Dressrosa, the high ground of kings.

Compared to the palace, Doflamingo prefers to stay in the villa of the Don Quixote family.

Doflamingo sat on the chair, looking at the two white suits opposite with Erlang's legs.

"CP0? What happened to come to me specially?"

The white suit wearing a feather mask said: "We brought the warning from the five old stars. Your recent activities are too rampant. You sold a lot of powerful weapons to pirates. This is a provocation to the world government."

Doflamingo smiled grimly and said, "Don't forget whose dog you are, it's best to pay attention to the tone of your speech!"

Even if you were scolded as a dog, the feather mask didn't mean to be angry at all, just replied: "Your current position is no longer worthy of our respect!"

The blood vessels in Doflamingo's forehead were protruding, and the two CP agents were tight, for fear that Doflamingo would violently hurt people in the next moment.

But Doflamingo laughed and said: "Fofufufufu! It doesn't matter anymore, just make it clear! What is the purpose of the world government!"

Another Fanglian agent opened his mouth and said: "According to the current situation, Wu Lao Xing believes that you should provide all new weapons to the world government and navy."

Doflamingo seemed to have heard a big joke, and said with a big smile: "Are the world governments a bunch of idiots? How could they come up with such a ridiculous thing."

The two CP agents looked at Doflamingo who was laughing madly with a gloomy face.

"This world has already gone violently when Roger was executed. Everyone is frantically pursuing power. This is not something that the big figures of Pangu City can change with a word.

You go back and tell those lofty idiots, let them take a good look at this era. If you want the weapon in my hand, take out Bailey and buy it. "

Just as the feather mask was about to say something, the square-faced man stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Yes, we will transfer your words to Wu Lao Xing."

Doflamingo looked at the two agents disdainfully and said: "If this is the case, then you guys get out!"

The two white suits stood up, turned around and walked out. The door opened, the feather-white suit looked at a maid while it was being cleaned, and then left the villa.

The maid took the broom, looked at the direction of Baixifu's departure with deep eyes, and muttered to herself: "How come the clingy guys in CP are here too, it's really a headache! Let's go back and notify the boss first. !"

Changing an image where no one saw it, Chelsea walked outside the gate without disturbing anyone.

Chelsea, who owns Tegu Gaia's foundation, has the ability to sneak anywhere. He once swaggered to take intelligence from the naval base, and Doflamingo's base was nothing.

Chelsea was lamenting that when the task was easily completed, the door of the villa was opened violently.

An unconscious guard fell to Chelsea's feet, Chelsea could not help but cried out unlucky, but this accident happened when she was leaving.

The young man with a pair of iron crutches walked in, and the purple flames of death burned on the iron crutches, making his arms burn like flames.

Two years of special training made Hibari Kyouya, who was the strongest guardian, even more terrifying. Whether it is the speed and strength of the shot, or the use of the flames of death, they are all well-rounded.

Using an iron crutch to block a guard's blade, Hibari Kyouya kicked him out with a kick.

Among the many worlds, the physical fitness of the people in the Pirate World is extremely powerful. Anyway, the tutoring world is unmatched.

But the system is powerful at this point, although the will of the world suppresses the characters and skills that are too powerful to be exchanged. But the system can strengthen weak areas.

Even if Hibari Kyouya is the top powerhouse in the tutoring world, his physical fitness is not even second-rate in the Pirate World. After being exchangeable, even the potential was strengthened, and after Hibari Kyoya trained hard, he also reached the level of a monster.

Coupled with the cloud attribute death flames, which is not inferior to the Devil Fruit's ability, although Hibari Kyouya has no reputation, his strength is definitely not inferior to the big pirate.

How come these little guys are his opponents, they are all defeated if they can't even stop Hibari Kyoya's footsteps a little bit!

Chelsea suddenly saw Hibari Kyouya's gaze fall on her, but Chelsea, who cried out, found that Hibari Kyouya went straight away.

Chelsea took a deep breath, but suddenly said angrily: "What do you mean! Are you despising me?"

Looking at Hibari Kyouya's back, he was not his enemy, and Chelsea was not a combatant, so naturally there was no reason to catch up.

But she remembered this person, and in the future, she must find a chance to make that guy regret that he underestimated him today.

Hibari Kyouya drove all the way into the villa, and immediately ran into a heavy enemy.

The brawny man wearing a golden helmet said with a shrill voice: "Who are you? How dare you come here alone!"

Hibari Kyouya didn't laugh at his voice that didn't match his burly figure, and coldly said: "Is there anything wrong with one person! What I hate the most is that the herbivores gather in groups, and I am enough to bite and kill you all by myself. "

Pika said angrily: "I will let you know the fate of provoking our Don Quixote family!"

Said that he actually sank under the rocky ground.

Pica, the captain of Spades, one of the four forces of the Don Quixote family, is a cadre of the same level as Diamanti.

He is a superhuman person with the ability of the stone fruit, able to assimilate the rock that he comes into contact with, and take the appearance, hardness, and other properties of the rock as his own power.

"Small volume!"

Hibari Kyouya called, and a small hedgehog appeared on his shoulder. That is his box weapon, Cloud Needle Mouse.

Although Hibari Kyouya is an arrogant person, he is surprisingly gentle with small things. Even his box weapon is a small animal like a hedgehog.

"Small volume, use the ball pin shape!"

The little hedgehog screamed, and when he moved his body, he turned into a sphere full of spikes and flew out.

"Stone bite!"

Suddenly a bulge appeared on the ground, and then it turned into a Pika's head and opened his mouth to bite at Hibari Kyouya.

Hibari Kyouya jumped directly, avoiding Shi Lian's big mouth. At the same time, the iron crutch in his hand smashed down, and the big rock face was directly shattered by a blow.

At this time, Pika suddenly emerged from the wall beside him and punched Hibari Kyoya in the air.

Hibari Kyouya put up an iron crutch to block Pika's fist. Just about to fight back, Pika turned his head and disappeared into the wall.

Hibari Kyouya landed on the ground, and at this moment the entire corridor began to squirm. Pika's shrill voice sounded.

"Damn intruder, I will bury you alive."

Hibari Kyouya raised his head and said, "Your ability is to move freely in the rocks! But now you can't escape, you can only be bitten and killed by me."

Outside the villa, Sawada Tsunayoshi looked at the needle-punched ball that wrapped part of the villa, and couldn't help but said, "That's Hibari-san's move!"

Leiburn sat on the shoulders of Tsunayoshi Sawada and said: "Skylark has just used the multiplication ability of the cloud attribute death flame, he has indeed grown a lot in the past two years!"

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