Oshemaru has always been an interest-oriented activist, and found that he could not get the power of writing round eyes from Sasuke, so he turned to cooperate with Sasuke.

It just so happened that he had a headache and didn't solve the power of Lord Lantern. He couldn't help but sigh that Sasuke's arrival was simply heaven to help him gain eternal life.

After Sasuke learned that Oshe Maru's condition was only to help him deal with a sea monster, he agreed to the deal. Because he has confidence in his own strength.

Shitian really had a headache when he was exchanging Uchiha Sasuke. Naruto is the main plug-in of the two protagonists of Naruto Template, but it is easy to solve. Ninja avatar Yuyuan shot and divided the nine tails. Not only did Jiu Xinna survive, but also gave Naruto the original plug-in.

But Sasuke's Shaolaan is troublesome, and the conditions for Shaolaan's upgrade are too painful. Shitian was unwilling to catch Itachi for Sasuke's upgrade. So I had to exchange Sasuke's future eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in the system.

As for whether he can upgrade to the eyes of reincarnation, it depends on whether Sasuke himself can fully grasp the eyes that were not upgraded by himself.

Just as Dashe Maru had made all preparations and planned to hunt the Lord Lantern to obtain pure gold, other people came toward them.

One of them is not someone else, it is an affiliated ship of the White Beard Pirates, and on board is the 16th Division led by Shi Tian.

Among all the worlds, Oshe Maru is also a type that can make trouble in particular. Although generally not interfering in the actions of the exchanged characters, it is also necessary to pay attention to their movements.

In the previous stage, Shitian discovered that Dashemaru was looking for pure gold. And this also reminded him that there is still such a thing as pure gold.

Because pure gold only exists in the special chapters of the original work, Shitian was not impressed enough and never remembered it.

Because there is Urahara Kisuke on board, White Beard does not suffer from injuries like the original book, and needs to hang a lot of potions every day. But injuries and illnesses are well managed, but human aging is inevitable.

Shitian knew very well that with the passage of time, Baibeard's strength was no longer comparable to his peak time.

Although his strength can still overturn the entire sea, it is nothing compared to when he was fighting Roger!

Shitian once looked for a way of immortality in all the templates, but found that each one had to pay a heavy price, or it was a curse in itself.

With the white beard's character, you don't need to guess that you will definitely not accept it.

But pure gold is different, although Lord Lantern may be attracted, this may be the only price. But this is nothing, it can't be solved by just killing this monkfish.

At that time, even if the war breaks out, the enemy will have to face a white beard who can still smooth everything with the help of pure gold.

What Shitian didn't even notice was that another ship was also chasing Shitian's footsteps.

Kurosakiichi is supporting on the railing, his eyes do not know where he is looking.

Naruto Uzumaki took a cup of instant noodles and said, "Ichigo, why don't you eat?"

Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head and said, "It's just that I'm not hungry! It's you who have been eating cup noodles. Can your body stand it?"

Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said, "This is the best thing to eat except for Uncle Yile's ramen!"

Ichigo smiled, and said nothing.

After Naruto Uzumaki drank the cup noodle soup in one gulp, he said thank you for the hospitality before standing next to Kurosaki Ichigo: "Don't worry, although I don't know if that person has the same power as you, but in the big The **** of death on the sea can't think of anyone else except him!"

Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head and said, "I'm not worried about this problem. It's just that besides my father, I haven't met any other gods of death, so I don't know how to behave."

Naruto Uzumaki patted Ichigo's shoulder and said, "There is nothing to worry about. Since you are both gods of death, then you can form a precious bond. As long as you have a bond, everything will not be a problem."

Having said that, Naruto was silent for a moment. He once had a precious bond with Sasuke.

After only a moment of depression, Naruto regained his vitality. In order to retrieve the precious fetters, he went to the sea. He will definitely take Sasuke back to the village.

What he didn't know was that the Sasuke he was thinking of was in the direction he was heading.


Because the base was destroyed by Sasuke, Dashemaru simply moved to another base with all the instruments, documents and subordinates.

That's right, Dashemaru has four bases on this island. There is even one under the sea. I don't know what experience made him develop the habit of Cunning Snake Four Caves.

The new base is in the middle of a mountain, and Sasuke is not picky about the gloomy environment here.

Here, Sasuke met a girl named Olga.

After catching Olga, Dou discovered that he was infected with Emperor Nanhai Fever. On the condition of curing her illness, Da She Wan learned how to find Lord Lantern.

This kind of little devil with flaws in his heart is the best at Dashemaru. In just a few days, Olga's trust in Dashemaru has rapidly increased. Therefore, Olga can often be seen wandering around in the base.

Olga circled Sasuke and said, "Are you the one that Lord Oshemaru found to deal with Lord Lantern? Doesn't it look like just a kid? Don't be scared to cry by Lord Lantern then!"

The big lizard on his side also called in agreement.

Sasuke sat aside, closing his eyes as if he didn't hear anything.

Where would Olga give up, and then said: "I'm talking to you, you're so rude, don't you know? You're just a kid, what's cool to pretend over there!"

Sasuke opened his eyes helplessly and said, "You are too noisy!"

Seeing Sasuke talking, Olga said more proudly: "Isn't that talking? I thought you were deaf or mute. Hey! Are you really going to fight Lantern Master?"

Sasuke said with a cold face, "Yes, in order to achieve my goal, I have to do it."

Olga was about to speak, but Oshemaru came out from the shadows and said: "Enough, Olga! Sasuke-kun needs a rest, and future plans depend on him."

Olga looked at Sasuke, and the eyes that were all cunning turned out to show a trace of worry.

Sasuke looked at Olga, who turned around frequently, and closed his eyes again.

Although Sasuke is very confident in himself, the monster that can make Oshemaru helpless also needs him to be vigilant.

Time soon came to the day in the Oshe Maru plan. These days Shitian had already arrived in the nearby sea area, but Shitian didn't intend to continue to approach when he tried to make Oshe Maru stand in front of it.

Anyway, Shitian can monitor what's happening on Dashemaru at any time, and he doesn't worry about getting things out of control.

At the time when the sky was staying, Kurosaki Ichigo and Uzumaki Naruto's boat also entered the same sea area.

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