Warring States is in a very bad mood now, he has been busy for several years before he has the candidates for Qiwuhai. But in the battle of Dressrosa, Doflamingo was defeated.

Why did the navy agree to the establishment of Qiwuhai! Isn't it because Qiwuhai can be the rein that binds this era of rampage to endure their reckless behavior!

For Qiwuhai, failure is unacceptable. The failed Qiwuhai would not have the qualifications to deter the sea.

Unfortunately, failure cannot be used as a reason to deprive Qiwuhai of identity, otherwise it would really be possible to directly arrest Doflamingo, the guy who actively threatened the navy to obtain Qiwuhai's identity.

The office door was pushed open, and Crane barged in. She directly slapped the newspaper on the table of the Warring States Period and said, "Is it true? Is that bad boy really defeated by a few young mafia boys?"

The Warring States period looked at Crane, and it was Crane who had been hunting him before Doflamingo became Qiwuhai. In terms of understanding Doflamingo, perhaps no one in the navy would surpass her.

Whether it is Doflamingo's strength or his pure evil, He has a deep understanding.

This is precisely because of this, Crane was so surprised by the sudden defeat of Doflamingo.

The Warring States sighed and said: "No one can imagine that Doflamingo would be defeated by an obscure Mafia. It caught us by surprise!"

Crane couldn't help but wonder: "The Mafia and the Pirates are different. They shouldn't take the initiative to trouble Qiwuhai. What's the matter?"

The Warring States period was dissatisfied and said: "It's all Doflamingo guy. He didn't know what was going crazy before and he went to the West Sea to attack the Mafia named Pengley himself.

According to the style of the mafia, how could he not retaliate against him! "

Crane picked up the document on the Warring States table and looked through it and said: "It's not right, I understand that bad boy. Although he has always been reckless, he will not do meaningless things.

His conflict with the Mafia is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. "

Zhan Guo searched his eyebrows and said: "I also understand this, but now the most important thing is to deal with the aftermath.

The fact that Qiwuhai was defeated by others had too much influence, and it was likely to break the balance that we had so hard to forge. "

Crane nodded, agreeing with the views of the Warring States Period and said: "How is Doflamingo now? He hasn't been killed by the young people of the Mafia!"

Warring States replied: "That's not true. This little Mafia guy is unexpectedly a gentle person. I don't know what conditions they have reached. Finally the Mafia guys evacuated Dresrosa!"


The Navy received the news from Dresrosa one day ago.

The super-explosive XXBURNER is so powerful that Doflamingo's domineering entanglement on 16 sacred bullets was first defeated, and then the white line was burned to ashes by flames.

When it was too late for Doflamingo to dodge, the pillar of fire directly hit him, and the remaining power smashed a corner of the King's Highland.

Lying on the scorched ground, Doflamingo vomited a mouthful of blood.

If the blow just now wasn't for all of his domineering defenses, he might be killed directly by that move.

As Doflamingo was knocked down, the bird cage that enveloped Dres Rosa also shattered.

Looking at Tsunayoshi Sawada who fell in front of him, Doflamingo smiled and said: "Little Pengley, you won! Come on, come and take my life!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi didn't have the triumph of the winner on his face, instead he said with a heavy face: "You have already lost, I don't have to kill you!"

Doflamingo laughed wildly and provocatively said: "Innocent, you are so naive! Why on earth did you come to Dresrosa? If you don't kill me altogether, how can you protect your mouth? Everyone?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi hesitated, and suddenly someone slapped him on the head.

Leiburn said coldly: "Waste Chai Gang, what are you thinking?"

The flame of death on Tsunayoshi Sawada's forehead extinguished, and even the gloves returned to the appearance of a normal ring.

"Rayburn, what are you doing? It hurts!"

Rayburn said solemnly: "Don't forget what you thought of when you inherited the power of Penglai! A Gang!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi recalled the trial at the beginning of his change, when he saw the sin and darkness hidden in the Pengley family.

At that time, the answer he gave to the successive Penglai leaders was... he would destroy such Pengley!

All the hesitation of Sawada Tsunayoshi disappeared. He looked at Doflamingo and said, "I will never kill you!"

For Doflamingo, this is not tolerance but an insult. The anger made his face distorted: "What a joke! This world is cruel, and the killing can never stop."

Rayburn stood in front of Doflamingo's head and looked down at his eyes.

Obviously he looked like a baby, but Doflamingo saw the deepest death in Rayburn's eyes. That's definitely the look that can only be obtained by people with **** hands.

The laughter stopped, Doflamingo became silent, and it took a long time before he grinned and said: "A monster like you should understand this truth!"

Leiburn said: "It's useless to say more. Since my student has made a choice, then I can only support his choice.

So, Don Quixote Doflamingo, I only need you to give a promise, from now on don't provoke Penglai! "

"Huh ha ha ha ha ha!" Doflamingo laughed as if he heard some joke.

"Promise? You actually believe that someone like me will keep the promise?"

Rayburn just looked at Doflamingo and said: "Of course I don’t believe in the promise of people living in the dark. I bet on your ambitions. As long as you have ambitions, then you will never continue to be irrational. Action."

Doflamingo stopped laughing, and covered his face with his hands and said: "It's so blunt! But you are right, then you return Diamanti to me, and I will stop doing everything to Pengley. Family action."

Leiburn straightened up and said: "Although it is a bit arrogant for a defeated side to offer conditions! But it can be discussed."


Crane was also a little surprised, thinking that he would learn more about the mafia boy who defeated Doflamingo.

Warring States continued: "I always feel that the sea is getting more and more unstable. I don't know when it will start, and more and more unknown strong men have appeared.

If this continues, how can our navy implement justice? "

Crane also became serious, and indeed there have been too many powerful young people recently.

Aka Inu almost never came back from the mission last time, but this time he took two powerful headquarters lieutenants into action together.

She also seemed surprised at the report, and Xiao didn't mention this long-famous mercenary organization. Both the yellow-haired ninja boy and the Reaper boy who can turn into a monster have the qualifications to become top powerhouses.

Fortunately, these people are not pirates now, so there is no need to think about how to deal with them for the time being. After all, the navy's chief enemy is still the pirates.

But they do have to think carefully about how the navy will face the increasingly turbulent sea afterwards.

The Warring States suddenly said: "In order to let justice rule over the sea, we can't do nothing! Crane, I have an idea. If one of the four emperors is eliminated, then the navy will definitely have the initiative on the sea."

He shook his head and said, "If the Four Emperors were so easy to deal with, they wouldn't be able to dominate the new world. You and I know that dealing with any Four Emperors is not so easy."

Warring States nodded and said: "Yes, it is not easy and there are considerable risks! But if it succeeds, the harvest is unimaginable!"

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