The sound from their side not only attracted the attention of the entire restaurant, but also attracted Zeff upstairs and Sanji in the kitchen.

"Okay, Paddy, do you want to break the tables and chairs in the store again?"

At this time, a low and old voice came from upstairs, attracting everyone's attention. Then an old man came down the stairs.

The old man was wearing a chef's uniform and a very tall chef's hat. His golden beard was tied into two long braids on both sides of his lips. The old man wore a wooden prosthesis on his right leg, and he stepped on the wooden floor, making a"dong, dong, dong" sound.……".

Looking at the old man coming over, the navy who were still making loud noises just now, suddenly dared not say a word. They were not afraid of this Popeye-like guy, but they were afraid of the old man in front of them.

Ordinary people don't know the past of this old guy, how can they, the navy, not know?

This old man was the captain of the famous chef pirate group in the East China Sea more than ten years ago.

It is rumored that he has very superb leg skills. Because he kicked his opponent and splashed blood five feet, and his feet were also dyed red with blood, he was called"Red Foot" Zeff.

Although he is not a pirate now, his power is still there. God knows if he will suddenly go crazy and kick them suddenly.

Walking in front of the navy, Zeff first kicked Paddy with his prosthetic limbs, looked at him and said,"What are you doing standing there? Why don't you go and deal with the ingredients? It's really rude to keep the guests waiting for so long."

Paddy pursed his lips, obviously he was not afraid of Zeff.

He turned around and walked quickly towards the table of Kota and the others.

When he got in front of Kota, he had a ferocious expression, then like a master of face-changing, he quickly smiled, blooming like a chrysanthemum.

He bent his body, rubbed his hands beside his head, and said flatteringly:

""Master, do you have any other instructions?"

In the restaurant, everyone's mouth twitched and they were all silent.

It's too obvious!

Kong Tai pulled the corner of his mouth and looked at Paddy in silence. This guy is really a top-notch

"Don't get so close to me. I can see your long nose hair. It's disgusting. Go and cook."

"I understand, my guest. Your request is my greatest purpose.

He slowly stepped back a few steps, turned around, and straightened his bent back. He quickly put away the smile on his face and walked into the kitchen.

The other guests in the restaurant slowly returned to their original state when they saw that there was no more excitement.

"What? That's it?"

Some of them heard that the chefs here like to fight with pirates and guests, so they came to watch the fun.

Zhepu looked at the several navy officers standing upright in front of him and said lightly

"Go and call your Captain Last to come for dinner! We are old friends too. That guy is always the first one to come in every time he comes here."

"Oh by the way, I haven’t seen you guys before. Are you new on board?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhepu."

One of the navy officers looked at Zhepu cautiously and said,"If Mr. Zhepu has nothing to do, we will go and call our captain."

"Go, go!"

Zhepu waved at them.

The sailors breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned around and ran out of the restaurant.

Zhepu seemed to have handled the problem easily.

Kong Tai said to him exaggeratedly:"Wow! You are worthy of being a man with a title, so impressive!"

"My dear guest, I am not a powerful person, I am just an ordinary restaurant owner."

Zhepu walked to the table where Kota and his friends were, stood next to Kota, and said calmly

"Well, whoever you are, could you please cook the food faster?"

Sora shrugged nonchalantly.

""Okay, please wait a moment, sir. After all, no matter how fast the food is cooked, it still takes time to prepare it.""


Kota took out a stack of berries from his arms and threw them casually on the table.

"What about now?"

Zep's mouth twitched. He felt that Kota was humiliating him.

"Sir, even if we try our best, it will take at least half an hour!"

"What about now?"


Same action, same money.

Zhepu's indifferent expression slowly turned into a smile, and his waist slightly bent.

If this is the humiliation, then please increase the intensity.

"Customer, I can only arrive 20 minutes earlier, no faster, or my old bones will fall apart."


This time it was a big pile, at least seven or eight stacks.


Kota looked at Zeff beside him with amusement, whose face changed drastically, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

This way of playing with money to throw at people is still very enjoyable. Anyway, the money was picked up.

Yes, it was picked up. There are so many pirates on the sea, waiting for them to pick up money!

From the moment he went to sea, he was no longer the person who had to borrow money to build a ship.

