It is unreasonable to think about the reason for being lost to the windless zone, even if Kurosaki Ichigo tells all the experiences along the way, no one will believe it.

Coincidence is called coincidence because it is unlikely to happen under normal circumstances.

And the identity of the **** of death is also a problem. In Shitian's setting, the **** of death and the ninja are two forces that have always been hostile.

As for the navy, the only gods of death they knew were Shitian and his men. It was conceivable that Akadog had definitely regarded Kurosaki Ichigo as an enemy.

In this way, the navy's enemies are Akatsuki and Kurosaki Ichigo, and Akatsuki, who is all rebellious, has to deal with Akina and the ninja group he has found. And Kurosaki Ichigo, who plunged in, had to face everyone's targets.

The relationship is not so bad, only Naruto and his party and Akinu. However, it is impossible for Akinu to believe that Naruto and his group, who are also ninjas, will inevitably take precautions.

On the whole, the situation at the scene is more than chaotic and can be described.

Aka Inu glanced at everyone and said, "They are all obstructing justice, so let's clean it up together!"


Like a volcanic eruption, magma directly attacked everyone present!

"What are you guys doing? We don't even know you, why are we attacking us?" Naruto dodged the magma, exclaiming with anger.

Akainu didn't say anything, but released more magma.

Hagi Kakashi pulled Naruto away, letting him avoid the attack of magma. Without looking away from the red dog, Kakashi reminded Naruto: "The other party is not like a guy who can communicate well, get ready for battle!"

"Damn it!" Naruto whispered.

"Anyway, I must ask Itachi about Sasuke today."

Speaking, Naruto eats with both hands, puts the **** together, and crosses his hands.

This is Renyin, one of the twelve mudra for launching ninjutsu. Among the ninjutsu mastered by Naruto, the only one that needs this seal is....

"The technique of multiple shadow clones!"

When the smoke exploded, Naruto directly separated a large number of shadow clones, and rushed towards Akatsuki and Akagu. Naruto's body is directly toward the ultimate goal, Uchiha Itachi.

As soon as Hagiki Kakashi wanted to say that Itachi didn't necessarily know where Sasuke was, Naruto rushed forward regardless.

"Hahaha!" Kai patted Kakashi with a speechless expression: "Naruto's passionate appearance is youth! Kakashi, let's go too!"

With that, Kay also rushed up.

Perceiving the atmosphere of battle on the island, Kakashi decided to come and check with Kai first. It's just that Naruto couldn't sit still and followed.

Kakashi sighed, "These two fools!"

Although complaining, Kakashi also blocked the loquat Juzo who was attacking Kai!

Akainu waved a fist that turned into magma and directly smashed one of Naruto's shadow clones to the ground. The moment it was penetrated by the magma, the clone turned into a cloud of smoke.

But the other shadow avatar struck him with his fist.

The annoying red dog directly used a trick to bite the red lotus, and the magma dog directly smashed all the shadow clones that it attacked into smoke.

The red dog's eyes moved, and the fierce and mighty magma dog attacked Tiandao Payne.

Tiandao Payne was piercing a shadow clone with a black rod, and happened to see the magma dog biting him.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

When the magma exploded, it didn't touch Tiandao Payne a little bit!

Tiandao Payne looked at Equatorial Dog and said, "Have you still not understood my strength? Your attack can't hurt me."

Akino had already leaped in front of him and waved his fist at him.

"I will defeat you, because I can represent undefeated justice!"

Tiandao Payne sighed and said: "Are you still talking about boring topics of justice!"

Another Shenluo Tianzheng released, and the red dog's fist hit the repulsive barrier heavily, and a large amount of magma was thrown away by the repulsive force. However, the body of the red dog still kept the movement of punching forward, and even took a step forward against the repulsive force.

Tiandao Payne stretched out a black rod in his hand and directly pierced the red dog's head.

Intuition tells Akino that he must not let that black stick stab him. Although Akinu knew that he was a natural demon fruit capable person, he still chose to trust his instincts.

The black stick rubbed the red dog's cheek and stabbed it with a trace of blood.

The red dog's pupils shrank, and he walked out and avoided the black stick pierced by Penn's other hand. Obviously, the black on the short rod is not because of the entanglement of the armed color domineering, but it does hurt the elemental self.

This black rod is a product of Yin Yang Escape Technique, and a degraded version of Qiu Dao Jade. Although it is not as overbearing as seeking Taoist jade to decompose all things, it is still possible to decipher the elementalization of those with natural abilities.

