Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 81: The melee continues

The shell fell on the battlefield, and the explosion opened the entire battlefield.

The caliber of the artillery on naval ships far exceeds that of ordinary artillery, and the power is naturally extraordinary.

The two figures rushed over and directly blocked Xie and Deidara. Chi Inu said, "Are you ready outside?"

Dauberman nodded and said: "We have surrounded the entire island, and the large forces are approaching here."

The red dog looked at Tiandao Payne, who hadn't moved a step, and said, "I will leave these two guys to you, and I will solve the leader of Akatsuki."

Daubman and Ghost Spider looked at their opponents and rushed forward at the same time. And the red dog chased Tiandao Payne.

But before he got close to Payne, an explosion exploded on him. The red dog turned his head and saw that a bald head with a small black stick stuck in his face like Tiandao was sweating profusely with his broken hand facing him.

The missile that hit him was launched from there.

There was a warning sign in his heart, and the red dog hurriedly hid to the side, just in time to see a long-haired man reaching out to his head.

A man appeared in the direction where Akadog was evading, and behind him appeared a huge head with the word king on his forehead.

The red dog subconsciously struck Ming dog with a move, and the square-faced man hid. What Ming Gou hit was only that weird head. But the attack went straight through as if hitting a phantom.

A shadow enveloped the red dog, and a huge strange bird fell in the sky, stabbing him with its beak. On the top of the strange bird was standing a man with a ponytail.

The bird's beak smashed the ground, and the red dog was also shaken out. A fat man appeared behind Akagu and directly stretched his hand to press on Akagu's back.

The red dog only felt weak in his body, as if he had overpowered the fruit after a hard fight.

Wherever he dared to touch this fat man, the red dog hurriedly hid with a shave.

With a sigh of relief, Akagi looked at the six people gathered together.

The same forehead, the same clothes, the same black rod, and the same circle eyes. Even the hair color is the same, the six are all rare orange.

Also, in the same way, the red dog couldn't perceive the aura of a living person in the six people.

Payne six ways, come on!

The ghost spider and Doberman who stopped the scorpion and Deidara for the red dog have no time to support him.

Both of them are outstanding among lieutenants, and both are powerful swordsmen. These two people have been famous in the sea for a long time.

But Naihe Art Duo is too weird. Deidara flew into the sky on a clay bird, and turned into a bomber, dropping various bombs continuously.

Forcing Dauberman to use the flying slash to destroy the clay bomb in the air. But the more agile birds, centipedes, and snakes still make him feel bad.

The organs on the scorpion puppet are also strange and strange, and various weapons such as kunai, shuriken, senben, detonation talisman, etc. attacked the two.

The ghost spider's hair is divided into several strands, and only eight knives can be used to block all the weapons of the scorpion.

Dauberman and the ghost spider endure, they are investigating the specific abilities of the two to formulate countermeasures.


Orange eyeshadow appeared on Naruto's eyes, and his pupils turned into frog-like horizontal pupils.

Although Naruto's mind is not enough for many things, he has always had a lot of cleverness in battle. Before going ashore, Naruto left two shadow clones on the ship to accumulate celestial chakras.

There is no way to break through Itachi's defense with ordinary attacks, Naruto can only use the more powerful Xianshu mode.

The four corners of the spiral pill stretched out and continued to rotate, and the power even rolled up a storm.

"Xianfa, wind escape spiral shuriken!"

Naruto directly threw the violent energy body that was continuously dyed with dangerous aura in his hand.

Itachi frowned. He was ordered to monitor Akatsuki's organization. Naturally, the identity cannot be revealed at this time.

He didn't need to be serious about the battle with Naruto, as long as it was postponed until Akatsuki retreated. But Naruto didn't want to leave by himself. At this moment, the spiral shuriken he used was shocked even when he saw it.

Itachi even suspected that if there was no Yata Mirror, Suzuo Nenghu might not be able to stop this move.

The giant Suzano was pushed far away by the shock wave of the huge energy burst, and Naruto had already rushed up. It seems that he really intends to break Itachi's Suzano.

Although Yu Yuan cured his hemorrhagic disease, and gave him a little chakra of his own big barrel level so that he would not lose his sight if he used the kaleidoscope too much. But Itachi's pupil power is still not as good as the normal eternal kaleidoscope.

So in the face of Naruto's attack, his defense is indeed a bit difficult. After all, Itachi's strengths are never head-on.

Just as strenuous as him is the dried persimmon ghost shark, as a serious ninja who needs Jiyin, he can cope with Kai who opens the six doors. But when Kai opened the seventh door, he was directly suppressed.

Even the shark muscle in his hand was helpless in front of Kai who only knew ninjutsu. Kai doesn't give the shark muscles a chance to absorb Chakra at all!

"Shui Dun, the art of shark bullets!"

"Toward the Peacock!"

After the dried persimmon ghost shark was printed, a huge shark made of water bite towards Kai. But Kay's response was much more direct, and he directly planned to defeat it head-on.

By throwing a fist at high speed, the friction between the fist and the air produces a large number of fireballs to attack the enemy. The effect of this technique is like a peacock's screen, hence the name Chao Peacock.

The fireball hit the shark, blowing the shark apart from the water.

The dried persimmon ghost shark couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. His big shark bullet technique is definitely an extremely powerful ninjutsu. This trick can even absorb the chakra attacked by the opponent to strengthen his attack power.

But Kai's Chao Peacock was a pure physical skill, which made the power of the art of shark bullets not fully revealed.

Shrouded in the peacock's fireball, Kakashi quickly avoided, exposing the loquat Juzo to the fireball's attack.

For a time, Kai's move directly restrained the two people towards the Peacock.


On the other side, Kurosaki Ichigo, who faced the undead duo, was indeed caught in a hard fight.

His blade even cut open Hida's chest, but Hida continued to swing his sickle at him as if nothing had happened. It made the shocked one almost beheaded.

Kakuto’s compound ninjutsu is as tricky as the ground grievance mystery, if it weren’t for Kurosaki Ichigo in the state of **** to have a great speed bonus, it wouldn’t be possible to deal with it.

But even so, it was dangerous several times.

Kurosaki Ichigo swung a knife to cut away the black lines that were resentful at the corners. These entangled black lines twisted like living creatures, and the tips were sharp as spears.

The mask connected by black lines behind Kakuto opened his mouth to Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Huo Dun, work hard!"

It was another compound ninjutsu, and a monstrous flame rolled towards Kurosaki Ichigo. Kurosaki Ichigo could only escape from the flame-shrouded area with instant steps.

The flame blocked a part of Kurosaki Ichigo's view, and Hiduan rushed over from here. The three-bladed sickle made a scar on Kurosaki Ichigo's chest.

Feiduan licked the blood on the blade of the sickle and drew a magic circle directly on the ground. His whole body turned black, and white lines appeared on it.

"Reaper! I will immediately sacrifice you, a false god, to Lord Cthulhu."

With that said, Fei Duan took out a black thorn from his clothes and pierced it into his chest without saying a word!

Kurosaki Ichigo spit out a mouthful of blood, and a huge blood hole appeared in his chest. His legs softened, and Kurosaki Ichigo fell directly to the ground.

Fei Duan pulled the black thorn out of his chest and said with a sick smile: "So comfortable!"

Jiao Du did not relax, and said: "This kid is not right, things are not over yet!"

As soon as Kakuto's voice fell, Kurosaki Ichigo's short hair suddenly stretched and fluttered behind his waist.

He raised his head, and the white substance began to spread on his face. There was a roar like a beast.

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