From now on, please call him, Kota... the richest man.

He has already reserved Berry on all the pirate ships he will meet in the future.

Zeff looked at Berry on the table, and his expression was finally no longer calm. He gradually bent over, a stiff smile appeared on his face, and he rubbed his hands and looked at Kota.

"Customer, I promise you, five minutes, just five minutes I will definitely cook the dish."

It's not that he doesn't stick to principles, but the other side gave too much.

Seeing Zhepu's appearance that was very similar to what Paddy had just done, Kota opened his mouth and laughed.


Ah Hua and the other two who had been watching the performance by Kota and Zhepu also started laughing.

They couldn't hold it back any longer.

They laughed and slapped the table, making a"bang bang bang" sound.……"'s sound.

Kuina covered her mouth, her shoulders twitched wildly, and she laughed clear and crisp like a silver bell.

Zhepu stood up straight and looked at the five people who were laughing wildly with a smile.

He had long seen that Kota was joking with him, so he played along with him.

Otherwise, do you think he was really after the money on the table?

Seeing that Kota and the others had laughed enough, Zhepu asked;"Boy, judging from your clothes, you don't look like pirates. Are you planning to go there for fun, or are you really planning to go on an adventure?"

"Of course it's an adventure, we're planning to go around the Grand Line," Ah Hua replied excitedly.

When they set out to sea, Kota told them that this was their goal.

"Grand Line, I really miss that kind of place."

Zep showed a nostalgic look on his face.

Ahua and the others only knew that Zep was a chef, and didn't know that he was a pirate before. They were not Kota or the navy.

"Oh, judging from Mr. Zhepu's expression, have you been to the Grand Line?" Ah Hua pushed up his glasses and asked with interest.

Zhepu smiled and reminisced:"Well...! I had a dream before, so I found a group of like-minded partners and went to the Grand Line."

He paused, his face gradually became serious, and he looked at Kota and the others and continued:"We only sailed in the Grand Line for one year before we were wiped out. If we hadn't met a kind ship, even I wouldn't have been able to come back."

"What happened next? How did you come up with the idea of opening a restaurant on the sea?"

A Luo put his hands on the table and asked Zhepu puzzledly.

Hearing Arlo's question, Ahua and A Tao also nodded and looked at Zhepu curiously.

They didn't care about the dangers of the Grand Line. After all, they had never experienced it and couldn't empathize with it. Besides, there was Kota's invincible strength.

They were interested in what could motivate a person to open a restaurant on the sea.

It must be because of experiencing a lot of interesting things that he had such an idea!

Facing the curious eyes of Ahua and the other two, a trace of fear flashed in Zhepu's eyes.

He pulled out a chair, sat next to Kota, and slowly and lightly recounted his tragic experience of being shipwrecked and stranded on a deserted island.

As for his legs and Sanji, he didn't say much.

After listening to Zhepu's experience, Ahua pushed the frame of his glasses, with a gleam in his eyes

"So, Mr. Zhepu has experienced extreme hunger, so in order to provide people who go out to sea with a place to eat when they are hungry, he came up with the idea of opening a restaurant on the sea?"


Hearing Zhepu's brief and affirmative answer, they all showed admiration.

For a chef, this is such a great and noble idea!

Zhepu looked at the guys opposite, who were only interested in Barati, but didn't care about the dangers of the Grand Line. He kindly reminded them

"Boys, I advise you to be prepared before setting off. After all, the dangers of the Grand Line are not comparable to those of the Four Seas. All the vicious pirates from the four seas gather there."


A Tao shrugged indifferently, took out a cigarette case, handed it to Zhepu, and said with a smile

"Mr. Zhepu, would you like one?"

Zhepu looked at A Tao and waved his hand quickly, explaining to them:

"My hands never touch these things, for fear of contaminating the food."

Tao looked at Zhepu's honest look, took back the cigarette box, took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked.

She saw that Kota and the others didn't take the pirates seriously.���Zepp continued in a serious tone.

"Pirates are easy to deal with, and there is a chance that they can escape. If you are unlucky and encounter a natural disaster-level horrible weather, then congratulations, you may be completely wiped out."

"As for me, I encountered a natural disaster and was completely wiped out."

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