Pirates: Invincible At The Beginning

Chapter 437 Marine's Response

In the casino.

Sorata played many different games with Kuina.

He didn't use his mental power, and he didn't use his domain to interfere, so he won and lost.

Maybe it's good luck, or it's a good attitude.

After they walked out of the casino and met up with their partners, after a calculation, the 300 million Berry they entered the casino at first turned out to be more than 350 million Berry when they came out.

Did not lose, and won more than 50 million.

Although they no longer have any interest in money, the money was won after all.

So everyone decided to go to a restaurant for a big meal.


Looking at the silver-haired group who were talking and laughing, walking away like ordinary tourists.

With a hot figure, big orange-red waves, big hoop earrings on her ears, and a long black slit dress, Bacara breathed a sigh of relief in black high-heeled shoes.

She is Tezolo's subordinate, the ability user of Paramecia Lucky Fruit.

The fortune of the person touched by her will change. Whether it is fighting, gambling, or even walking, bad things will happen.

Generally, the pirates who come here to play are received by her. If it is worth doing, she will absorb all the luck of these pirates, let them lose everything in the casino, and owe the casino a lot of money, and then let them do it for them. Tezzolo played.

Or go find money to pay off the debt you owe.

But these are all moves against some ordinary pirates, and against a big man like Sorata, she doesn't dare to have the slightest crooked thought.

Seeing the silver-haired group walking away, they finally disappeared from her sight.

She quickly turned around and walked into the casino.

She had to report to Tezolo about the silver-haired gang and see how to deal with the silver-haired gang.


Marshal's office.

Click -!

Sengoku put down the microphone in his hand and clipped it to the stand mounted on the phone bug.

Then he crossed his hands, put his chin on the back of his hands, propped his elbows on the desk in front of him, and bowed his head in thought.

The call just now was made by someone from the World governmentcp organization, asking him to arrange a warship to go to Gulan Tezolo to protect Gilder Tezolo.

Also protect the Celestial Dragons there.


Sengoku sighed.

If it was normal, he wouldn't be so annoying, but the silver-haired guy is in Gulan Tezolo now!

Asking him to send Marine over there, isn't that courting death?


As if thinking of something, he suddenly raised his head, took the phone bug on the side, and dialed it.

If he remembered correctly, that guy was a frequent visitor to Gulan Tezolo, and his favorite thing to do on vacation was to go there to play.


"Plus Vice Admiral hit the ball really well."

On the golf course in the casino, the wretched-looking, somewhat mature Jia Ji put down the club in his hand, raised his chin at the beauties around him, and his small eyes were full of smiles.

"Blue, blue, blue~"

At this moment, there was a sudden vibration in his arms.

Jiaji handed the cue to a beautiful woman unhurriedly, and signaled the surrounding beauties to be quiet.

Then he stepped aside and took out a small phone bug from his pocket.

Press the button on the back of the phone bug, and it is connected instantly.

"Moses Moses, I am Jiaji, who is it?"

"I'm Sengoku."


Hearing that it was Sengoku, the smile on Kake's wretched face disappeared immediately, and his eyes became serious.

Generally speaking, Mr. Sengoku will not disturb them when these Vice Admirals are on vacation.

After all, there is not much vacation time throughout the year.

Holding the phone bug, he walked a further distance into the depths of the court.

Then he raised the phone bug and asked, "Mr. Sengoku, what's the matter?"

"Where are you?"

Sengoku didn't say anything first.

After all, he didn't know if Jiaji was in Gulan Taizuolo.

"I'm in Gulan Tezolo just like normal vacation time!"

Jia Ji looked at the phone bug, a little strange.

His fondness for holidays at Gulan Tezolo was well known among Marine upper circles.

"In Gulan Tezolo?"

Sengoku pondered for a moment, then said directly: "The Silver Hair Pirates are in Gulan Tezoro now."


Obviously, Jiaji was shocked by this news.

Then came the solemnity.

I saw his slightly hunched body straightened in an instant, and the whole person instantly cheered up.

Now no one in this world can keep calm in front of silver hair.

Including Marine.

After all, just a few days ago, Marine witnessed how the silver hair killed the Four Emperors.

That kind of killing Four Emperors is as easy as killing ordinary pirates. Just through the description of Vice Admiral Garp and Polusalino Admiral, they can feel the pressure on their faces.

Now, Silver Hair is actually on the boat where he is on vacation.

If there is a conflict here, will he go up or not?

After all, Tezolo is the largest entertainment city in the world. Although it is a neutral country, it has a good relationship with the World government and Celestial Dragons.

Even now, he also knows that there are two Celestial Dragons on the upper level, playing on it.

"What the hell."

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"It doesn't necessarily turn bad, maybe they just came to play!"

Although the silver hair came, it might not cause a conflict here, and even if there was a conflict, with his strength, it was impossible to stop it.

That's not bravery, that's courting death.

"Then Sengoku-san, do you have any orders?"

He glanced at the phone bug and asked Sengoku what he wanted from him.

If only the silver hair was in Gulan Tezolo, there was absolutely no need for Sengoku to make a special call, because no one could stop the silver hair no matter what.

So it doesn't make much sense to let him know and not know.

"What I mean is that you leave Gulan Tezolo now, or you can adapt to the situation. Anyway, you just need to watch the fun and don't make a move. The silver-haired gang won't do anything to you."

"Although the CP organization asked me to send Marine to protect Gilder Tezzolo, this is not an order from the Five Elders. The CP organization alone cannot directly order Marine to do things!"

His meaning is very simple, that is to let Gage leave Gurran Tezolo, or, if Silver Hair really makes trouble in Gurran Tezolo, let him stay there to watch the show, just like De Reiss last time Same as Rosa.

In short, no matter what happens, remember not to do anything.

In this way, regardless of whether Silver Hair shoots Tezolo or not, it will not have much impact on their Marine.

After all, Jiaji is still a Marine Admiral candidate no matter what, and there are only two in the entire Marine.

"I see, Mr. Sengoku." Kake replied, then seemed to think of something, and quickly said: "Oh! By the way, Mr. Sengoku, Gion is here too."

He didn't just come here to play, but to pursue Gion.

Although he had failed almost a hundred times, he did not give up, but became more courageous as he fought.

Hmm... this is the fighting power of dog licking!


Sengoku thought for a moment, asked Kake to inform Gion, pass on his opinion, and then hung up the phone.

"World government... cp organization..."

Straightening up, Sengoku tilted his head and looked at the sea outside the window, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

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