Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 79: Navy, ninja and death.

Jiao Du and Fei Duan came back with the funds for mission completion. Because the plan was about to be completed, the frequency of all members going out to perform missions was reduced.

After Jiao Du and Feidan came back, all the members of Xiao's current members had arrived.

The number of people has not changed. Although there are more Uchiha Itachi, Osamaru still defected. No one can figure out the brain circuits of Frankenstein.

Just when everyone is discussing the next step. Tiandao Payne suddenly said: "Someone is approaching the base, and the target is us!"

Everyone was stunned, and Xiao hid in such a ghostly place as the windless belt, how could anyone come to the door. But Payne is not a joker. He has notified everyone that someone is really asking for trouble.

Outside the windless zone, the three warships entered the sea together. The red dog looked up at the drizzle in the sky and frowned.

Even in the windless zone, there is climate change, and rain is considered a normal weather phenomenon. I don't know why, the rain on his body always makes the red dog have a strange feeling of being peeped.

Of course, this is not ordinary rain, but the rain tiger's free technique that can be activated by the Chakra of Nagato. It is used to alert and detect a special technique.

So as soon as the warship approached Akatsuki's base, it was sensed by Nagato, and everyone in Akatsuki knew the news.

Tiandao Payne said: "Looking at the scale, the three ships that came over should be warships!"

"Navy, what are they doing?" Uchiha asked without help.

Xiao Nan said directly: "No matter what they want to do, it won't be a good thing!"

Heavenly Dao Payne said coldly: "This hot power is the admiral Akadog."

Deidara laughed and said, "Aka dog? Isn't it the guy who was beaten away by us several years ago? This time only me and Brother Scorpion are enough!"

"Don't underestimate him, idiot! Your art may not be as good as his magma." Scorpion didn't give him face, so he was hit directly.

What Deidara can't stand most is that someone questioned his art and said directly: "What are you talking about? How can my art lose to boring magma!"

"Enough!" Tiandao Payne interrupted directly: "We will stand under the gaze of the navy sooner or later, and it's okay to see it now. If you are interested, let's come together!"

With that said, Tiandao walked out of the cave in the base. The other Akatsuki members looked at each other and all followed.

On the warship, after seeing the outline of the island, Akadog couldn't help but urge to shoot. His hands turned into flowing magma, and he directly shot large groups of magma into the sky above the island.

"Meteor Volcano!"

When the magma fell to the island, it had already enveloped the entire island like a rain of meteors.

"Water escape, the technique of water formation!" ×2

The dried persimmon ghost shark and the loquat juzo directly intercepted them, and the sea is really suitable for the use of water ninjutsu. You don't need to spend too much chakra but can play a very powerful effect.

Two water walls rose up, although they did not shelter the entire island, they blocked all the magma meteors that fell on Xiaozhongren.

The red dog stopped launching magma and sneered in the direction of the island: "Sure enough, it is you, and I finally caught you!"

The Akino who finally found his goal became excited and ordered loudly: "All members are ready for battle. The enemy is not a small character that can be dealt with casually, don't be careless!

I also know that Berman and the ghost spider, as long as you pay attention to protect the warship, you can solve their problems and leave it to me. "

The messenger ran off immediately after receiving the order, and the three warships accelerated and approached the coast.

When the navy's warship approached Xiao base, another ship also approached this sea area.

The ship Naruto rides is also not simple, otherwise it cannot be driven in a windless zone. This is a special organ ship made by Shayin's puppet master. Powered by Chakra, it can travel even in a windless zone.

Kakashi looked at the red-hot sky and said, "The situation is a bit wrong. There is probably something wrong with Akatsuki. Let's speed up."

Naruto also understood that Akatsuki was the only clue to Sasuke now, so he quickly said, "Then I will help!"

Kakashi looked at Naruto and nodded. When Naruto was born, Yuyuan had half of the nine tails in his body. When it comes to Chakra's entire village, no one can compare to him except for the first generation and Nine Sina, who is also a Nine-tailed man.

Soon after Naruto left, the speed of the ship suddenly increased more than twice.

On the other side, a young man in a black death tyrant was holding on to the handle of the knife, while the wide blade was inserted into the carapace of a sea king's back that was a mixture of snapping turtle and eel.

"Damn it! Where on earth are you taking me!" the young man sighed sadly.

Kurosaki Ichigo's luck was really bad, and he ran into this sea king when he went out to sea. His small boat was directly hit and sunk, and he had no choice but to fix himself on the sea king class so that it did not sink into the sea.

Fortunately, this sea king is not the type that lives under the sea, otherwise he really doesn't know what to do.

Kurosaki Ichigo's knife was inserted into the carapace of this sea king, and it didn't feel at all. After preying, he returned to the nest located in the windless zone according to his habit.

And the hapless Kurosaki Ichigo was also taken to this dangerous sea.

But his luck wasn't so bad, because the place he was taken to was near Akatsuki base instead of no man's land. Otherwise, he will survive in the wilderness like a savage!

Although the **** of death can stand in mid-air with a spirit child, he doesn't have enough spirit pressure to cross the entire sea.

The red dog looked at Tiandao Payne floating in the air, and the spark on the cigar brightened his breath.

The smoke that he exhaled blocked the expression of Akagi's eyes, but the bitter murderous aura had all been pressed down in front of Payne.

"Akatsuki bastard, I will officially inform you on behalf of the navy. We can let you enter the city alive if you surrender immediately. If you continue to resist us, you will not show mercy!"

Tiandao Payne replied indifferently: "Oh! You really can speak big words, do you think you have the ability to do what you say?"

When the rain fell on the red dog, it turned into steam, and the dripping magma burned a little bit of scorching marks on the deck.

The poor deck was eroded by magma, and it was crushed by the red dog in the next instant.

With the power of stepping on the deck, the red dog crossed the sea directly and landed on the desert island.

After the last time, Akinu discovered how bad it was for him to fight against these ninjas at sea. This time I can't repeat the same mistakes.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

A large amount of magma formed a **** dog and pounced on all Akatsuki members.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Tiandao Payne stretched out his hand, and the repulsive force directly bounced the magma dog away. The broken magma fell to the ground, and the smell of sulfur filled the air.

Uchiha Itachi looked at the magma splashing in his direction, and immediately turned on Susano. The red skeletal giant appeared, and the energy muscles entangled it.

A shield and armor appeared together, directly blocking all the magma.

"Itachi Uchiha, I found you!"

Someone called his name, Itachi looked back subconsciously, just in time to see Naruto leaping over!

"Where is Sasuke?" Naruto said loudly as he ran towards him.

Itachi raised a question mark, because the contact with Wano country had been disconnected for a long time, so he did not know that Sasuke had left the village to look for his news.

So he didn't understand why Naruto asked him this question, but he reacted quickly. It should be that Sasuke has something wrong, and the cause is still on his own, so Naruto will find it.

But now this situation is clearly chaotic enough, and Naruto comes over again to intervene. He couldn't predict how things would develop.

Kurosaki Ichigo pushed aside the branch that was blocking him and walked out, just in time to see the place where the three forces converged.

The perception abilities of everyone present were not weak, and instantly everyone stopped and looked over.

"That suit is a **** of death!"

Hagi Kakashi is a qualified elite Shangnin, but he is very serious about collecting intelligence, and he recognized Kurosaki Ichigo the first time.

Kurosaki Ichigo was watched by everyone, feeling as heavy as carrying a mountain on his back. It took him a long time to speak, "Can I ask a way?"

The navy, ninja, and **** of death gathered together, and the most chaotic situation occurred.

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