“I… I remembered that the flame of that color wasn’t the Undead Bird, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ Marko’s ability?

The pirates suddenly became panicked.

An ability of the Demon Fruit of the phantom beast species with super self-healing ability,

It’s not something they can kill by these rabble who can’t arm the domineering.

The quick-brained guy in the pirates has already begun to urge his crew to turn around and escape.

However, Gu Yina on the other side obviously could not give them such an opportunity.

A blue-blue flame like the wings of a phoenix suddenly appeared on his arms.

The next second,

Her figure is already soaring above the sky.

“One knife flow blade rain!”

The furious String Moon slash fell from the sky like a storm.

The dozens of pirate ships below were all shattered in the blink of an eye.

And the pirates on the ship did not have time to wail and scream,

And with the wreckage of the ship,

Fragmented and sunk into the sea.

The naval soldiers in the port were already shocked by the image in front of them.

Until Gu Yina’s figure disappeared completely,

They came to their senses.

“Gotta… Saved?!”

“That girl just now, it seems that she is the one who said that she is Lord Candle Dragon, right?”

“That’s right, in the face of the pirates without leaving a living mouth, except for that adult’s subordinates, the other generals will definitely not dare!”

“Oh my God, do Lord Candle Dragon’s subordinates have such strength, I’m afraid they are no longer under the vice admiral!”

“Of course, she’s Lord Candledragon’s subordinate!”

“Long live Lord Candle Dragon!”

“Justice will triumph!!”

The soldiers, who were still dejected just now, suddenly cheered enthusiastically.

For these big-headed soldiers,

The name Candle Dragon symbolizes undefeated and legendary.

At the same time, it is also the strongest guardian of their naval soldiers and civilians.


“Is this what freedom feels like soaring in the sky?”

After leaving the port, Gu Yina fluttered her wings in the sky with a look of intoxication.

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Just a few days ago,

When Zhang Yang suddenly brought the demon fruit of the “Animal Phantom Beast Species, Bird Fruit, and Immortal Bird Form” of the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, Ma Jiaoke, in front of her.

Gu Yina was confused.

Of course she knew what that meant.

At the same time, he also knows the preciousness of this devil fruit.

She couldn’t believe it.

The man in front of him actually wanted to let himself eat such a precious devil fruit.

“Eat it, you are going to become the world’s number one female swordsman!”

Zhang Yang gently stroked Gu Yina’s hair, then shoved the devil fruit into her hand, and then turned away directly.

The girl who left only tear stains on her face stood there dumbfounded.

The world’s first female swordsman!

I’m afraid that in this world, only this man has believed that she can reach that height from beginning to end.

Tears of gratitude couldn’t stop running down her cheeks.

Guina eventually ate the devil fruit.

From that moment on.

She vows to become the sharpest sword in the hands of Lord Candle Dragon!

This wish does not conflict with her becoming the world’s first female sword hao,

But it is already in the first place.


With Zhang Yang, he sent out his subordinates’ combat power one by one.

The unrest in the four seas was quickly quelled.

And when the news of Akainu becoming a naval marshal was officially announced, the news spread quickly throughout the sea like a storm.


In addition to the New World,

The countless pirates in the first half of the Four Seas and Great Voyage began to feel trepidation.

The ascendancy of the red dog is simply the worst situation for them.

Compared to red dogs,

They prefer a guy like a pheasant or a yellow ape to be in the throne.

The radical and iron-blooded red dog is a nightmare for them.

As for the candle dragon…

No kidding,

Even if the world is destroyed, they don’t want to see this guy as a marshal! _

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