Gulan Tezolo is the name of the city on the giant ship.

The gigantic ship was actually built and owned by Gilder Tezolo, known as the "Golden Emperor".

This guy is the king of this ship, this independent kingdom.

He is also an ability user of the golden fruit, he can manipulate gold, he can control the gold touched by him to stretch and deform, and even turn into a huge life form to wipe out all the enemies, but he cannot make gold out of thin air.

Since the fruit of this guy has been awakened, it can also temporarily assimilate objects it touches into gold through gold powder or gold.

Of course, the weakness is also obvious, that is, if the gold assimilated by him touches the sea water, he will lose control over this part of the gold and make it return to the original object.

It is said that Tezzolo has the world's 20th Pele, black and white.

He uses the power of money to freely manipulate the Celestial Dragons, and even wields the power of the World government.

In the underground world, he is the golden emperor who uses money to rule the dark world, and his influence spreads all over the world.

Because this guy has too much money, every year, thieves and thieves from all over the world come here to steal gold.

In the original theatrical version, "Karina", who had a bond with Nami in East Blue, came here for gold and met Luffy and his group.

Of course, this is three years later, and has nothing to do with Sorata and the others.

And no matter how rich Tezolo is, Sorata will not take it seriously.

They came here this time just to play.

"Big, big, big, big..."

"Small, small, small, small..."

Gulan Tezolo.

In the biggest casino.

Sorata and the others used one of Charlotte Linlin's treasure boxes to exchange for 300 million chips, and then they scattered in the casino and went to play separately.

At this time, Sorata and Kuina were standing in front of a larger-than-life gambling table surrounded by people.

These gamblers all leaned forward, staring excitedly at the dice cup in front of the croupier, shouting loudly.

The beautiful croupier stared at the gamblers around with a professional smile on his face. Although he was smiling, his eyes were very calm.

They have experienced such scenes countless times and are used to it.

Calmly taking away the dice cup, the croupier glanced at the dice under the dice cup, raised his head and read aloud: "Two three six, big."

"Haha!! I won, I won."

The winner laughed loudly and moved the chips in front of him closer to him.

"Fuck, what a bad luck."

Those who lost money cursed under their breath.

Of course, no matter whether they are winners or losers, as long as they still have chips, it will be difficult for them to leave the casino.

Unless they lose all their money.

This is the mentality of gambling dogs!

"Yeah!" Kuina was wearing a sea blue dress, dark blue hair tied into a ponytail at will, oblique bangs on her forehead, blue strands hanging from her temples, and big orange-yellow sunglasses on her face. Pulling Sorata's arm, he shouted: "Sorata, we won again!"

Glancing at the chips in front of him, Sorata turned his head and smiled at Kuina tenderly, and then pushed the chips in front of him without hesitation.


He has no interest in money anymore, he came to play, and he just came to see what the world's largest entertainment city looks like.

Not to mention.

This is indeed the world's largest entertainment city, a neutral zone.

Sorata saw pirates, nobles, Marines, merchants here, and even in his perception, he also perceived that there are Celestial Dragons on the upper floor of the only eight-star hotel in the world.

This is also the most sci-fi and modern city that Sorata has seen so far.

It reminded him of his previous life.

The top floor of the hotel.

In the innermost part of the bright room, on a huge sofa, sat a man.

The man has gray-green hair brushed back, wears a pink dress and pants, and has purple sunglasses over his face.

He is the owner of this huge ship, the world's largest entertainment city, the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezolo.

At this time, he was leaning casually on the sofa, holding a glass of golden wine in his hand, and slowly sipping it.

At this moment, ripples suddenly appeared on the floor in front of the sofa. A strange man in a black leather jacket with a pistol hanging from his waist and whose head was bigger than his whole body slowly rose up from the ground.

The strange man's name is Tanaka, and everyone in Gulan Taizuolo calls him Mr. Tanaka.

He is the guard of the world's largest entertainment city, and one of the cadres of Tezolo's forces, deeply trusted by Tezolo.

The first time Mr. Tanaka came up, he shouted eagerly at Tezolo, "It's not good, Tezolo, the Silver Hair Pirates are here."

"What did you say?"

Tezzolo raised his head abruptly, then sat up straight, leaned forward, and stared at Mr. Tanaka, his face, which had always been smiling, suddenly changed at this moment.

"The Silver Hair Pirates killed Doflamingo, Kaido, and Charlotte Linlin just a few days ago. They are known as the latest and strongest silver hair Sorata in the world."

Tezolo looked at Mr. Tanaka and remained silent for a long time.

The general pirates, including Shichibukai, will not take it seriously when they come to play with him.

Only Four Emperors.

He will treat big figures like Four Emperors who don't take the world government and marine seriously in New World at all, and he will treat them with caution.

And now what did he hear?

He heard that the silver-haired Sorata who had just been promoted to the world's strongest came here.

Regardless of whether they really came to play or something else, it was not easy for him to face such a big shot.

Putting down the cup, Tezolo looked up at Mr. Tanaka, and asked in a deep voice, "Where are they now?"

"It's in the casino below."

Mr. Tanaka opened his hand, and said with a little exaggeration: "They were brought here by 'Baccarat' as soon as they came, and then exchanged a box of treasures for 300 million Berry, and they are having fun downstairs at this time."

"Are you playing?"

Tezolo leaned forward, crossed his hands, propped his chin on the back of his hands, and rested his elbows on his legs. He lowered his head in thought for a moment, then looked up at Mr. Tanaka, and asked, "Do you think they really came to play, or did they come here?" What purpose."

"have no idea."

Without thinking too much, Mr. Tanaka replied directly: "I came up as soon as I received the news. I haven't met them in person, so I don't know if they have other goals."

For Mr. Tanaka's answer, Tezolo obviously already had a premonition, so he was not surprised.

When he asked this question, he actually wanted to ask himself.

His strength is very strong, especially on this ship, and he is confident that under the Four Emperors, he will not lose to anyone.

But as a smart person, he knows who he can mess with and who he can't afford to mess with.

The awakening of the golden fruit allows him to control the gold of the entire ship to the greatest extent. The average pirate has already been secretly played by him since he boarded the ship.

But for a character like Four Emperors, he knew that no matter how strong he was, these methods of his would not be effective against such a character.

What's more, silver hair still surpassed the existence of Four Emperors.

So Tezolo thought for a while, and decided to let the silver-haired gang play as they wanted, and he wouldn't bother.

Of course, he didn't dare to interrupt, let alone set a trap.

As for whether Silver Hair has other purposes, as long as he is still on this ship, he will naturally know in a short time.

Then he asked Mr. Tanaka to notify Marine and the World government to send someone.

Not to arrest the silver-haired gang, but just in case, for his own safety.

Facing such a big man, no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious.

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