Sengoku and the others cast strange glances at Akainu at the same time.

If you really do that.

I’m afraid we should be holding a memorial service for you now!

In addition to the red dog,

Everyone else saw that Lieutenant General Karp was close to his rampage.

If another grandson dies,

I’m afraid that even if “justice” is as heavy as a mountain,

It will also be crushed by that old guy’s punch.


The Warring States let out a long sigh, and his face was full of helpless expressions.

“Hmph, an old guy who has been frozen for thirty years, even if his strength was superior at that time, he has already fallen off the altar now, what is there to worry about!”

The red dog snorted haughtily,

It doesn’t seem to take Wald seriously at all.

Then he waved his hand and ordered:

“Contact Candle Dragon immediately, he is the closest to the sea area where the incident occurred, let him solve the female emperor and go directly there, it is bound to rush ahead of the world government and bring back the head of that guy from Walde!”


Brannou answered and left.

How to say that Wald is also a legendary pirate who was once on a par with Whitebeard, Golden Lion and others, in case his strength does not regress, I am afraid that kid will fall into a bitter battle!”

Sengoku said with some concern.

Oh, isn’t that exactly the situation that guy likes?”

Akainu Zuijiao curved a confident smile and said undeniably:

“What about the legendary pirates, are there still few legendary pirates who died in the hands of that guy?!”

Sengoku and the others were silent immediately.

“However, if you disrupt the plans of the world government like this, I’m afraid it will be difficult to explain to the five old stars!”

Granny Crane said in a deep voice.

“Hmph, the navy catches the thieves, when do you want them to point fingers!”

“Moreover, this kind of thing happened in the transition stage between the upcoming relocation of the Navy headquarters and the establishment of the new system, and we need to use Wald’s head to get through this bad period!”

Chi Inu snorted coldly with a look of disdain.

Sengoku and Tsuru looked at each other.

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Only then did the two of them realize that

I really despised the wisdom of this guy Sakaski.


No wind bands.

Daughters Island.

“Bundy Wald?”

Zhang Yang, who received a call from the headquarters of the Navy, frowned slightly, feeling very sorry for this name.

“Yes, Lord Candledragon, Wald is known as the ‘World Destroyer’, is the ability of the Superhuman Momo Fruit, and can increase the size and speed of the things he encounters by 100 times to attack,

But not being able to use this ability against other organisms other than himself is an existence that once made the world government extremely fearful, and his title is by no means a wasted name!”

Brannor on the other end of the phone explained carefully.

“Oh, yes? That’s kind of interesting!”

Zhang Yang, who was originally lacking in interest, suddenly became interested.

To be able to fight against such an old powerhouse,

For him, the crosser,

It’s the most enjoyable thing.

“Okay, I know, I will leave immediately and go to the sea area outside the incident to block!”

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang directly called Fuji Hu and ordered:

“Fuji Tiger, you take some people to stay here and continue to search for the whereabouts of Straw Hat Luffy, and then wait until the situation in the Amazon Lily Kingdom has officially stabilized before leaving here!”

“Don’t worry, with the old man here, there will be no trouble!”

Fujitora nodded in reply.

“Lieutenant General Karp, you should also stay here, if you find out the whereabouts of the straw hat, they will notify you as soon as possible!”

Zhang Yang said to Karp again.

“I see… Thank you really this time!”

Karp said with a slightly complicated expression.

Don’t look at his usual big grin.

But he had already seen something from Zhang Yang’s address to him and the change in his demeanor.

It seems that I will want to intercede through Zefa in the future,

It’s already impossible.

Luffy, you little bastard, where the hell are you now!

Grandpa’s side is almost unable to cover you!

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