Barati, the restaurant on the sea.

It is said to be the most famous restaurant in the East China Sea. Many people come here specifically to taste the delicious dishes made by the owner and chef Zepp. Even important figures in the navy come here to eat.

When you come here, it doesn't matter if you are a navy or a pirate.

It doesn't matter if you are a noble or a commoner.

As long as you come here hungry, they will make sure you are full.


The old and heavy wooden door of Barati made a slightly low and sharp sound, covering up the soothing music coming from the restaurant.

Kota pushed open the door of the restaurant and walked into the restaurant first, followed by Kuina, Ahua and the other two.

The people who were dining in the restaurant all looked up at the door, and then didn't pay much attention. It was not until then that the soothing and elegant music in the restaurant, the collision of cups and knives and forks, and the sound of people talking in low voices, came all at once.


As soon as Kota and his friends entered the restaurant, a man wearing a pink scarf and looking fierce, like Popeye,���I don't know where he came from.

He stood in front of them, bent over, rubbing his hands, and looked at them with a big smile.

Paddy noticed Kota and his friends the moment they walked in.

So he rushed to Kota and his friends at his fastest speed to welcome them.

The main reason was that these guests were obviously rich people, and he liked to greet rich people the most.

He liked the generosity of rich people and hated poor people.

Kota looked at Paddy standing in front of him, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he said politely

"I heard that this place has the best food in the East China Sea, so we came here to taste it today."

"Could you please introduce me to him?"

Paddy was slightly stunned when he saw the sunny Kota. He hadn't met such a polite guest for a long time.

This is a restaurant on the sea, and the main guests are pirates.

You can't expect pirates to be polite!

He came back to his senses, and the professional smile on his face showed a hint of sincerity, and smiled at Kota.

""Uncle, please come in first. I will introduce you to you in detail later."

This guy was originally a vicious pirate, and later joined the Red-foot Zhepu at the Sea Restaurant and became a chef. Now he is a chef and fighter at the Barati at the Sea Restaurant.

So he calls everyone"uncle".

Paddy rolled his eyes to see the number of people in the group, then turned to the kitchen and shouted loudly:"Five guests enter the store."

Then he bent slightly, pointed to an empty seat by the window with his right hand, and motioned for Kota and the others to follow him.

"Five gentlemen, please come this way. Barati at the Sea Restaurant will do its best to serve you."

Paddy walked to the round table first and helped Kota and his friends pull out their chairs.

After watching them sit down, he took the cups and lemonade handed to them by another chef and poured them one by one.

Then he stepped back, stood aside, and said to Kota enthusiastically.

"Sir, please have some tea first."

"Well! Tell me what dishes there are!"

Korata picked up the cup and took a sip of lemonade. It was sour and sweet, not bad.

Paddy took out a notebook and a pen from the ring and introduced

""My dears, our restaurant has different dishes every day, which mainly depends on what kind of ingredients we can get that day. Today we have the largest abalone and sea cucumber in the East China Sea, and the saury that is unique to the Kingdom of Columbia."

He paused and then said

"However... today's best ingredients are not these, but a batch of sea fish and lobsters from the Grand Line."

Paddy looked at the eager eyes of Kota and the others, the light of money flashed in his eyes, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"How about it, would you like to try it?"

He said this to every wealthy customer. The ingredients are indeed good, but they are a little expensive.

Only these rich uncles can afford this kind of ingredients. As for the poor, they don’t even deserve to enjoy lemonade. He... Paddy is so realistic.

Ah Hua has been very excited since he entered Barati. At this time, he finally couldn't help it.

He asked Paddy loudly:"Never mind the ingredients, can you let your store manager and chef Mr. Zhepu cook for us?"

Zhepu was a very famous chef more than ten years ago.

Later, after opening Barati, he became the most famous chef in Donghai.

Ah Hua is also a chef, of course he knows Zhepu, he has heard Zhepu's name from his father more than once.

Although his chef career has only been about two years, it is very watery.

But this does not affect him. He wants to really see how delicious the dishes made by the most powerful chef in Donghai are.

In the future, he will work hard in that direction.

Although Ah Hua is a salted fish, he still values the profession of chef.

"No problem, sir. Customers are God. Let alone asking the chef to cook for you, even asking me to dance for you is fine."


Kota smiled as he looked at Paddy, who was standing next to him, rubbing his hands with a fawning look on his face.

Although this guy looked ferocious, his movements were a little cute.

He said with a smile,"It's going to cost extra, right?"


Paddy was not embarrassed at all. After all, the prices of dishes made by the head chef and those made by ordinary chefs were definitely different.

As for his own service fee, of course the more the better!

""Okay, okay, go and serve all the best dishes in your restaurant today!"

Kota waved at him, revealing his hands full of gold rings.

These things were all picked up on the Creek ship. Not only did he wear a lot of gold rings on his hands, but he also had a few big gold chains around his neck. He also asked Ahua and the other two to wear the same rings and necklaces.

Otherwise, why do you think Paddy was so enthusiastic?

""Understood, sir, I'll ask the chef to cook for you right now."

In Paddy's heart, customers are God, and rich customers are God's God.

Faced with such customers who are not short of money and full of nouveau riche aura, he has to use 100% of his enthusiasm to make as much money as possible out of their pockets.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~ Isn't he just a nouveau riche?"

The navy at the table next to him couldn't stand it anymore. This big guy didn't have the same attitude when facing them.

"Isn't it said that the customer is God? You treat God differently."

"Please wait a moment, gentlemen. I'll go over and take care of it and be back soon."

Paddy turned around and straightened his back immediately. The smile on his face disappeared in an instant.

He slowly walked in front of the navy men, pulled the corners of his mouth, revealed a professional fake smile, and said lightly

"Dear guests, please don't make too much noise. You are disturbing my distinguished guests."

Guests are also divided into different levels, and in his mind, these marines are typical paupers. He doesn't care who they are. In his eyes, there are only three types of people. The first type is people who have no money at all. They can't even afford a meal and are the people he hates the most.

The second type is the paupers. They can afford a meal but can only eat ordinary bread and fish soup. He will also greet them, but he won't be too enthusiastic.

The third type is the rich. They can eat whatever they want. They are gods in his eyes.

In fact, there is another type of people, people like Kota and others. They are the gods among gods.

"You guys, your attitude is too obvious!"

"Is there any?"

Paddy asked perfunctorily.

"Of course not. Anyone can see the fake smile you gave us. Now you look even more impatient."

"What? We just don't welcome you."

"Oh! Is there?"

Then Paddy's mouth continued to widen, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying and asked them

"Are the guests satisfied now?"

"Satisfied? You are even more perfunctory than before!"

The navy stood up and yelled at Paddy.

Looking at the navy opposite, Paddy put away his smile, a fierce expression appeared on his face, and he spoke again.

"Dear guests, could you please not make too much noise?"

He used to be a pirate, so he would not indulge these navy men, especially those who have no money.

""What? Do you still want to fight us?"

Seeing Paddy's ferocious expression, the navy shouted even louder.

What's going on? Is it that their guns don't work well, or that their skins are useless? Any waiter dares to show malice to them.

They don't know Paddy's past. After all, Paddy used to be just a scumbag pirate who didn't even have a bounty.

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