Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 90: The sea situation and the new exchange

Shitian saw the matter from the beginning to the end, and he didn't expect it to end this way. Penglie and his party came from Xihai to the New World just for a fight?

Shi Tian is speechless, he is really a hot-blooded hero! Only people like Sawada Tsunayoshi would make such a decision. If you change to yourself, Shitian will never put too much Flamenco in vain.

Shitian can't rest assured that there is a poisonous snake staring at him all the time. Interestingly, someone else met with Pengley and his party.

On the Clams, Pengley and his party watched the uninvited guests on the ship guard.

Na Jiexitan greeted me familiarly: "Everyone of the Pengley family, in order to prevent the matter of our meeting from being exposed, so I came to your boat without saying hello. Please forgive me!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi put everyone behind his arms and said frankly to Najiexi: "Who are you on earth? Why are you on our boat?"

Najiexitan smiled and said: "I'm rude, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Najiexitan, the leader of the night attack. This time I came to discuss something with Pengley."

"Night attack!!"

Everyone screamed. Compared to the famous Pengley in the West Sea, the night attack that assassinated the Tianlongren can be said to be well known.

Lan Bo knotted his words and said, "Ye...Ye...Is the night raid that terrible killer organization?"

The Falcon from the Prison Temple slapped Lan Bo's head and said, "Don't be ashamed! We are the mafia, how can we be afraid of the killer!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi glanced at Rayburn, who claimed to be the world's number one killer. It's a pity that Rayburn can't see any expression on his face when he's in a baby state.

Sawada Tsunayoshi could only say, "I don't know what Ye Raid has to discuss with us?"

Na Jiexi said solemnly: "I wonder if you have ever heard of the revolutionary army?"

Shitian was not interested in whether Pengley and the Revolutionary Army would cooperate, and what conditions for cooperation had been reached. He doesn't think the impact of this battle will be much, he has something to do now.

In the original book, Luffy teamed up with Trafalgar Rowe, who was an evil generation, to challenge Dresrosa.

That battle not only defeated Doflamingo, but also exposed the darkness hidden by Dresrosa due to their fighting. It is precisely because of this that the world government had to deprive him of Qiwuhai's identity and imprison him in Pushing City.

As Qiwuhai, the influence of Doflamingo's defeat far exceeds that of Krokdal and Moria. The reason lies in the identity of Doflamingo JOKER. In a certain way, he plays an important role in restraining the underground world from rampage.

Now Doflamingo has only been defeated, neither his evil deeds against Dresrosa nor his identity as JOKER have been revealed. He was just hammered, and the others were the same as before.

Therefore, the situation of the sea will not change for the time being. Of course, this has both advantages and disadvantages for Shitian, and the seeds he planted before have grown up to now, and all of them cannot be underestimated.

When they really show their heads, the sea will shake. What Shitian has to do now is to plant new seeds.

If you don't need an intrusion point, you can earn it for nothing, Shitian thinks so. He hasn't exchanged new things in the past few years, and as the influence of the Windless Zone and the Battle of Dresrosa spread, the invasion points from time to time have exploded and increased.

Open the redemption option and select the new key element for redemption. This time, Shitian wants to bring something new to the world.

Sky Island is a unique geographical phenomenon in Pirate World. It is an aerial island floating on the White Sea and the White Sea composed of special clouds.

There is not only one empty island. In the original work, it is mentioned that Ainilu once destroyed his hometown, Bika, the empty island. In the original work, the straw hat also landed on the empty island named Angel Island. Kaido committed suicide by jumping from an empty island and then grabbing a few supernovas like figures.

Shitian was looking for a large sky island this time. Fortunately, the system had a small upgrade when Luffy was born, adding a map search function to allow Shitian to find a suitable target.

This is a huge empty island, and buildings carved with classical patterns and statues rise one after another. Twelve palaces of different styles appeared, linked by a pathway.

These twelve palaces are like gold made, shining brightly in the sun. The bodies of twelve men in golden armor turned from virtual to real, and finally stood upright in the palace.

In an arena-like building, warriors in silver or bronze armor appeared one after another. At the highest point of the entire sky island building, the girl leaning on the scepter walked slowly to the high platform, looking at the entire sky island like the kingdom of God.

Shitian is also the first time to redeem an entire island in the paradise of the first half of the great route.

A giant tree with a canopy covering the entire island grows lushly in the middle of the island. Under the tree, a three-story building stands there. Articles like wings fluttered in the wind with the flag.

The young Yingfa with the same coat of arms painted on his arms kicked open the door. He was carrying a large luggage, and behind him was a blue kitten with wings.

"Everyone, I went out to take an adventure!" Yingfa Boy said.

"Aye!" The blue cat named Hobby replied.

The boy who was naked to the upper body and wearing only a pair of underwear said: "It's okay! That guy, he can't use transportation at all!"

The scarlet-haired girl in armor said helplessly: "Before you worry about Naz, you should put on your clothes first!"

The boy panicked and said: "Huh! When...!"

"These two fools!" The girl shook her head helplessly.

Near Sirius Island is Fiore, the island of wizards, but don't worry about the young people in danger.

A large island close to Fiore Island is uninhabited because of the harsh climate in the windless zone.

But the climate of this island changed drastically, and natural energy called magic converged. These forces are so powerful that they even blocked the bad weather.

The surging natural energy even divided the entire island into four parts, with countries appearing in each region.

Among the four colors of playing cards, the pattern of grass flower is a kind of plant that exists in reality.

Most of these plants have only three leaves, but they are called four-leaf clover. Because it is believed that the rare fourth leaf of this plant lives in luck.

The short but sturdy young man said in a "loud" voice: "Excuse me, see the leader at night!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, the man with a tattered cloak looked at him badly and said, "Are you too energetic? Give me peace of mind!"

New world, in a town. The pale man walked on the moon-shrouded street.

There is a saying that it is good, you will always encounter ghosts if you walk more at night.

Several gangsters saw the decent and gorgeous clothes on the man, and when they glanced at each other, they thought they had met a fat sheep.

So they gathered around, a bald head holding a dagger and said: "I haven't seen you in this town! It's the first time to come, do you know this is our site. You zombie-like guy, you spend all your money? Hand it over."

The man raised his head, revealing his red eyes under the top hat.

"Does my face look like a zombie?"

Hearing the explosion of the air, the bald head exploded like a watermelon.

It seems that it was this group of gangsters who encountered ghosts, and it was the evil spirits that encountered cannibals!

Wisteria blossoms on a small island, and the man with terrible scars on his face raised his head with feelings: "Guiwu Tsuji is no miserable, you have finally appeared! This time, we must have an understanding."

Before he finished speaking, he coughed violently. The kimono woman beside him hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

The man raised his hand to stop her and said, "Tianyin, trouble you, summon all the pillars for me!"

The woman gave him a worried look, then bowed and bowed, turned and left.

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