The red dog was not at all disturbed by the injury. Instead, he laughed and said: "I have almost figured out your ability! If you only have this ability, then let me go and stay in the city honestly!"

Suddenly, a sense of crisis came, and Akagi looked down and watched three small white snakes crawling to his feet.

Before the red dog could react, the three lifeless little snakes exploded.

Tiandao Payne turned his head and said: "Didara, do you think I am not his opponent?"

Those snakes were made by Dedara using detonating clay, even if the Akadog was not prepared, he suffered a loss.

Chewing on the mouth of the palm of the hand, then spit out a clay bird. Deidara opened his mouth and said, "Who cares! I must prove that my art will not lose to magma!"

Heavenly Dao Payne looked at Deidara who was dissatisfied, and said in silence: "Well then! Let you deal with him!"

Deidara looked at the smoke and dust from the explosion and said, "I can do it without you telling me! Brother Scorpion, let you take a good look at my art."

The scorpion hiding in Fei Liuhu said coldly: "Don't be careless! This guy hasn't suffered any injuries!"

As he said, a long scorpion tail whip shot out into the smoke and dust under Fei Liuhu's robe.

The scorpion tail whip was straight, obviously not piercing the enemy.

The smoke dissipated, revealing the red dog holding the blade whip. He was covered in dust and looked very embarrassed, but he didn't show any injuries. And what he was holding in his hand was the scorpion tail whip.

The magma whipped the metal blade to crimson, and then melted into molten iron. Akinu coldly looked at Dedala and Scorpion who stood in front of him, and directly vomited half of the remaining cigar.


"Yasaka Gouyu!"

Itachi's Suzano giant throws three goblets in a string, and explodes directly between the rushing Naruto clones, exploding a large number of shadow clones into smoke.

A figure rushed through the smoke and dust, and the dazzling sphere in his hand pressed directly.

"Spiral pill!"

The high-density chakra sphere is pressed on the Yata Mirror of Susano Nogo. Yata Mirror is a magical weapon that can neutralize enemy attacks. Naruto's spiral pill has no effect at all.

"Mr. Itachi!"

As soon as the dried persimmon ghost shark wanted to come to help Itachi, a thick eyebrow in a green tights kicked it over.

The dried persimmon ghost shark crossed the big sword shark muscle to block Kai's attack. He looked at him and said, "Konoha's rare beast, interesting!"

Kakashi used Kunai to hold Loquat Juzo's Shinobi, and a dazzling light of thunder began to light up in one of his hands.

It is rumored that this trick can cut off the thunder and lightning in the sky, hence the name Leiqie.

Kakashi's hand pierced Loquat Juzo's body, but the enemy in front of him turned into a pool of water and fell on the ground.

"Moisture body?" Kakashi turned around and stabbed Kunai, but was blocked by a Shinobi sword.


Hidan used a sickle to slash at Kurosaki Ichigo, laughing wildly: "Are you the legendary **** of death? What a joke, the gods in the world only need one Cthulhu. I want to sacrifice you to it. Lord Cthulhu!"

Kurosaki Ichigo waved Zanyue and Hidan against each other, he already understood that the person in front of him was a lunatic, and he couldn't communicate at all. So he can only face each other with a knife.

Kakuto rushed out of the space where Hida attacked. He had already taken off his wrist, and the black thread shot from the broken place, piercing Kurosaki Ichigo's heart like countless steel needles.

"What kind of power does Reaper's heart have? Let me experiment with it!"

"Crescent Moon... Tianchong!"

Kurosaki Ichigo directly released all his Reiatsu, and this knocked the two back at the same time.

"I can't go on like this!" Kurosaki Ichigo also saw that it was impossible to solve the opponent with Hajime, so there was only one solution!

"Swastika, Tiansuo cuts the moon."

The black Reiatsu envelops Kurosaki Ichigo's whole body, and when he reappears, the death tyrant on his body has turned into a narrow-sleeved coat. The Zhanyue in his hand has also changed from a wide Zhanyue to a slender katana.


Uchiha, wearing a one-eyed mask, looked at Kakashi with soil, and was silent for a long time.

Xiao Nan said, "That should be your previous companion! Why don't you say hello?"

Uchiha took the soil and shook his head and said, "That guy is still bound by the rules of the ninja. I have nothing to say with him! But you, don't you help Penn!"

Xiao Nan shook his head and said, "The current battle has no meaning at all. When Nagato controls Six Penn, the body has no self-defense ability. I have to take care of him first. You can watch everyone and be ready to retreat at any time!"

Uchiha nodded with the soil, no longer paying attention to Kakashi but paying attention to everyone on the battlefield.

The melee continues.

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