat was sluggish, and everything was over now, and the Tianlong people were dead, and they must have no way to survive. So when Tazmi's blue-backed shrike penetrated his chest, he didn't struggle a bit.

The most violent and worst assassination in the history of the Great Sea for eight hundred years is now complete!

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