Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 236 Fame And Fortune

The early sun rises in the east.

The sun shines on this frozen sea area and the frozen island, and the reflection of the light makes this area shine with crystal light. Looking at it from a distance, the entire sea area looks like a world of solid ice. Filled with breathtaking beauty.

On the side of the island, in the dilapidated pier.

Frozen in the ice on the Liberty, after breakfast, everyone stood at the bow, looking at the back of their captain, Sorata, waiting for him to sail.

Looking at the completely ruined town in the distance, and feeling the breath of time emanating from it, Sorata sighed slightly in his heart.

This is the way the world is.

Full of the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle preys on the strong.

Ordinary people are like mortals in the world of cultivating immortals, they don't even have the right to choose death.

Pirates, villains, nobles, World government, Celestial Dragons...

Even the aftermath of that strong man's confrontation can destroy the world and cause countless deaths and injuries to these mortals.

Regarding this point, although he sighed, he didn't have any other thoughts.

He is a human being, not a god, and cannot control the suffering of all living beings.

Again, this is the way the world is.


What is extraordinary?

Transcendence means that after possessing a certain power, one is no longer a mortal at all.

And in this world, there is more than one kind of extraordinary power, that's why the ordinary people here are so involuntary that they can't even choose to die.

Haki, Devil Fruit, special races, and even powers he doesn't know about.

All these forces caused the ultimate division of this world.

And behind this split, there is no organization that can suppress the world and establish a truly fair order, which is why ordinary people in this world, especially ordinary people on the islands in the sea, have such a difficult life.

But these have nothing to do with him.

Shaking his head, he turned around and looked at Chuyang rising from under the ice in the distance, with a smile on his face.

No matter what direction the world will develop in the future, it has nothing to do with them. Their existence is just a drop in the ocean for the rotation of the world.

So there is no need to be depressed because of seeing the evil of Ultimate, and there is no need to be sad for other people's lives.

They still have their own way to go.

We must walk steadily, freely, and with laughter.

"This guy's ice is really powerful."

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked at the thick layer of ice under the boat.

There are no chances on the island. Only when we get to the sea do we realize how terrifying this guy's coldness is.

"I'm afraid it's tens of meters thick!"

Looking at the lifelike fish frozen in a wave, Sorata murmured in his heart.

That guy Kuzan just left last night, on his bike.

As for what he and Robin had said, Sorata didn't ask.

If you want to come, it’s nothing more than talking about "Jaguar·d·Saul", then talking about their team, and finally talking about Ohara is still alive.

Turning his head to look at everyone, Sorata smiled gently, then turned around and took a step forward, stretched out his hands and patted the guardrail of the bow, and then gave a firm grip.

Ka Ka Ka!

Liberty trembled, and the solid ice that sealed Liberty's lower body continued to shatter under an inexplicable force.

Raising his head and looking ahead, Sorata's eyes were fixed, and the nebula turned slightly in the blue pupils with silver mist.

Then, while the ship was shaking, Liberty seemed to be pulled by a pair of invisible hands, and gradually broke free from the shackles of the ice, and flew into the sky.

After flying to the same height as Chuyang, the hull stopped, and under Sorata's control, the hull was like a bullet, breaking through the air with a bang, and flying forward.

Under the shining of the sun, an icy blue light band was left in the air.

This frozen sea area is a prison for most ships.

But for them, obviously not.

Because they can fly!

"Next, what will be waiting for us?"

Sorata withdrew his hand and stood at the bow of the ship, his whole body was like a nail, his feet were firmly nailed to the deck of the bow, letting the oncoming wind blow his clothes and his silver hair, His body remained motionless.

"Capital of Seven Waters, Enies Lobby."

In my mind, the image of the capital of seven waters and the image of Enies Lobby flashed across.

Robin didn't board the boat of Luffy's group, but followed them. The World government would not be so stupid as to send cp9 to seek death!

And when Kuzan went back this time, although this guy didn't fight him, he didn't know what his specific ability was, but because he was not a Devil Fruit, but had special abilities, he also killed the world government's ace Cartley s.

This must make the World government's threat level to him rise to the top.

In this case, whether it is the World government or the Marine, it is temporarily impossible to send anyone to trouble them.

Because judging by the strength of their group, not sending someone at Admiral's level would be courting death.

Even if Admiral is dispatched, at least 3 or more are required, and there is no way to limit his ability. Even if there are more than 3, it is impossible to catch him, and he may be counter-killed.

It is impossible for the World Government and Marine not to know this.

And it's impossible for Marine to dispatch all the strong for their group!

So in the future, before the power that can limit his teleportation ability is found, it is impossible for the World Government and Marine to trouble them again.

But there is another possibility.

That is……

Raising his head, looking at the clear blue sky, a cold light flashed in his blue pupils.

"What the hell are you?"

Without thinking too much, he retracted his gaze, and the cold light in his eyes disappeared.

While the World government may not come to them personally, it will increase their bounties considerably.

Fame and fortune are a double-edged sword.

In this sea, there are always some people who take this thing very seriously. Although he has a record of tying Admiral and beheading Shichibukai, this does not stop countless people who pursue fame.

Although these people know that Admiral is strong, they haven't really felt it, so even if they know that they are strong, they still have fantasies, dreaming of taking their heads and becoming famous all over the world.

If you are a bounty hunter, you can also get a Berry that they can't spend all their lives.

So, as long as their bounties skyrocket again.

In addition, the World Government will not take the initiative to report the results of this battle, let alone state the specific strength of their group.

This will cause a lot of people who are overwhelmed to come to trouble them.

This is conspiracy.

The world is so big that many people don't even know how big the world is. Even the world government cannot know how many islands and people there are in this world.


What if, what if an astonishing powerhouse emerges from somewhere, or a Demon fruit power that can limit Sorata's teleportation?

World government and Marine can't deal with them now, so they can only come up with this trick.

Sorata didn't have to think about it.

I'm afraid they haven't arrived at the capital of the seven waters yet, and their new reward order will be flying over the entire sea!

It will also make those ambitious and crazy people shake their hearts and at the same time, become greedy.


Going out this time is another eventful voyage.

But come on!

Just as a practice for your partners, add a touch of excitement to this boring sailing journey.

If the strong man really comes, he can still have fun with Kuina, can't he?

With their current strength, they will not be afraid of anyone or any force!

Especially since he's almost 18.

At 18, he feels that his body will be fully mature, and his spatial domain will be further improved by then.

"I'm looking forward to it!"

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