Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 59: Assassination follow-up

City of Seven Waters, No. 1 Dock.

Suddenly an attack shot from an unknown place landed on the mast, directly breaking the flagpole with the flag of the world government.

Chitong glanced at the fallen flag, and withdrew and retreated: "The mission is over, we retreat!"

Lu Qi kicked Lan with a blow, but was cut away by Chi pupil. Chitong just glanced at him and then turned and left.

Lu Qi just wanted to catch up, when suddenly he was shot through the deck in front of his feet. That is the obvious warning.

Lu Qi couldn't help cursing **** in his heart, he forgot that there was a sniper in the dark. He just wanted to change the direction of the pursuit, and suddenly withdrew. Three more shots hit the deck in the direction he had just gone.

The other people were the same, they were all blocked by gunshots, and they could only watch the night raiders leave. How could it be possible to catch up with these people while guarding the attack of snipers while chasing after them!

Several people from CP9 hurriedly hid behind the bunker, and waited for a long time before trying to come out.

Lu Qi walked up to the lion cut into two pieces by Ben Hill and snuggled him, his face gloomy and undecent. This time CP9 was completely ashamed. Not only did not one enemy remain, but one person was lost on his side.

Suddenly, Lu Qi turned around and said: "What do they mean when the mission is over? Is there something wrong with Saint Charles Rose?"

Everyone was shocked and rushed into the boat.

On a small boat, Lubbock controlled a sea beast with silk thread, and let it drive the small boat fast in one direction.

Leo Nei's ability to dissolve the king of beasts said: "I really don't understand why we don't kill all the CPs before leaving. Now our identities have been leaked?"

Hill explained to her: "The boss said, according to the plan, the news that the Dragonites will seek refuge on the Judicial Island will definitely attract reinforcements from the Judicial Island. They will definitely come to the island if they can't see the train on the way.

The few guys I met today are not easy to deal with, we can't solve them quickly. If you don't leave as soon as possible, I'm afraid the order to kill the demons is waiting for us! "

Everyone nodded clearly, and Ma Yin said: "Anyway, the boss has already succeeded, let's hurry up and meet her!"

The boat quickly disappeared into the night, until no trace was seen again.

As expected by Najieshitan, Judiciary Island dispatched warships to prepare for Saint Challros as soon as he received the contact from the White Hat.

But they followed the sea train track to the City of Seven Waters and they didn't see the shadow of Saint Charles Roth taking the train.

This can make everyone panicked. After all, both the CP agents who stayed behind and the passengers who were driven off the train confirmed that Charl Rose Saint was indeed on the train.

Fortunately, the sea train must follow the track. Following the tracks going in all directions, the Navy and CP finally found the train stopping there at Seeft Station.

When everyone saw the two conspicuous big holes in the carriage, they felt that something was not good. Sure enough, after entering the carriage, there was a corpse.

The body in the spacesuit is particularly conspicuous, but there is no head on that body.

"The sky is falling!" A CP agent couldn't help but said.

When Warring States entered the conference room, everyone could see that his face was very ugly. Especially when the summoning order was issued suddenly, they all guessed that something terrible had happened.

Sengoku stood before the conference table, and said solemnly: "Next, the countermeasure meeting to study how to eliminate the killer organization named Night Attack begins now."

Hearing the name Night Strike, all navies were puzzled. Although the Navy has accepted the order to search and eliminate night attacks, it is not necessary to hold such a formal meeting to study it!

The Warring States sighed and said: "Just last night, the night attack launched another assassination. This time they assassinated Saint Charl Rose, the Draco!"

The meeting room suddenly became noisy. Since the establishment of the world government, the Tianlong people have been aloof for 700 years. Even if they fall, they will blame a group of people.

This time, a Tianlongren was assassinated, which can be said to be an upset event. So it is reasonable for the Navy to hold such a serious meeting.

Warring States raised his hand, and the meeting room immediately returned to silence. He looked around and said: "The Five Old Stars have already issued an order to immediately stop all operations and do our best to search for night attacks. Be sure to get rid of this group of villains as soon as possible!"

He looked at Sengoku anxiously, but looked at his livid face and said nothing.

Crane and Sengoku are the people who know the situation of the sea best. If the navy uses all its power to deal with a group of killers at this time, what about the increasingly rampant pirates? What about the recently emerging revolutionary army?

But from the expression of the Warring States Period, she had already seen that there was no room for the Navy to refuse this mission.

This time, it was true that some of the Celestials died. All the Celestials must be uneasy now, and this kind of uneasiness will turn into dissatisfaction with the Navy and CP. With the status of the Tianlong people, in this case the navy can indeed only solve these people as soon as possible.

Warring States controlled his emotions and put a few photos in front of a huge phone worm. The phone worm glanced at the photo, and the other eye projected a projection onto the curtain behind the Warring States period.

Warring States Road: "This is the known night attack information from CP."

After a pause, the Warring States period continued: "According to the intelligence, these people rely on special weapons to fight. These two girls, whom we call the Gemini Swordsman, can make wounds on any part of the body with their swords. Causes death. Another person can control the corpse as a doll. The principle is temporarily unknown.

The gun knight has been hiding in the armor, only knowing that he is a man with high spear skills and domineering, and his true appearance is temporarily unknown. The female lion also mastered the domineering, although she is a woman, she is a strong physical skill.

The silk operator is a person who is good at arranging traps and fighting with silk threads that are difficult to see with the naked eye. The fighting power of the big scissors is also derived from the scissors in her hand that are no less than the big sharp knife.

These are just a few of the people we know what they look like, and there are at least three other people we have no information. "

The picture turned into three dark shadows that even men and women could not recognize.

Warring States continued: "One of them, we call Qianli Penetration, is a sniper who can kill the enemy at a long distance out of sight.

The other two were calculated based on the traces of the scene where the Tianlongren were killed. One of them used a weapon similar to that of the Gunner. The other person used a long-handled blunt weapon, and it was this person who killed Saint Charles. "

Crane raised his hand, and Warring States nodded to her. He opened his mouth and said, "Is there any information about the real names of these people and whether there are any demon fruit capable ones among them?"

Zhan Guo shook his head and said: "These people did not reveal their real names, and based on the observations of the CP present, there should be no devil fruit capable of these people."

Crane nodded and sat back, while the Warring States Period said to the people: "This group of villains commits such an unforgivable crime, this is provoking our justice. So you must do your best to catch these people!"

"Oh!" ×N

The holy place Maricioia, Pangu City.

The most grumpy Wu Lao Xing threw a stack of documents directly on the head of the white suit kneeling in front of him.

"You can only give us these insignificant information. You don't know the purpose, identity, and source of these people. Even after the death of the Tianlongren, you can't even find out the whereabouts of the murderer. I am very disappointed with you.

CP0, who is not capable of being the shield of the gods, has no right to exist! "

Cold sweat ran down from the forehead of the white suit, and Wu Lao Xing's accusation was already very serious.

Although CP used the Navy’s lack of full assistance as an excuse to share the responsibility, everyone with a discerning eye knows that the main responsibility for the death of the Tianlong people is the CP’s ineffective protection.

He knew that if CP0 had no countermeasures to catch night attacks, everyone in CP0 would be in danger. Those who are not qualified will not be the establishment of CP0, but only their agents.

Bai Xifu hurriedly lowered his head and said anxiously: "We already have a plan on how to clear the night attack! Please wait for a while, Lord Wu Lao Xing, we must make up for our gaffe as soon as possible."

"Really?" The Five Old Star holding a long knife said, "Tell me your plan!"

At the apex of this world's power, White Suit stated his plan in detail.

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