Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 664: Declaration of War in Newspapers!

Giving Caesar to Gage to manage was Abel's idea from the very beginning.

First of all, Gaji, who has a contract, will never betray him.

Secondly, both Gage and Kaiser used to be members of the illegal research team MADS. It is absolutely not too much to say that they are old friends.

In the original book, after Caesar was released by Luffy and others, he turned around and went to join Gage, which shows that the relationship between the two is not bad.

With this relationship, Caesar will be more or less calm, and will be more happy in the new environment.

Furthermore, in order to prevent Caesar from exploiting his own money in the name of scientific research.

With Jiazhi to check, more than 90% of waste can be completely eliminated.

As for the remaining ten percent.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish.

As long as Caesar conducts scientific research honestly and produces more useful results, Abel will not be stingy with this Berry. After all, everyone wants to enjoy and enjoy, and people cannot be pushed into a hurry.

In the end, Caesar and Gage can be catfish and compete with each other.

As genius scientists, even when faced with Vegapunk's perverted BUG, ​​Caesar and Gage never conceded defeat, thinking that they were no match for each other.

So they must want to overwhelm each other.

Today you researched something, which is very powerful.

What would the other person think and do?

It is definitely a more powerful thing that will be researched immediately to prove that I am the most talented and powerful person.

In this way, the scientific research progress of the two will definitely increase!

At that time, Abel can enjoy the scientific research results of the two of them with his eyes closed.

Killing many birds with one stone, Abel felt like he was about to be touched by Qin Shihuang-he was paralyzed.

As expected of a black-hearted boss!

Caesar, who was taken away by Gage, didn't know what 007's work system was waiting for him, but he was very lucky when he was out of Abel's sight.

Maybe life will be more chic in the future!

"Gage, we are old friends. You won't cheat me, will you?"

Out of caution, when boarding the boat, Caesar asked one more question.

Gage looked at Caesar sincerely and said, "Absolutely not. Have I cheated on you for so many years? From now on, as long as I have a research grant of 100 beri, you will have 50 beri."


Caesar was so moved that he almost cried, but he always felt that the words just now seemed strange.

"Hurry up, I can't wait to see your wonderful inventions over the years."

"Hey blah blah blah! No problem, I promise, it will knock your jaw off."

"I'll wait and see."

In this way, Caesar was fooled into boarding the pirate ship, and he may never have a chance to get off again in his life.

. . . . . . .

A few days later, on a certain deserted island.

The gloomy Doflamingo was 'exiled' here.

Of course, Abel used the euphemistic term of asking him to 'retire in the old age'.

He also built a luxurious manor for Doflamingo in the center of the island, complete with housekeepers and servants.

Any material needed in life can be handled by a transport ship that only comes once a month.

And don't think about running away.

Gage not only placed a number of sea stone fragments on Doflamingo's spine to limit his devil fruit ability, but also buried multiple miniature bombs in his body.

Its power is enough to level the entire manor.

But as long as Doflamingo doesn't step out of the manor, it won't trigger.

When Doflamingo found out, he immediately sneered, thinking that this was a 'birdcage' that trapped him in it!

He used this trick to deal with others before, and now it's his turn to 'enjoy' it.

After sneering, Doflamingo's face returned to calm. While ordering his servants to get drinks and fruit, he sat on a chair outside and picked up a newspaper.

If there is no accident, the newspapers will be the only channels for him to obtain outside information for a long time to come.

When he opened the newspaper and saw the title and content on the cover, his pupils shrank immediately.

"Crazy, all of them are crazy! I want to see how far you can go? Maybe I can reserve a room here for you in advance, bastard Abel!"

Amidst Doflamingo's curses, the front page of the latest issue featured a manifesto.

Abel formally established the Dragon Hunting Guild and declared war on the Beast Pirates!

Newspapers may report on it only after others have finished playing.

But this is the first time I have seen such an act of declaring war with news in the newspaper before the war.

And the target of the declaration of war is Kaido's Beast Pirates!

That is a super power that even the navy dare not easily cause friction.

Anyone who dares to do this is either a lunatic or a genius!

With only one declaration of war, the situation in the sky over the entire sea was stirred up.

Countless people were astonished and shocked!

Some people disdain, thinking that this kind of person is just grandstanding. It will undoubtedly be an ugly death next.

But there are also people who support Abel, think this approach is cool, hope he can succeed, let's get over it!

The two voices were arguing so loudly that neither could convince the other.

One is a veteran powerhouse, the strongest creature that cannot be killed.

One is the newly promoted ace, a super rookie who is famous for stepping on Kaido's head.

Logically speaking, there should be a lot of people who support Kaido.

But the "impression flow" in the previous news reports was too scary, making many people think that the two sides are not powerless to fight.

Especially when the following newspapers exposed several cadres and members of the Dragon Hunting Association, it caused a thousand waves with one stone!

The former Qiwuhai "Thor" Enilo, who called himself "Thunder Emperor", left the Qiwuhai and joined the Dragon Hunting Guild, offering a reward of 1 billion 80 million!

The ruler of Germa 66, Vinsmoke Gage, led the entire Germa Kingdom to join the Dragon Hunting Guild. He called himself the "Machine King" and offered a reward of 770 million!

Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, has been upgraded to the devil queen, and the bounty has been increased to 150 million.

The reason why Enilo's bounty suddenly became so high is because he was the first person to rebel from Qibukai, which made the world government and navy very angry!

In addition, he is a thunder fruit capable person, and the harm and potential are too great, so he directly broke the 1 billion mark.

And Gaji's 770 million bounty is completely brought about by fame.

After all, the villain image of Germa 66 is almost a household name, and he was blacked out by the Navy.

After doing so many bad things in the fairy tale, the only reason why the 1 billion reward mark has not been broken is that Gaji has not been able to show comparable strength for the time being.

As for the discovery of Nicole Robin's identity, it was already expected. To be honest, it is amazing that it can be hidden until now.

Now that he has found such a big backer from the Dragon Hunting Guild, the increase in the bounty of tens of millions is entirely due to his attention.

On the contrary, Abel's bounty has not increased for the time being, it should be waiting, waiting for the end of their battle with the Beast Pirates, and then make corresponding adjustments.

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