Eight hundred years ago, twenty kings formed a world government and achieved world hegemony.

And this process did not know any secrets that were not known, which caused the world government to delete all historical records of that one hundred years. Except for the indestructible historical text, there is no more blank record for a hundred years.

After that, the kings who "created a new world" went to the holy land of Maricioia on the red earth continent together, and their descendants are the current Tianlong people.

Don Quixote's family is also one of them. They were originally King Dresrosa and they did not stay in Alabastan like the Neferrutari clan. They handed over the throne of Dresrosa to the Liku clan and then went to Mariagioa.

Until 1512 in the Haiyuan calendar, King Liku asked the people to hand in all the money for some reason. Then King Liku went crazy and killed the citizens and soldiers.

On that night of fire, chaos and fear, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who was once a descendant of the king of this country and has become a sea of ​​seven wuhai, appeared as a hero.

Doflamingo, who defeated the evil king, naturally became the new king of Dresrosa.

Many people miss the richness of Don Quixote's reign in Dresrosa, who has fallen into poverty because he no longer uses the villains as slaves.

So when Doflamingo used the money earned by the underground society and the oppression of the villains, coupled with the powerful ability of his children’s sugar and childlike fruits, he made Deres Rosa into a rich "love, passion and toy". country".

In this way, there are no more voices against Doflamingo among the people.

Chelsea looked at the street as if everyone had a happy smile on their faces, and couldn't help but say to the people around him: "Boss, is this country really as dark as the intelligence? It seems...!"

Najiexitan could not see emotions on her face, she just said: "The king of Dresrosa is a pirate, or the worst kind. Do you really believe that he will allow a country to develop normally?

Although I can't see it for the time being, I believe that this country must be hidden deep in the darkness that we can't imagine! "

With that, Najieshitan and Chelsea, who took the man of Susao, switched directions and walked into a hotel.

Without outsiders, the conversation between the two can be relaxed.

Chelsea peeled off a candy and put it in her mouth, and said: "Then what is our mission this time? Is it to assassinate Doflamingo?"

Na Jiexitan shook her head and said: "Let's not talk about the success rate of assassinating a Qiwuhai who became a king. Now we have to get a lot of information from Doflamingo.

This is also the purpose of our coming here this time. If possible, I really don't want to conflict with that flamingo now! "

"Intelligence?" Chelsea asked puzzledly: "Even if we become a king, what information can a pirate give us?"

Na Jiexitan solemnly said: "Then you can underestimate Doflamingo, his surname is Don Quixote, that is one of the nineteen surnames of the Draco."

Chelsea bit the candy in her mouth and said, "Isn't it! That guy turned out to be a Draco?"

Na Jiexi said frankly: "It is said that there was a Draco who voluntarily gave up his identity and left Marijoa. Doflamingo must be the offspring of that person!

However, since he has given up his identity as a Tianlongren, he doesn't have much privilege. In this regard, there is no need to be too scrupulous. We should be more concerned about his other identities. "

Seeing Chelsea's blank face, Najieshitan explained: "Recently we have discovered that new weapons have appeared in all major forces, and the sources of these weapons are the mysterious JOKER of the underground society.

Coincidentally, Dresrosa thanked him for distributing the weapons to the transfer stations of various forces. It is difficult to contact Doflamingo's family history and it is difficult not to connect him with JOKER. "

Chelsea nodded and said, "That's really suspicious. What does the leader mean?"

Najiexi said frankly: "The leader hopes that we can find out the specific sources of these new weapons. After all, the revolutionary army is now very short of weapons."

The night raid will launch an investigation against Dresrosa, and the main reason is the weapons that Penger listed.

Although the attack on Pogolie's headquarters caused the Don Quixote family and the Pogolie family to have an affair, but it was Doflamingo who attacked you, what happened to me, JOKER!

Therefore, the new-style arms trade in other sea areas and the great route beyond the tentacles of the Pengley force was taken over by the black market merchants controlled by Doflamingo.

Doflamingo didn't care about the fact that he had been crippled by the Pengley family once, after all, he didn't care whether he was standing while making money.

For the revolutionary army, the channels for buying and selling new arms are very important. New and more powerful weapons are the only way to close the gap with the navy and world governments for the booming revolutionary army.

So Long notified Najiexitan, hoping that he could get some information.

And Najiexitan did not live up to the dragon's expectations, and soon found out on Doflamingo. This is why the night raid members who have not revealed their true appearance in front of the navy came to Dresrosa.

What everyone at Night Raid didn't know was that the source of the new type of munitions they wanted to know just boarded Dresrosa.

Although Balian led by XANXUS set off ahead of Sawada Tsunayoshi and his group, Balian, who lacked nautical talents, lags behind Clam. It was Sawada Tsunayoshi and the ten generations of guardians who arrived in Dresrosa first.

The Hayato at the Prison Temple took out the bomb and said, "Tendaime, give your order! I'll go and blow out Doflamingo guy right away!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi quickly stopped and said, "Prince Temple-kun, what are you doing? Put the bomb away quickly, there are unrelated ordinary people here!"

Yamamoto Takeshi smiled and said, "You guys are still so interesting!"

Hibari Kyouya said coldly: "I will not act with you, I will bite and kill the guy who destroys the morals in my way."

Sawada Tsunayoshi is the first two big, although his guardians are very powerful, but one is more willful than the other.

Sawada Tsunayoshi quickly said, "Hibari-san, you won't go directly to Doflamingo, will you?"

Hibari Kyouya didn't answer his meaning at all, but left on his own.

The Prison Temple Falcon said angrily: "Damn, I ignored the Judaime! Judaime, let's catch up! Doflamingo must be defeated by you!"

This time Pengley sent two teams, and it was obvious that there was a disagreement in the selection of the successor to the tenth generation in the family. Some people are more optimistic about the mafia-style XANXUS.

Even Poengley IX couldn't ignore the voices of the people below, so this action against Doflamingo took place.

The crusade against Doflamingo has become a trial, a time to prove who is more qualified to inherit the trial of Penglai.

Therefore, the prison temple Hayabusa is anxious to take action. If Sawada Tsunayoshi solves Doflamingo who hurt the family, then everyone can be convinced.

Sawada Tsunayoshi naturally understood the mind of the Hayato at Prison Temple, and he also made up his mind to defeat Doflamingo. However, he didn't go to sea to prove that he was qualified to inherit Pengley, he took the courage to fight to protect his family and friends who were threatened by Doflamingo.

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