The former site of the headquarters of the Navy.

Marlene Fando.

The restoration work is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Busy crowds can be seen throughout the island.

At this time, in the conference room of the Navy Building, Marshal Akainu, Dadu Warring States, Grand Staff Officer Crane, Senior Admiral Yellow Ape, and a few vice admirals were holding an impromptu emergency meeting.

“According to the report of the soldiers who managed to escape, the pirates who sank three warships and the ships of the world nobles this time are the former captain of the Ward Pirates who accidentally escaped from the hell of Imper due to Straw Hat Luffy in the Top War, and the world saboteur – Bundy Wald!”

Commodore Branou, who specializes in intelligence, reported loudly.

“What, is that guy?”

Warring States’ face instantly became solemn.

“I said, that guy is really a mad dog, the world nobles, navy, pirates, they can bite whatever they see, it’s really a headache!”

The yellow ape looked at the report in his hand and said with a lewd expression.

“Hmph, these old guys who have been abandoned by the times are really old and refuse to die!

The red dog snorted coldly.

“You two don’t underestimate this man, although his bounty is only 200 million, but this is a reward thirty years ago, the other party is a terrible guy who cannot be underestimated regardless of physical skills or devil fruit ability!”

Sengoku opened his mouth and reminded.

“Yellow Ape, this guy will be handed over to you to deal with!”

Akainu said nonchalantly.

“Oh, I’m still on vacation, so I’ll leave this kind of work to someone else!”

The yellow ape smiled and waved his hand.

“Your Excellency Marshal, this matter should not need our navy to intervene, because the world government has already issued an urgent edict to His Majesty Qiwuhai!”

Branu interjected.

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“What, actually bypassing us to directly issue the summoning order, these bastards of the five old stars really don’t put the navy in their eyes!”

The red dog roared angrily.

“Naturally, they do it for a reason!”

Mother-in-law He, who had been silent, suddenly spoke:

“Although this emergency convocation is to prevent Wald’s attack, I am afraid that they want to take this opportunity to re-show the world the terrifying combat power of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, so as to maintain the existence of this special ‘weaving’ and attract more powerful pirates to join the position!”

“And such a move can also effectively prevent someone from colluding with Wald in the Seven Martial Seas, I think this is the real purpose of the world government!”

Warring States nodded lightly and said with a look of emotion:

“Yes, after all, until that day thirty years ago, that man’s title was always called World Destroyer, and this alone is enough to prove how wary the world government is of him!”

“Thirty years ago?”

The red dog and the yellow ape fell into memories at the same time.

“You were still recruits, remember?”

Granny Tsuru reminded.

“Hmm… It seems that the combined naval and pirate forces that were at war with Wald were forced to retreat after a fierce battle!”

The yellow ape’s expression that recalled some of the content suddenly became solemn.

“However, because of the actions of the CP organization installed by us behind the back of the world government, the war situation took a turn, and the betrayal of his companions directly led to the destruction of the Valder Pirates.

Then he was secretly imprisoned by the World Government in Imper Hell, and remained frozen there in suspended animation!”

Granny Crane said with a somewhat complicated expression.

“Yo yo, what a terrible guy was released!”

The yellow ape had already put away his lewd smile at this moment.

“Hmph, blame that damn straw hat kid, if it weren’t for him, those villains who were imprisoned in LEVEL 6 WOULD DEFINITELY NOT SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!”

The red dog roared with an annoyed look:

“I really should have slaughtered that idiot in the top war!”

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