Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 95: Battle for Pure Gold One

Dashemaru left the base with all his subordinates and came to a deserted island.

Da She Maru looked around, and then said, "Just here!"

Among those following him, Sasuke was the only one who was not under him, and Sasuke was only here to help, so naturally he would not object.

Da She Wan opened his mouth and spit out a ring directly. The coating on the outer surface of the ring has been removed, and the entire ring emits a bright golden light.

That is different from ordinary metal reflecting the outside light, it is the ring itself that emits this light.

Da She Maru looked at the glowing ring, showing admiration and obsessive eyes.

Sasuke looked at Oshemaru, showing disgusting eyes. The look in Dashemaru's eyes is exactly the same as when she looked at her own eyes yesterday.

"So where is the sea monster you are talking about?"

Oshemaru smiled and said: "Don't worry, Sasuke-kun! That monkfish has been looking for pure gold, which is what I hold. No matter where it is now, as long as this pure gold is still emitting light, it will sooner or later. I'll find it by myself."

Sasuke didn't say anything any more, and went to the side to remain silent.

Since Dashewan had to rely on reincarnation to achieve immortality, it has been collecting highly qualified geniuses as containers.

The men behind him were all recruited from various places for this reason. After the **** transformation that he couldn't bear to see from time to time, these people actually had the ability to practice Chakra.

Chakra's source is the fruit of the sacred tree, and it stands to reason that only the Datongmu Huiye who eats the fruit and her bloodline descendants can grasp it.

But her son, Liudao Immortal Otsuki Yui, thinks that Chakra is the power that can connect people together and make people understand each other. So he gave his chakras to his followers.

Then Chakra wrote in the blood of everyone in the Naruto World. But except for the Six Immortals, no one can let ordinary people without qualifications master Chakra.

Naturally, no one in the Pirate World has the conditions to become a ninja. Even scientists like Oshemaru can't figure out why the method of refining chakra is so clear that others just can't grasp it.

After trying many times, he also ruled out the reason of aptitude, and instead used a transformation method to let his subordinates master Chakra.

The curse seal was originally used by the big snake pill to select the container. After improvement, it has the effect of giving others the ability to chakra.

Although the process was bloody, the chance of failure was also high. But perhaps because it was Chakra who had paid a huge price to master, these people had mastered powers similar to fairy magic.

Although the price includes a significant reduction in life expectancy, the past experience of these people makes them happy and grateful for the Osamaru who gave them strength.

So these people looked at Sasuke, who was rude to Oshemaru, with no kind expressions. Although Sasuke showed absolute power yesterday, these people also did not back down, preferring to give their lives for Osamaru-sama.

Fortunately, Osha Maru had ordered it before, otherwise these people would definitely do something to Sasuke.

The sun had just risen when everyone arrived on the deserted island, and now the sun has reached its highest point.

Just as Sasuke's patience was about to be exhausted, large swaths of water began to gush out of the sea, as if something huge was floating up.

"Come!" Oshe Maru whispered.

Sasuke frowned when he looked at Monkfish Lantern, who was bigger than the small island under his feet, only part of his back emerged.

Sasuke felt that he had been deceived, but he did not expect that Dashemaru asked him to deal with something like this. After all, Sasuke didn't understand the sea, and the monsters on the sea were far beyond his imagination.

But the arrow is on the line, and Sasuke can't regret it. It's just that he swears in his heart that if Dashemaru doesn't tell him where Itachi is afterwards, he will let Dashemaru die ugly.

Oshemaru seemed to see through Sasuke's thoughts, stretched out her long tongue to lick the corners of her mouth, and said, "Sasuke-kun, it's time for you to do it!"

Sasuke snorted coldly, and Susano appeared directly above the island. Facing a monster like Lantern-sama, even Sasuke had to use all his strength directly.

The Giant Suzano, who regarded ordinary people like ants, also became insignificant in front of Lord Lantern.

Although the size is not completely equivalent to combat power, the difference is so obvious that it will only produce a desperate level of powerlessness at the first glance, and other people may completely lose the will to fight.

But Sasuke learned from Madara after all, and Madara's other skills are hard to say, but he has learned a lot about his arrogance and arrogance. Facing the Lord Lantern who opened his huge mouth and wanted to swallow the entire desert island, a dazzling thunder and lightning appeared directly in Susano's hand.

Listening to the roar in the distance, Shi Tian stood up directly from his seat.

"Lower the sails and our goal has appeared!"

The ship Shitian took was exactly the same as the main ship of the Moby Dick, except that it was a bit smaller and had a different color.

In addition to the main ship, the White Beard Pirates also had four auxiliary ships, and Shi Tian directly drove one of them for pure gold this time.

This is a rare occasion, after all, the four emperors of the new world are very eye-catching.

This is also the reason why Shitian didn't notify White Beard to let the entire pirate group act. If the news of pure gold leaks out, it will inevitably increase unnecessary trouble.

In the original book, not only the Celestial Man sent CP0, but the Golden Emperor Gran Tezolo also sent the treasure hunter to take the pure gold as his own.

Under the temptation of pure gold that can make people live forever, even the names of the four emperors will not be easy to use.

It is not uncommon for a squad to act alone in the White Beard Pirates. Naturally, it can capture pure gold before it attracts attention.

The waves slapped against the hull, and Ichigo couldn't help holding the mast and said, "What's going on, why is there such a big wind and waves on a sunny day?"

But after waiting for a long time, no one answered him. He looked back and found that everyone on the boat had a solemn expression.

Counting Kurosaki Ichigo on this ship, there are a total of seventeen people, twelve Xiaoqiang, including Sai, and four squads of guidance, Shinobu.

Asma spit out a smoke ring and said, "This terrible Chakra... Kakashi, is that kid in your class!"

Ichigo couldn't help looking at Naruto. After walking for so long, he naturally knew why Naruto went to sea this time. Naruto's goal has always been the companion who left them!

Naruto's mother has mastered most of the secret arts of the Uzumaki clan, Kushina, and naturally taught him the ability to perceive Chakra.

In fact, farther away, he felt the familiar breath of Chakra. That's why he has been silent.

Ichigo looked at Naruto worriedly, but Naruto raised his head and said with a big smile: "Since the teachers have confirmed it, it is not my illusion. I'm so lucky! I found Sasuke directly."

Although Naruto kept saying to find Sasuke back, he found that he didn't know what to say to him when he really met Sasuke.

Sakura on one side just wanted to say something, but Kakashi stopped her. Shaking his head, Kakashi glanced at Naruto and said, "There are some things on his own! But anyway, it's a good thing to finally find Sasuke."

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