Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 96: Battle for Pure Gold II

The biggest difficulty in fighting huge creatures is how to break through the enemy's defenses and actually cause damage to the enemy.

Dashemaru did not succeed because of lack of this ability, but Sasuke was different. Madara once said that Susano represents the power of destruction.

Especially Sasuke, a complete Suzano, although he didn't cause fatal damage to Lantern-sama for the time being, he also had wounds that looked like a chasm.

After all, it was just a beast without wisdom, even if it was hurt by Sasuke, it just struggled and bitten madly.

Oshamaru watched the battle with pride, he couldn't help but lament that it was a wise decision to trade with Sasuke.

Although the battle is still a little anxious, O Shemaru himself understands that as long as his side can stop Lord Lantern from letting him escape, Sasuke will be able to solve him sooner or later.

Just as Dashe Maru felt that his long-cherished wish was about to be fulfilled, a whale-like outer ship broke through the storm and approached.

O She Maru looked at the sign on the sail, her expression gloomy. He didn't want to provoke the strong man on the sea until his goal was fulfilled.

Especially the big pirate who has the title of Four Emperors, but now it is no longer a question whether he wants to provoke. The boat with the white beard flag was clearly directed at him.

Shi Tian stepped on the bow and said: "The other people have handed over to you, I will solve the big fish!"

After that, Shitian rushed directly into the sky, rushing towards the battlefield of Sasuke and Lord Lantern like a meteor.

A group of poisonous snakes in the distance of Da She Wan's sleeve wanted to intercept Shi Tian. But a red light flashed, directly cutting off all the poisonous snakes.

Da She Wan can say that this move is still fresh in his memory.

When Shitian exchanged Urahara Kisuke, it was randomly placed, but he didn't expect Urahara Kisuke to show up near Osha Maru.

Relying on the traces left by Oshomaru, Urahara Kisuke found Oshomaru. When the two didn't agree, they fought. In the end, neither of them could do anything to each other.

Kisuke Urahara took Hajime's walking stick, and smiled at Osemaru and said, "Isn't this Mr. Osemaru! It's been a long time!"

Da She Wan coldly snorted, "It's you, the troublesome man!"

The subordinates beside Oshemaru secretly took out a few shurikens, and threw them directly at the vital point of Urahara Kisuke while the two were talking.

But as soon as these shurikens were released, the hidden weapons like short swords directly knocked all the swords into the air. Ye Yi tossed the same small sword aside, looking at them with a smile.

O Shemaru turned his head and looked at the man who threw the shuriken with a terrible look. The man was so scared that he knelt down, and his body trembled and said, "I'm very sorry, Lord Oshemaru, I made my own claim!"

Da She Wan said nothing, just turned his head and said: "It is my subordinate who is rude! But from the standpoint of both you and me, this can only be regarded as a greeting!"

Kisuke Urahara smiled and said, "That's what I said, if that's the case, then we're welcome!"

As soon as the voice fell, the tense atmosphere immediately intensified.

Yaqianliu said with his face: "Jianjiang, won't you go with me?"

Gengmu Jianba yawned and said, "It's all a group of weak guys. They can't even sharpen the blade. There is no fun in fighting."

Oshamaru looked at Kisuke Urahara, whose eyes were all hidden under the shadow of the brim of the fisherman's hat, and worried about Sasuke's situation. But before he could move, Urahara Kisuke appeared behind him.

"Mr. Oshamaru's clone technique is very powerful, so you can't relax!"

Hong Ji pierced Dashewan's body, and not surprisingly, the Dashewan became a poisonous snake.

"Bloom! Hong Ji."

As Urahara Kisuke chanted softly, a red shield of light appeared beside her, and countless arrows shot from it. Directly cut off the movement of Oshe Maru to support Sasuke.

Dashemaru's long tongue was sticking out, and he understood the situation now. It was impossible for Urahara Kisuke to get him out.

As for his subordinates, although they all have the strength of Zhongren's price, it is not a problem to target some 30 million reward-level pirates.

But Shitian's 16th division team is not weak. After all, Shitian has been trained for so many years and everyone is an elite.

Moreover, Shitian had an advantage in the number of people, and even when the cadre was only Urahara Kisuke, he also steadily suppressed Dashemaru and all his subordinates.

Shitian stepped on the foothold formed by Lingzi and quickly approached the place where Lantern-sama and Sasuke fought like flying.

Sasuke stopped attacking Lantern-sama, and frowned as he watched Shitian approaching like a shooting star.

Shitian stopped in mid-air, looking at the giant monkfish and the giant Suzano.

"who are you?"

Shitian is not a ninja, so he cannot use Chakra's perception to judge strength. But that feeling of danger cannot be faked.

But I don't know why this person gave him the feeling very similar to the Yu Yuan he had seen before, and after a closer look, he found that it was completely different. The same is just overwhelmingly powerful.

So he asked directly.

Shitian replied: "Me, it's just a person whose goal is also this big fish!"

