The next day, Abel took advantage of the rumors here before it got out.

First, let the original members of the Don Quixote family swear allegiance to him, making full use of the ability of [Commande: Oath].

Then I found several pirates to verify the consequences of breaking the oath in front of everyone.

One or two may be a coincidence or a pre-designed cover-up.

But it can't be all of them.

This also makes people who have other thoughts in their hearts suddenly shudder, as if they have been poured with a basin of cold water.

Abel is not going to talk about friendship with them. Without this layer of 'shackles', there is not much trust left between the two parties.

Of course, if they insisted on sacrificing themselves and betraying him, then there was nothing he could do.

But he thought, there must be a small number of people who are so willing to risk their lives.

After the internal relationship is settled, it is basically equivalent to holding all the resources of the entire Don Quixote family in his hands.

Thanks to Doflamingo for this, there are basically no secrets that the top cadres of Seka do not know.

In the end, Abel sent all the captured marines to the toy factory, and let Sugar turn them into toys, once and for all!

Naturally, it also includes the admiral Aokiji and Rossindi!

In Abel's view, the most buggy part of Tongqu Fruit is that it can completely erase the human being who has become a toy from social relations, as if this person did not exist from the beginning.

Losing the related memories of the navy and the green pheasant, the Dragon Hunting Guild will not arouse the fear and fierce pursuit of the navy for the time being.

And in order not to let himself forget these things, Abel naturally recorded all of them in his small notebook in advance.

With the memory that will not be erased in the previous life, coupled with the content recorded by himself in the small notebook, he can immediately let him know what happened and what he did.

Then Granose was about to cry because there were too many people waiting in line for her.

This is simply squeezing labor, and it is still child labor!

But what Abel did was not as ruthless as Flamingo was back then. Don't forget, half of the citizens of Dressrosa have been turned into toys.

Since that period of time, Granose has almost no rest time at all. He starts to 'work' every day when he wakes up, and can't rest until his physical strength is completely exhausted, and then repeats the next day.

God knows how long it took her to go through that kind of hellish life before it finally came to an end and she was able to relax a bit.

It's better now, although the boss has changed, but he is still being squeezed.

If it weren't for the fact that there are enough grape tubes to eat casually, the sugar would really quit! (I only dare to think in my heart)

After dealing with internal and external troubles like a quick knife, the first thing Abel did was to lead someone to capture Caesar who was trying to escape.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding! How could I want to run away? I just... just sat for too long, so I just wanted to go for a walk."

Caesar, who was captured, squeezed out a smile with an ugly face, and hurriedly explained.

There's no way, it's not that he didn't resist during the process of being captured, and then... there was no after.

Especially after hearing the news that Abel had led the newly established Dragon Hunting Guild to completely annex the Don Quixote family, forcing Doflamingo to abdicate and make way for the virtuous, he was even more honest and cooperative.

Resolutely don't give others the opportunity to make excuses!

"A walk? A walk to a boat and then out to sea?"

As Abel spoke, he slapped Caesar's face leisurely with the scabbard.

For some reason, what Caesar felt at this moment was not humiliation, but a chill and murderous intent.

Caesar couldn't help laughing, "I got a disease of 'accidentally going for a walk on the boat', it's true, it should be a side effect of developing the latest poison gas weapon, just rest for two days and I'll be fine. "

At this time, Abel looked at him, and suddenly said quietly: "Tell me, how much money did you secretly charge BIG MOM?"

"It's less than 500 million! I... am not what you imagined. Wait a minute, I can explain!"

When he realized that he had slipped the tongue, Caesar felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Explanation? Wait until the bottom, and explain it to the experimental subjects killed by you."

Abel suddenly put on a straight face, showing a cold face. He flicked the autumn water in his hand with his thumb, and a small sharp blade suddenly appeared, cutting a small opening in Caesar's neck.

"This man really wants to kill me."

When Caesar realized this, he was immediately sweating from fright.

"I was wrong, I don't dare to step on two boats again. I will return all the money I received to BIG MOM, don't kill me!"

Caesar couldn't bear the pressure and immediately began to beg for mercy.

When Abel heard this, an elusive smile appeared on his face, "Who did you just say to return the money you received?"

"BIG, uh, here you are, all for you!"

Caesar finally came to his senses, and immediately flattered that he would hand over all the 'stolen money', and would never do such a thing in the future.

In the end, I didn't know that Abel shook his head and said to him, "Why don't you do it?"

"Don't do it, don't do it, never dare again."

"No, you have to do it! And it has to be open to all comers!"

"Ah? What does this mean?"

Caesar was dumbfounded.

Abel showed a meaningful smile on the other hand, and said, "Why don't you want the money that comes to you for nothing?"

Caesar was dumbfounded.

Co-authoring this is to take him fishing, empty-handed white wolf!

If it's just money, it won't do anything.

Not to mention the bad reputation.

Those forces still have to find ways to kill him!

But just as Caesar was about to refuse, the blade on his neck stretched another inch, which made his heart feel cold.

"I understand, absolutely no problem!"

Caesar immediately patted his chest and began to assure Abel of his loyalty.

Only then did Abel nodded in satisfaction, and then, as if he had suddenly thought of something, he said to Caesar, "I'm not worried about you doing research here alone."

"I will introduce you to a colleague. You can tell him if you need research funding or any facilities and equipment in the future."

"By the way, I almost forgot, you are old friends."

old friend?

What old friend?

Just when Caesar was confused, Gage walked in from the door with a smirk on his face. Obviously, he heard all the previous conversations, and he was very happy.

"Long time no see, Caesar."


Caesar's chin dropped to the ground, and his eyes stared several meters away. He vividly showed everyone what Yan Yi is.

It was really hard for him to imagine that he would see his old 'old friend' here.

That's right, it has to be an old friend!

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