Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 658: The Resurrected Person

Seeing the family members he cultivated, those who fell down and those who were caught were caught, Doflamingo's complexion suddenly became even uglier.

If the navy hadn't arrived, he would have figured out a way to get out by now.

But now, it's my turn!

Especially when he saw that the leader of the team was Admiral Aokiji, he even thought about the news headlines that followed.

"Shichibukai Doflamingo and Admiral Aokiji team up to capture the evil pirate Abe! "

"Hey, hey, don't you run away? If you don't run away, you won't have a chance."

"Although I don't know what method you used to attract these people to help, but don't forget, Enel and Jinbei are Qibukai like me!"

"Now Admiral Aokiji has arrived, and they won't help you anymore. Next you will face the siege of an admiral and three Shichibukai!"

Doflamingo spoke loudly, and at the same time, Enel and Jinbei were listening.

He didn't believe that these people would be recruited by Abel.

Maybe the Dragon Hunting Guild is true, but it doesn't mean that Abel will believe whatever he says.

He prefers to believe that it was Abel's way of deliberately provoking and intimidating him.

Sure enough, after Aokiji arrived with his people, after watching the situation at the scene, the first thing he asked was why Enel and Jinbei were here, whether they had joined forces with other pirates, and were about to give up the title of Qibuhai .

Enil immediately laughed loudly, "Yeah, what a shit Shichibukai, my uncle has never cared about this stuff!"

"Navy, listen carefully, my uncle is now one of the four emperors of the Dragon Hunting Association, 'Thunder Emperor' Enilo!"

Dragon Hunting Guild!

Four emperors!

Thunder Emperor!

The information learned from the intersection of Aini is really shocking.

And Ai Nilu's secondary school also stunned Abel and others who knew about it.

What are these Four Emperors?

Why doesn't he know?

In addition, did the Four Emperors include him?

Jiaji was also confused, Enilo said he was the Thunder Emperor, so that guy Tezolo is the Golden Emperor?

Made, I feel a bit domineering and nice!

Then what god am I?

Jia Zhi suddenly fell into deep thought. If he couldn't come up with an equally domineering name, wouldn't he become a 'brother' in the future!

After Enilo expressed his attitude, Aokiji looked at Jinbei again.

Jinping's complexion changed, and he took a step back in the end, "I am not a member of the Dragon Hunting Guild, but I just came here to help in a private capacity just in time for the meeting. Next, the conflict between the Dragon Hunting Guild and the navy, I don't care." will participate."

After speaking, he looked at Abel with apologetic eyes.

No way, Qi Wuhai's name is very important to him.

And the relationship between him and Abel is indeed not that good. If he really wants to choose a force to join, why doesn't he join the Whitebeard Pirates?

Abel nodded slightly, expressing his understanding. He didn't expect Jinbe to always be on his side. It was the other party who insisted on coming to help.

And it really helped a lot just now.

What's more, Jinbe has already expressed his attitude, and it is enough that the two do not help each other.

Qingzhi was silent for a while, and then said: "Yes, then please step back, so as not to cause misunderstanding later."

"I'm so sorry, Brother Abel, I"

"People who carry the survival of an entire race on their shoulders, what is there to be sorry for? As long as you are not afraid of being implicated by me, you can continue to be friends in the future."

Looking at Abel's serious gaze, Jinbei's nose was sour, and his eyes were a little moist.

"Not friends, but brothers!"

Jinbe said something with a firm expression, ignoring how the navy would imagine, then turned and left.

This also made the nervous Doflamingo heave a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Jinbei would stand firmly on Abel's side like Enilo, and then shouted out what kind of emperor he was,

Now there are two Qiwuhai helpers, one goes and the other stays.

Although it is somewhat different from what I imagined before, it is acceptable.

"General Aokiji, it's time to catch them all!"

Under Doflamingo's urging voice, Aokiji nodded slightly, a very sharp ice blade condensed in his hand, and then...


What Aokiji did next shocked everyone in the audience!

Because he was not attacking anyone on Abel's side, but Virgo standing behind him!

Under Virgo's astonished eyes, the ice blade in Aokiji's hand pierced the guy's chest directly, and then the ice quickly spread around his body.

Virgo didn't have any defenses at all, and he couldn't figure it out at all, why did his chief suddenly attack him?

With a puzzled expression, his body crashed to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a navy took off the mask and hood used for camouflage on his face, stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, don't panic! I am Colonel Rossindi, and I have brought the latest order from Marshal Warring States!"

"Vergo's true identity is actually the top cadre of the Don Quixote family, and he is an undercover spy sent by Doflamingo to infiltrate the navy!"

"In order to collect evidence against the Don Quixote family, Marshal Warring States used this person as a bait to secretly intercept a large amount of information."

When Rossindi "resurrected from the dead" stood up, Doflamingo and Virgo were all stunned!

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes!

Virgo finally knew where the problem was, and couldn't help laughing bitterly, all bets were lost!

At this time, even if his identity was exposed and he wanted to fight back, it was already too late.

Because under the ice of Aokiji, he was severely injured in an instant, and he no longer had the strength to resist, and his consciousness began to blur, and finally fell into darkness.

"Impossible! How could you still be alive?!"

Doflamingo lost his composure, unwilling to believe what he saw.

"It's fake, it's all fake! You're not Rossindi, you must have been faked by someone else! Tell me, who are you?!"

Rossindi stopped preaching, and looked at his brother with pity, "Dover, see the reality, you have already lost and been completely abandoned, and my appearance here is the best evidence."

"So, you are not here to help me, but to catch me, right?"

"That's right, in the face of absolute evidence, let's get caught, Dover."

At this moment, a flash of understanding flashed in Doflamingo's mind, no wonder he always felt that something was wrong when he asked for help this time.

Thinking about it now, Wu Laoxing's agreement was a bit too happy.

that's the truth.

Doflamingo used his former Tianlong identity to do things outside, robbed the gold in the sky, and threatened them with the secret he knew, which made them very unhappy.

This time I have the opportunity to shut him up completely, of course he has to do everything right!

Don't give it a chance to stand up!

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