Sasuke said coldly: "In this case, you are the enemy!"

Master Lantern took advantage of the two of them to talk, and when he turned over, he would dive into the bottom of the sea.

Shitian naturally wouldn't let him go. Dashemaru had already used the ring as bait. If Lantern-sama were to run away this time, even the days would not be able to find it again.

"Sit on the frosty day, Binglunwan!"

The Zanpaku Sword was unsheathed, and it was only the moment when it was first solved, and the originally clear sky was covered with lead-black clouds. Snowflakes started to flutter down.

"Dragon shot frame!"

The ice dragon flew out of the blade and rushed into the sea at the moment when Shitian swung his sword. The Lantern Master who was halfway diving was directly fixed on the ice surface.

With the input of spiritual pressure regardless of the consumption, it was only an initial solution, and the Lantern Master, which was larger than the island, was directly fixed on the surface of the sea.

Shitian shocked Nakata and smiled and said to Sasuke: "It can't run away now, and then there will be a problem between us."

Sasuke looked at the long knife in Shitian's hand with a vigilant expression. Shitian's move was already stronger than some forbidden techniques. And it seems that this is just a trick that is not worth mentioning every day.

There is nothing wrong with my own feeling, and the enemy in front of me is beyond imagination.

Eriya put down the little yellow duck in her hand and looked at the other direction blankly.

Over there, the ship Naruto was in was approaching.

Yaqianliu also noticed the anomaly of Eriyi, and pushed Mujian and said, "Jian-chan, someone is here again! If you are lazy, then-chan will be unhappy."

Gengmujian stood up with an unhappy face and said: "I see, I see! What a troublesome guy. I hope there is someone over there who can make me have a little more fun!"

The deck under Kenba Kenba's feet shattered, and with the recoil force, he rushed directly to the ninja boats.

With a bang, among the shattered sawdust, a man like an evil spirit looked around.

"Yeah! Is there anyone with a backbone to come and have a fun fight with this uncle?"

Xi Rihong blocked a few students in her class for the first time, and launched her own illusion technique at Gengmu Jianpachi.

But the illusion only lasted a period of time before breathing. Xi Rihong took two steps back breathlessly, her eyes full of bloodshot eyes.

"What a tough and cruel spirit, is this man a beast or an evil spirit!"

Gengmu Jianba grinned and said, "It's so boring to use these little tricks!"

With that said, Gengmujian Bayiyang's sword in his hand directly slashed over.

Holding the broken blade was an exceptionally wide chopper, and the bandage was falling off the knife.

Kurosaki Ichigo gritted his teeth and took on the more terrifying power of the wooden sword eight, and said: "This guy will be handed over to me to deal with it, as it is to repay you for your care along the way. Naruto, go find your companion. !"

With that said, Kurosaki Ichigo directly pushed aside the blade of Kendaki Kenhachi, and flew directly into the sky towards the distance.

Mengki Kenpachi was now full of Kurosaki Ichigo blocking his slashing scene, how could he care about the others, and chased directly to Kurosaki Ichigo.

Naruto gritted his teeth and said: "I will definitely bring Sasuke back, but you must be safe too!"

"Really moved!"

The woman's voice interrupted Naruto's thoughts, and everyone discovered that a wheat-colored beauty was standing behind them at some point.

"But we can't let you pass for various reasons!"

Before Ye Yi's words were finished, everyone saw the red-haired girl standing on the whale ship approaching closer and closer.

The domineering look like the sky fell, directly causing the ninjas to fall into the abyss.

Metkay wiped the sweat from his head, and in the face of such terrible pressure he laughed instead: "This is youth!"

As he said, the blue steam had already radiated from his body.

"Seventh surprise door, open!"

Kai directly overcame Eriyi's domineering with a strong body and fighting spirit, and kicked Yeichi with one kick.

In terms of power alone, Kai who opened the seventh door even surpassed Ye Yi who was in a state of instant coax. But Yeyi never relied on strength to fight.

One hand was placed on Kai's leg without any force, and Ye Yi's whole body turned upside down and kicked directly on Kai's body.

The force generated by the collision was from both sides. Both of them flew upside down, crashed on one side of the guardrail and fell to the sea.

The sea rippled beneath Kay's feet, and he stood firm anyway. Ye Yi stepped directly in the air.

Kakashi has enough confidence in Kay, but what he has a headache now is the red-haired **** the opposite boat.

Turning his head, he said to Naruto: "It seems that we are the only one who can go to Sasuke's side. Those who are watching the movement are not ordinary enemies!"

Sajing shook the scroll, and an ink-washed flying eagle came out. Then he spoke: "I will send Naruto over!"

Naruto nodded and jumped directly onto Sai's ink eagle.

Huili looked at Feiyuan's ink eagle and pursed her mouth. If Shitian hadn't told him, unless Shitian allowed it or encountered a crisis, he could not use the word spirit trial. Otherwise, he had wiped out the two guys in the sky early.

The heavens can't stop them, but don't even think about moving forward for the rest.

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