Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 659 No Compromise, Vow to Trample the World Underfoot!

Doflamingo, who had figured out the key to the matter, suddenly started laughing, and he laughed backwards and forwards, extremely crazy.

For some reason, all that appeared in his mind at this moment was the tragic picture of his parents giving up their identity as Tianlong people and taking him and his younger brother away from the holy land of Mariejoia to live outside.

It was the desolate ending of him taking his father's head, seeking approval, but being driven away.

Since then, he has sworn that he will never be underestimated again.

All the lost things, one day, he will get them all back!

There are also those Tianlong people, his dream is to step on them, and then repay the humiliation, pain, and indifference... all ten times and a hundred times back!

And to do this, he only has to move towards that throne step by step.

Anyone who blocks him will be swept into the trash by him.

Even if it was his own younger brother, he raised the gun in his hand without hesitation and shot him dead!

But at this point, he suddenly discovered that, in fact, he hadn't been able to get any closer to that dream.

Five Old Stars of World Government

With just one order, he was completely abandoned, and the admiral was sent to arrest him.

"So I've been a total loser from the start?"

Amid Doflamingo's lunatic laughter, Aokiji announced unhurriedly: "It has been found out that Don Quixote Doflamingo and his faction, the Don Quixote family, are involved in arms smuggling. , conducting human trafficking, murdering admirals, and stealing the country by illegal means, plus espionage.”

"The evidence is solid, deprive him of the title of Qibuhai and all related rights. All the navy listened to the order, immediately arrested him, and detained him in Jincheng City."

Doflamingo is over, and so is Don Quixote's family!

But when the marines stepped forward, ready to catch the entire Don Quixote family and arrest them all, an unexpected person stood up on his own initiative.

"Hey, hey, are you marines ignoring my existence too much?"

Abel waved the autumn water in his hand lightly, a knife flashed, and immediately drew a smooth and smooth mark on the ground.

Just like the Chu River and Han Realm, the two sides are divided into different areas.

The reason for his action is also very simple, he has long regarded the entire Don Quixote family as his own.

Now that the navy suddenly came out to arrest all members of the Don Quixote family, they were undoubtedly grabbing food from him!

Once these people are arrested, the huge resource channel network under the Don Quixote family will immediately fall apart.

So how could he tolerate such a thing to happen.

Furthermore, he never thought that Aokiji and the others would let him go after capturing Doflamingo and the others.

Since this battle is inevitable, of course we must express our position earlier.

Just in case anyone thinks he's fooled.

Doflamingo's laughter stopped abruptly.

He looked at Abel, "Want everything from me? Well, I'll give it all to you!"

"But I have a request. You must accept all the cadres of the Don Quixote family and treat them equally."

"Abel, since you are so confident that you can replace me and go to the throne, then show me how to do it, starting from killing these navy, 咈咈咈咈咈!"

Doflamingo laughed again.

It doesn't matter if you say he is misfortune, or he really gave up.

Everyone knows that this is both a 'gift' and a 'curse'!

Because if you want to receive this 'inheritance', you have to pass the level of Aokiji and many navies first.

If you can't find a way to keep these people, don't mention anything!

So Doflamingo can be said to have posed a problem for Abel.

This also made him feel very happy suddenly.

Of course, maybe he still has the idea of ​​making a profit, waiting for Abel and the Navy to lose both.

Abel understood all these principles.

But if you understand, can you give up?


Even if it was a sugar-coated cannonball, he would swallow it abruptly.

Even if it is fried, it can only be fried in his stomach!

Ever since, Abel also had a confident smile on his face, "Okay, then I'll take it bluntly!"

"If you want to arrest someone, just come and try."

"All Dragon Hunting Guild listen, anyone who dares to cross the line, kill!"

Among the three sentences, the first sentence was addressed to Doflamingo, the second sentence was addressed to the navy, and the third sentence was addressed to his own people.

directly expressed his attitude.

Even Doflamingo, who felt that he had posed a problem for Abel, was taken aback, and then an extremely complicated look appeared on his face.

The members of the Don Quixote family who were captured or defeated but still conscious had the same feeling.

Not long ago, the two sides were still hostile.

But in the blink of an eye, they became 'companions' who needed to be protected by each other.

And the young master personally agreed!

How should I put it, I feel very complicated after hearing this, but deep down there is a sense of relief and relaxation.

For others, it may be difficult for them to recognize.

But if this person is Abel who used to get along with all of them day and night, and is the top cadre of the original family, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept.

Even rejoicing!

Rather than relying on Kaido, or being captured by the navy, they are more inclined to hand over the family to Abel.

At least Abel is 'one of his own'!

"Why? Haven't you already left the Don Quixote family? Why are you still wading in this muddy water?"

Rossindi asked in a puzzled tone of excitement.

"Muddy water? Yes, the Don Quixote family is a dirty, sinful, stinky pool of muddy water. But don't forget, I was once part of this muddy water."

"Could it be that if I get out, I can become clear and clean? Don't be naive, Corazon!"

"Since I have chosen to take over the Don Quixote family, then correspondingly, I will also bear all the crimes and consequences!"

"All those innocent souls who died in vain, and those who swore to revenge, and you self-proclaimed righteous navy, if you want to kill me, come together!"

"This head is placed here, just come and take it. Even if you die, you must make this world tremble!"

As the words fell, Abel's aura also accumulated to a peak, shaking countless people into silence.

If Cap is a hero of the Navy, many saw for the first time today what a true hero must look like.

In order to achieve the goal, the means are not compromised!

Even if you are guilty, you still have no regrets!

Don't ask for a long time, just for a moment of brilliance!

Never compromise, vow to trample the world under your feet!


That is the path chosen by the weak.

Abel scorned it.

Even Rossindi was shocked by his remarks, as if using the ability of the fruit of silence.

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