Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 235 Factions In Marine

The coldness of the moon and the icy coldness of the ground could not stop the enthusiasm of the crowd.

Just finished a big win.

Although A Hua and A Tao were a little impulsive during the process, as far as the result is concerned, it was okay, at least no one was injured this time.

So even in the icy world created by Kuzan's ability, everyone didn't feel cold.

Back on the boat, a special hot pot was brought down, under the bright moon, on the sea below the side of the boat, everyone sat in a circle, sitting on the ground, and ate ice and snow hot pot.

Pick up a piece of sea fish slices that have been frozen by ice cubes, shining in the moonlight with a cool halo, Sorata puts the dipping sauce mixed with the unique spices on their island sent by Maya in the small bowl in front of them , sent it to his mouth, squinted his eyes slightly, and then chewed lightly.

Grand Line's unique deep-sea fish fillets are more crispy and sweet after being frozen, mixed with unique spice dipping sauce, one bite, people can't help but indulge in this worldly delicacy.

This piece of sea always gives people freshness. This kind of fish was caught before they came to this island.

Seeing that this was another kind of fish that had never been seen before, everyone unanimously decided to store it and wait for the affairs on the island to be dealt with before enjoying it slowly.


Did not live up to everyone's expectations.

Opening his eyes, he glanced at Kuzan who was standing quietly in the distance.

Standing on top of the ice and snow, this guy exudes a sense of loneliness, which is in stark contrast to the excitement here.

He didn't leave, let alone come, it seemed that he wanted to wait, waiting for one of them to pass.

Clearly, there was something to say to the man.

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked at Robin.

"Robin, it seems that Mr. Admiral has something to tell you, why don't you go and see what he wants to say?"

Putting down his chopsticks, Robin smiled at everyone.

Then he stood up slowly, turned and walked towards Kuzan.

"Tell me what this guy wants to say to Robin-chan."

"What else, this guy is one of the main culprits in the destruction of Robin's hometown."

Arlo stared at Kuzan in the distance, with hostility rising from his body, "If you want me to say, just leave this guy here."


A big hand quickly smacked the back of Arlo's head, making a crisp sound, and at the same time knocked out the food he was chewing.

"What are you guys doing?"

Turning around, A Luo stared angrily at the owner of the big hand, A Tao.

A Tao withdrew his hand, picked up a piece of sashimi, glued it with dipping sauce and put it in his mouth, and said slowly while chewing, "Are you a fool?"

"Robin-chan knew this Admiral at first glance, and Sorata and Kuina have already done this to keep this guy. Can he let him watch us for so long?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and glanced at A Luo contemptuously.


A Luo punched the ground, staring at A Tao, with angry flames in his eyes, "You bastard, do you want to fight again?"


A Tao, who just looked away, didn't turn her head, squinted, and gave A Luo a look of extreme contempt, "It's you!"

"Ah! I can't stand you fellow."

Speaking of which, A Luo was about to get up and go to have a fight with A Tao.

But at this moment, Kuina's cold voice sounded.


There are no extra words, but it is like a basin of ice water, instantly extinguishing A Luo's anger, making him wilt like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"This Admiral saved Robin's life, and he can be considered a moderate in Marine. He is not a person who kills all pirates indiscriminately, regardless of good and evil."

Kuina glanced at everyone, stretched out his chopsticks, picked out a slice of lotus root from the hot pot, put it in a small bowl in his hand, and said while eating: "In the beginning, this guy didn't use his full strength to fight me. , He didn't use his full strength to fight me until I used Thunder Breath."

"That's why Sorata and I let him go. Although this guy is an Admiral, he's not a bad guy. He's Robin's savior. It's not a bad thing to keep him in Marine, but a good thing."

"Good thing?"

Arlo also came back to his senses. Before, he didn't know that Kuzan was Robin's savior, so he showed hostility towards Kuzan.

After all, although they were not injured this time, they were equally dangerous. If Sorata hadn't warned in advance, maybe they would walk into the town, not only becoming someone else's strength, but also possibly becoming old forever.

This is what the previous woman told them.

They were also frightened for a while after hearing this.

It turns out that the town is so dangerous!

That's why he showed deep hostility towards Kuzan, who was with Carteres, even after the battle was over, his hostility didn't dissipate.



Sorata took a sip of the wine, stretched out his hand, wiped his lips with his sleeve, then took Kuina's words and continued: "Keep him, what Kuina is talking about is on the one hand, and on the other hand, because Marine is now mainly divided into two Pai, one is Admiral Sakazuki, titled 'Akainu'."

"This guy is the hawk in Marine, who believes in the concept of 'radical justice', and treats everything that has the possibility of becoming "evil" with ruthless means."

"This guy is the most soldier-like guy among the three Admirals. To be honest, I still admire him very much. If this guy wasn't too extreme, I wouldn't bother with Marine's affairs!"

In fact, Akainu is a little gentler in his work and personality, and does not attack civilians, so he is a good candidate for the Marine leader.

"Then... where's that guy over there?"

Ahua pushed the frame of the mirror, turned his head to look at Kuzan who was talking to Robin in the distance, and a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

"This guy?"

Sorata leaned back, and an ice wall automatically rose from the ice behind him. As if welcoming him, the ice wall automatically blocked his back, preventing him from falling down.

Taking a sip of his wine, Sorata continued, "This guy is a representative of another faction in Marine. Although he believes in 'lazy justice', he doesn't deny the justice of others.

People who think that "justice" has different opinions on different positions, and they will change with their positions, coupled with his character, he has become a representative of the moderate faction in Marine. "

"The moderate faction advocates stabilizing the situation in the sea. Although they also attack pirates, they will not be as extreme as the hawks. Their method of catching pirates is much more moderate, and they will not do it for the sake of catching pirates." Pirates and civilians, so it will not cause a lot of casualties."

"And this guy..."

Speaking of which, Sorata paused slightly, took a sip of wine and continued: "And during this guy's fight against pirates, if he finds kind pirates, he will turn a blind eye and close one eye depending on the situation, and let some pirates go." .”

"Although what he does is not what a soldier should do, but for adventurers who have gone out to sea and have done nothing evil, let this guy be the highest position in the Marine, whether it is for the Marine or the sea, It’s a great choice.”

"Top position, marshal?"

After hearing Sorata's words, everyone glanced at Kuzan in the distance, and then turned to look at Sorata.

You don't need to think about that position, it's impossible to sit on it so easily.

And keeping this representative of one of the two factions in Marine is indeed a good choice for both Marine and Dahai.

Actually! There is another faction in Marine that Sorata did not mention.

That's the fishing faction led by that Kizaru guy.

The guys in this faction are a group of Buddhists, and Kizaru doesn't have the ambition to compete for a marshal, so the people in this faction, from top to bottom, are all lying down.

After all, what kind of leaders there are, and what kind of subordinates there will be.

isn't it?

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