Marlene Fando.

The former site of the headquarters of the Navy.

Marshal’s office.

Although the area is badly damaged at this time, it has not been completely repaired.

But before the renovation of the New World-1 branch is completed,

The Navy still has to work here.

The red dog sat in the marshal’s seat, holding a cigar in his mouth, and his eyes scanned the people on the opposite side.

“Gentlemen, I have gathered you here today because I have something I want to hear your opinion!”

The first reaction of Sengoku and others was “I lean, what the hell is this guy going to do?!”

After all, the marshal of the navy who gave the order to relocate the headquarters as soon as he took office, there was no one else except Akainu.

No one knows what kind of moth he’s going to be up again!

“Why, did you decide anything again?”

Granny Crane asked with a slight frown.

“Two things!”

The red dog immediately put up two fingers and said in a deep voice:

“First, I am ready to start the ‘World Conscription Program’!”

“In the previous war, we lost tens of thousands of naval elites, in order not to let those pirates feel that there is an opportunity, we must replenish new living forces, absolutely not let them take advantage of the great situation created by the navy!”

“Well, I agree, we do need to replenish some manpower, as the naval headquarters moves to the new world in the future, we are bound to face a more severe situation and more dangerous conflicts, so it is urgent to replenish combat power as soon as possible!”

Sengoku nodded in agreement irrefutably.

“With the demise of the Whitebeard Pirates, the new era is bound to become more complicated, and conscription from the world is indeed in line with the immediate demands of our Navy, Sakaski, I also agree with you this”

Granny Tsuru also agreed with Akainu’s “Zhengsei conscription.”

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The Grand Inspector of the Navy and the Grand Staff Officer spoke in agreement at the same time,

Naturally, others will not have doubts.

“Good, it looks like there will be new people joining again!”

The yellow ape, who was directly ignored by everyone, said to himself on the side.

“Okay, since there is no doubt about the first thing, then I will say the second thing now!”

“I decided… Cancel the system of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai and re-arrest these sea thieves, especially in the Top War, the ‘female emperor’ Boya Hancock, who helped Luffy the Straw Hat of the Dragon, the son of the commander of the Revolutionary Army, must make her pay the corresponding price!”

Chi Inu said with a fierce look.


The people, including the Warring States, were immediately shocked.

“Hey, Sakaski, it’s a bit too hasty to do this now, Whitebeard has just died, the New World is now in turmoil, the other three emperors have skyrocketed in power after annexing Whitebeard’s territory, and we still need the power of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai to balance the other three emperors!”

Sengoku said with a nervous look.

“Yes, Marshal Sakaski, we have not yet recovered our vitality, if we attack those sea pirates, I am afraid that it will cause more casualties, which will inevitably give those ambitious guys in the New World an opportunity, it is better … Let’s officially implement this order after the end of the world conscription!”

The other generals persuaded worriedly.

Chi Inu glanced at everyone in the room, and saw that the overwhelming majority of them opposed this resolution, so he nodded and said:

“Okay, this matter can be dealt with later for the time being, but the female emperor guy must be punished!”


“Marshal Sakaski, that guy’s fruit ability is really tricky!”

“Yes, at the same time, she is also the emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, we can’t openly attack her!”

Everyone spoke.

“Hmph, such a lawless woman dares to openly attack the navy in the top war, and at the same time provide the key and help to Straw Hat Luffy, if such a reason is not enough to execute her, then where is the face of our navy?!”

Zhang Yang said with a gloomy expression.

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