When Aokiji wanted to use the "Ice Age" to freeze the entire battlefield to make a comeback, Abel was not polite.

The shadow mage who had been hiding in the shadow of Aokiji for a long time came out immediately, and dealt the last blow to Aokiji!

At that time, Aokiji's full attention was on Abel, plus the ability to push the frozen fruit with all his strength, so he ignored the detailed changes in the shadow behind him.

So much so that when the shadow mage with bombs on his body grinned grinningly, Aokiji's heart sank immediately.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

A series of huge explosions resounded throughout the battlefield, and the fierce flames soaring into the sky also drowned the figure of Aokiji.

The ice age that Manyan went out came to an abrupt end and was interrupted before covering the entire battlefield.

But Aokiji is worthy of being Aokiji, at that critical moment, he still protected himself with ice in time



A long knife pierced his body from behind.

During the explosion at that distance, Abel relied on his high defense and forcibly switched positions with the Shadow Mage.

Qingzhi only had time to defend against the explosion, but he didn't expect that the sharp blade that appeared strangely in the explosion was the real means to end him!

"You lost, Kuzan."

Abel's voice slowly sounded from behind.

A wisp of blood spilled from the corner of Aokiji's mouth, but he didn't give up, a chill came out from his wound, and then froze the wound and the whole handful of autumn water.

It's just that when the cold air spread to Abel's body, it immediately lost its effect.

"Any last words?"

Aokiji remained silent.

Abel understood his attitude, and with black mist emitting from his left hand, he knocked him down to the ground and pinched Aokiji's head.

Under the ability of the dark fruit, Aokiji immediately could no longer release the ability of the devil fruit.

Abel shattered the ice layer on the knife with force, and then pulled it out with a puff, and aimed at Aokiji's neck.

With only a little force, the head of Aokiji can be easily chopped off.

But just when Abel was about to make a move, Robin suddenly appeared.

"No, please wait."

As early as the moment Aokiji led the navy to appear, Robin immediately hid in fear.

Because when Aokiji was not an admiral at that time, he participated in the demon-slaying order to destroy O'Hara.

It's just that when Robin was finally found, Aokiji released the water and let Robin go on purpose, warning Robin to be happy for saving his life and to live a low-key life in the future.

And emphasized that he is not her "companion", but "enemy", if there is any mistake, he will be the first person to arrest her.

So Robin is afraid of Aokiji, but also grateful for him.

And when Aokiji was about to be executed, gratitude finally overwhelmed fear and ran out, wanting to intercede for Aokiji.

After listening to Robin's reasons, Abel did not put away his blade, but said to Aokiji: "Let all the marines put down their weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise you will die, and none of the marines you brought will survive. You yourself choose."

It is impossible for Aokiji to compromise like the pirates, but Robin's intercession, and the murdered marines flashed before his eyes, which made him unable to make a selfish choice.

After a few minutes, all navies dropped their weapons.

When captured, many navies even let out a sigh of relief.

Although the navy is a profession that advertises justice, some people just regard it as a job.

Who wants to die if they can live?

What's more, it's such a meaningless way of dying.


There are many things to say, but in the end Robin only said this sentence.

"Compared to verbal thanks, I prefer practical actions, you know, my housekeeper and secretary."

Robin smiled brightly and nodded slightly.

Now that he got on this thief ship, he couldn't escape.

"Catch them all and find a place to detain them first."

Abel gave the order immediately.

Among them, Aokiji was locked with Hailoushi handcuffs. Just in case, Jiaji simply used medicine to make Aokiji fall asleep.

When the battle was over, many were still in disbelief.

That's an admiral!

They actually captured the admiral alive, and there are so many navy? !

Now the Navy Headquarters must be crazy!

However, Abel had his own considerations and dealt with this issue, so let's not mention it for the time being.

"Dover, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Abel came in front of Doflamingo and said calmly, not at all afraid that the other party would turn his face and deny him.

Because at this moment Doflamingo has no way out, even if it is repeated again, Abel is confident that he can directly capture the entire Don Quixote family.

But it seems that Doflamingo has no intention of denying his account.

"From now on, the Don Quixote family is yours, and you are the new young master."

"So simple?"

"Heh, do I still have the ability to resist now?" Doflamingo mocked.

"I know you are very unwilling, but the fact is right in front of you, I am more likely to take that position than you, so putting the family in my hands is a win-win choice."

Well, I won twice by myself!

Then Abel went on to say: "I built you a manor on a small island. When you are free, you can read newspapers and play around."

"When I succeed, I will definitely let you see it with your own eyes."

Doflamingo was silent for a while, and then he sneered again: "House arrest is house arrest, and it sounds so grand. I will always watch you, and see whether you are going to hell or trampling the Tianlong people under your feet. "

"I don't think that day will come too late."

Under Abel's signal, Gage also injected Doflamingo with a dose of medicine, making him fall into a coma.

Doflamingo is an ambitious man, so he has to guard against it.

But putting Shanghai Loushi handcuffs on him is not good looking.

So what Abel means is to ask Gage to perform an operation on Doflamingo, and place a fragment of sea tower stone on each segment of the spine.

This will ensure that Doflamingo can live a stable 'retirement' life.

Then Abel asked Dabai to treat these members of the Don Quixote family.

Right now, Doflamingo is being forced to abdicate, and Abel has become everyone's new young master. It's hard to accept for a while, it feels weird.

But no one dared to resist again, or make any small moves, at least not now.

One is that some are afraid of being beaten, and the other is that not everyone is as loyal to Doflamingo.

Abel knew the attitude of these people well, but he didn't care.

Tomorrow, he will make all the members swear allegiance to him.

[Discipline: Oath] (Herald) title

Effect: Once the person who swears to you breaks the oath, his soul will be wiped out immediately.

This thing could finally come in handy.

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