Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 661: The Full-Powered Overwhelming Explosive Dragon Fist!

Chapter 661: The Full-Powered Overlord·Explosive Dragon Fist!

"Did the nightmare finally wake up?"

"Almost thought dead"

"Fortunately, there is General Aokiji!"

"Yes, with General Aokiji here, I will never lose."

"That's General Aokiji, whom Lieutenant General Garp often praises!"

. . . . . .

Just as a group of marines celebrated their narrow escape, the ice cover above their heads suddenly shattered.

A familiar figure crossed their line of sight and hit the ground heavily!

Everyone turned their heads and looked, it was General Aokiji that they had placed their boundless confidence in just now!

Obviously, even Aokiji couldn't cope with Abel's attack on the premise of protecting so many navies.

If Aokiji had such ease in strength, Abel would have led his people to retreat long ago.

The downed Aokiji stood up from the ground again with a solemn expression.

The situation became more and more difficult.

Both of them have the same 'ice power', and when they cancel each other out, neither can do anything to the other.

So the only competition left is physical skills and domineering.

In these two respects, Aokiji's level is definitely not low.

It's just that the short fight just now made him realize that the opponent's level is not below his.

Even under the blessing of that 'weird power', he suffered a dark loss as soon as he came up.

Now it is no longer a question of whether Doflamingo and other members of the Don Quixote family can be taken away, but if he cannot defeat each other as soon as possible, he and the navy he brought may all have to be accounted for here.

This was a situation that he never expected before he led the team out on a mission.

In a blink of an eye, the two fought fiercely together again.

And they all tacitly gave up using the power of ice, and completely fought with physical skills and domineering.

If Aokiji was forced to do it, then Abel was simply enjoying the joy of fighting!

An opponent like Aokiji, even if he 'lost' his signature frozen fruit ability, is not something anyone can touch, and he is still very powerful.

It's just that it's still not enough to face Abel who is fully fired!

boom! ! !

Abel's domineering punch and Aokiji's punch, which concentrated all the armed arrogance in his hand, collided violently together.

The black arc is extremely shining!

In the end, Abel's brute force and tyranny were better, and he sent the green pheasant flying in an instant.


Abel's figure immediately chased after him.

Domineering · Explosive Dragon Fist!

A dazzling golden light burst out from the black lightning, and this punch carried 100% of Abel's strength, and he struck out brazenly.

Aokiji stared, and ice walls erected from the ground one after another.

But under the radiance of that golden light, it almost collapsed at the touch of a finger!

Abel came to Aokiji in a blink of an eye.

"Ice coffin!"

At this moment, Aokiji resolutely gave up using elementalization to evade.

Because it was impossible for him to completely dodge that punch that was mixed with a lot of domineering looks, even if only part of his body was hit, it would still inflict heavy damage on him.

Then you can only gamble on your strongest defense.

In an instant, Aokiji's whole body was wrapped in a blue crystal that seemed to be condensed by thousands of years of ice.

Ever seen ice harder than diamonds?

That's it!

It's just that the strongest defense of this move comes at the cost of giving up all flexibility and autonomy.

During this period, Aokiji couldn't do anything except observe the outside environment with his eyes.

In theory, the defense of this trick is very difficult to break.

But it's a pity that Abel's punch has the effect of 'breaking defense'.

Any defenses will melt under that golden light.


When the 'ice coffin' shattered, Qingzhi was obviously stunned for a moment.

He had thought that the opponent might break through his defense, but he never thought it would be so easy and simple.

It was like breaking a glass.


Aokiji's chest instantly collapsed with a fist mark, causing it to spit out a big mouthful of blood immediately.

Then the golden dragon passed through his body like this, entangled him tightly, and exploded!

"cough cough cough"

In the smoke and dust, Qingzhi's clothes were torn, blood stains were stained in many places on his body, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

But the most serious injury, or chest.

The bones there have all been crushed, hurting the inside.

"General Aokiji?!"

Rosindi, who was still struggling to hold on, let out a cry.

The next moment, the dazzling thunder light instantly hit him, his whole body was emitting black smoke, and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Do you dare to be distracted on the battlefield with this strength?"

Anilo gave Rosindi a disdainful look, and then summoned hundreds of thunderbolts as thick as arms again, and began to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Countless navies were chopped into coke, and they couldn't run away even if they wanted to.

Heart Net + Thunderbolt Fruit = Lock Thunder Punishment!

Because he didn’t have to worry about the sugar anymore, Dabai also switched to superhero mode and started to fly into the air and bombard him wildly.

There were too many people, but Abel hid his hand, not letting Dabai show his true power, and not summoning the psychic Beastman Oz.

There is no need for this at all, let's leave it to Kaido and this guy's Beast Pirates to enjoy it.

In addition, in this kind of chaotic battlefield, Germa 66 led by Jia Zhi directly hit a ton of output, and the killing efficiency was no worse than Enilo.

Moreover, those clone soldiers can block each other's guns in various ways without considering morale issues at all. They are simply ruthless war machines.

Coupled with a whole family of young and old going into battle and all kinds of high-tech weapons, it's a direct blow to the navy.

Perhaps when dealing with super-class opponents, Jiaji's combat ability is not enough, but in the mid-to-low end of the game, Jiaji is omnipotent, as if frying fish in a fish pond!

Under their leadership, wouldn't the rest of the Don Quixote family's minions even know how to fight with the wind?

They rushed forward one by one, as if they had been spayed with chicken blood.

On the other hand, on the navy side, morale is declining very fast, and the rate of downsizing is even faster.

The main reason is that Admiral Aokiji, the backbone of all the navy, failed to show his power as before, and dealt with the enemy's leaders and cadres when he came up, but fell into a bitter battle and was about to lose.

As for the other admirals, most of them are major generals and colonels, not even a lieutenant general.

Basically, they have all been killed one by one by Ai Nilu.

It can only be said that the thunder fruit is worthy of being one of the most powerful abilities in the natural system!

Seeing the reversed situation in front of him, Doflamingo fell silent again.

Why do those enemies that he thinks are powerful have nothing to do with Abel?

First Jack, then Kaido, General Aokiji.

Could it be that he has really been eliminated by the new era?

Doflamingo was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

It would be fine if he could help Aokiji defeat Abel by betraying the water now, but judging from the current situation, even if he is added, the result will not change in any way.

Unknowingly, Abel has grown to an unbelievable and unexpected level.

Whether it is strength or power!

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