Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 660 The power of ice? I have it too!

For the first time, Aokiji's cold poker face changed for thousands of years, and his eyes became serious.

"This person will be more dangerous than Doflamingo. We must not let him continue to develop."

He made such a decision immediately.

The movements of the hands are not slow.

Seeing his feet erupt, he crossed the boundary line cut by Abel with the light of the knife in an instant, and rushed towards Abel with open arms.

Ice Time!

Half of the body of the Qingzhi has been transformed into ice crystals, exuding an extremely cold air. Just a light touch can instantly freeze a person into an ice sculpture, lifelike.

And Abel stood there blankly as if he didn't react.

Got it.

"I lied to you!"

Abel, whose body was frozen quickly, suddenly grinned, revealing his sharp white teeth.

The ice layer only covered half of the face, and it stopped abruptly!

kindness? wrong!

Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, and immediately wanted to withdraw, but Abel was not such a casual man, he hugged him, and wanted to leave without paying a price?

Black lightning had already appeared in front of Aokiji, making his eyelids twitch.


Abel used a tyrannical powerful punch to directly destroy half of the buildings on the street.

In the open space, Aokiji, who recondensed his body from elementalization, immediately coughed up two mouthfuls of blood on the ground.

Although he had evaded in time at the critical moment, Ba Tang had the characteristic of being released, so he was still affected.

Aokiji couldn't help frowning, he wanted to solve the opponent quickly, but was used by the opponent instead, and he was caught off guard.

"Two broken ribs, this is troublesome."

"And was that domineering look just now?"

"Calm down, the most important thing now is to find out why the opponent has just been immune to the attack of the frozen fruit ability."

Qingzhi took a deep breath, the broken ribs were still aching.

Looking at the other side, their own generals rushed out, how could those marines stay in place and watch the fun.

At this moment, he has already fought with other members of the Dragon Hunting Association.

Although in terms of numbers, the Dragon Hunting Guild does not have the upper hand, and they even had a fight just now.

But under the persecution of the navy, the Dragon Hunting Association and the Don Quixote family have spontaneously united.

Don't forget, this is Dressrosa, the territory of the Don Quixote family.

So comparing the number of people is actually worthwhile.

If the quality is not good, it is a big deal to make up the quantity.

And in terms of high-end combat power, the Dragon Hunting Guild has the upper hand.

With just one Enilo, no one in the Navy can deal with it.

This is also the reason why Aokiji hoped to use Qiwuhai's name to force the opponent to withdraw from the battlefield at the beginning.

It's a pity that it failed, and Enilo didn't care about it at all.

Fortunately, Jinping was successfully persuaded to retreat, and it was not nothing.

"It can't be delayed, it must be resolved quickly."

After seeing the situation on the field, Aokiji immediately made such a judgment.

Frozen Time Capsule!

After suffering a loss, Aokiji chose to release the air-conditioning shock wave to attack Abel from a long distance this time, and all obstacles in his path were frozen.

Whether it was the punch just now or the long knife in his hand, it seemed that Abel was a melee opponent who was good at physical skills and kendo.

Then using long-range attacks to test, it couldn't be more correct.

After all, he still hasn't figured out why the previous attack failed to freeze it.

Even if you want a quick battle, you can't be reckless.

There is no conflict between the two.

Facing Aokiji's probing attack, Abel approached step by step with a knife in his hand to create momentum for himself.

Not to mention freezing it, those attacks couldn't even delay the time, as soon as it hit Abel's feet, it shattered directly.

This scene also made Qingzhi's expression freeze again!

"It's not melting, and it hasn't been attacked in any way. Why is this happening?"

Aokiji couldn't understand it, but the movements of his hands were not slow.

Storm pheasant mouth!

Two Thorny Spears!

The former still focuses on freezing ability, but the latter has very intuitive physical attack power and penetrating power.

Under the gaze of Aokiji, whether it was the beautiful ice bird or the sharp ice spear, they collapsed and disintegrated the moment they hit Abel? !

Abel patted off the remaining icicles on his body, and suddenly said, "Are you confused, why your freezing attack suddenly doesn't work?"

Aokiji didn't speak, it was a tacit consent.

"The reason is actually very simple. Because I also have the power of ice!"

Under Aokiji's shocked gaze, countless ice edges pierced from the ground, extending all the way to his feet.

Naturally, this kind of pure ice attribute attack could not cause any harm to him, so he had no intention of dodging at all, and wanted to experience it for himself.

"It's actually real ice."

Aokiji touched the ice pick that 'pierced' himself, and was shocked!

"Is it the lower fruit of the frozen fruit? Or another devil fruit with similar attributes?"

Now Aokiji finally understood why his freezing attack didn't work.

The two actually have exactly the same ability? !

Simply incredible!

"Ah, I almost forgot, this trick is nothing new. So what?"


Abel snapped his fingers casually.

Nothing happened?

No, it is in heaven!

Aokiji, who noticed the shadow on the ground, immediately raised his head to look, and saw three extremely huge ice meteorites condensed out of thin air and were falling rapidly.

And the target is not him. It is the entire navy!

Once such a large-scale destructive attack falls, the navy he brought may not survive much if they are immortal.

So he immediately stomped heavily on the ground, soaring into the sky, heading straight for the ice meteorite.

The ice is condensed on the right fist, and the armed look is full of domineering.

Recalling the content of the training with Garp in the past, Aokiji swung his right fist violently without stinging his physical strength.

He has never let go of his physical training!

boom! ! !

The first ice meteorite was blown up in an instant, followed by the second one.

It's just that when the third ice meteorite was bombarded, the power of Aokiji's punch was running out, and it just split it in half from the middle.

Aokiji took a quick breath and wanted to punch again, but the outburst just now forced him to relax a bit.

During this gap period, a large number of broken ice rocks and the two halves of the ice meteorites that were divided into two fell one after another.

Although many marines had tried their best to avoid it, they were still hit one after another, screaming and wailing.

Fortunately, Aokiji finally got over that breath, the power of the frozen fruit exploded again, and a huge ice cover rose from the ground, holding the navy in the 'bowl'.

Although this can't stop the falling impact of the three ice meteorites, it is enough to block the aftermath of today, especially the third ice meteorite that split in two.

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