Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 665 Newcomer report, trainee crew

Just when Abel was ready to fight to the end with the Beast Pirates, and was about to step on Kaido's head and get the ticket to the top of the pyramid first.

The reality brought him a little surprise.

"President, a few boys have found the family's stronghold in the 'paradise', claiming to be your employees, and have an agreement with you."

"The people below didn't dare to neglect, so they brought them here."

Abel was preparing for the battle in Dressrosa when he heard such inexplicable news.

"My employees, have you made an appointment? What are their names?"

"It seems to be called Kidd, Kira, by the way, there is also a kid named Bellamy."


Abel was dizzy, it was the three of them.

Although these guys are all supernova-level potential stocks in the future, but at this stage, they are really useless.

So he has been just laying the groundwork for the future, planting a seed in their hearts, without interfering with their growth.

Instead, they came running by themselves.

It is estimated that they saw the explosive news in the newspaper.

Of course, he would not reject the fresh blood he sent to his door.

After all, even the original Rocks Pirates were always absorbing new blood, sending invitations to those newcomers who had made their debut in the sea and had great potential.

And most of the newcomers who were invited were happy to join the Rocks Pirates, even if they were just a trainee crew member.

This is the so-called inheritance!

Just like Kaido, Big Mom, Whitebeard and Rocks Pirates.

Also like the red-haired Shanks, the clown Bucky and others in the Roger Pirates.

The overlord of the past will eventually dissipate and disintegrate due to various reasons, but there will always be someone among those who remain who will hold high the new banner and become the new overlord.

So Abel didn't want to break such a rule.

"Bring them to me."

"Yes, President."

Not long after, when Kidd, Kira, and Bellamy walked into the room and saw the person they wanted to see, they were all overwhelmed by the powerful aura emanating from Abel.

I saw Abel sitting on the large seat, wearing a suit and leather shoes, wearing Neptune glasses, with a special cigarette sandwiched between the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and a fiery red cloak behind him.

At this moment, even if he didn't show his domineering aura, he still firmly grasped the temperament of a big boss.

Of course, the biggest contribution is the special supply of cigarettes.

Every puff would raise his image a bit in the eyes of Kidd and the others, making up all kinds of tall things in his mind.

It's a powerful weapon!

The three of them, who had typed hundreds of times, suddenly became dumb as if they couldn't speak anymore.

Seeing this, Abel chuckled and took the initiative to break the silence.

"Long time no see, Kidd, Kira, and Bellamy."

Excited expressions immediately appeared on the faces of the people whose names were called, especially Bellamy.

The two had only met once, and several years had passed. Before he came, he was already mentally prepared to be completely forgotten.

But now Abel just called him by his name, which almost made his face full of excitement.

I don't even remember them being asked their names before.

Of course, Abel did not forget.

This sentence also made the atmosphere a lot easier in an instant.

"Master Abel."

Abel waved his hand slightly, "I don't like this name, I'll call me the boss or the president as before."

Only then did Kidd and Kira realize that the person in front of them was no longer a cadre of the Don Quixote family, but the president of the giant Dragon Hunting Guild!

The two looked at each other, and Kidd spoke first: "President Abel, we already have the ability to protect ourselves, so we want to go to sea with you."

Upon hearing this, Bellamy also hurriedly said: "Me too, I came here just to ask, is the original agreement true? I no longer regard Doflamingo as an idol." and role model."

Abel still smiled and looked at the three of them.

"It's interesting, since the three of you can come to the new world and stand in front of me. Then I will give you this chance."

"Of course, the premise is that your strength can really pass the test."

All three of them are undoubtedly very confident in their own strength.

Until Abel brought them to the training ground.

"Jinping, are you interested in helping me teach a few ignorant boys?"

Hearing this, Jinbe smiled and put down the huge barbell in his hand, shaking the ground, and then said modestly: "Young people nowadays are getting better and better, I can't teach them a lesson, the most is just to learn from each other."

Abel was also happy, "Later, be gentle, don't be beaten into autism."

Jinbe smiled and shook his head.

The three Kidds next to him looked at Jinbei with extremely bad eyes, and they all felt that they were underestimated.

Another reason is that they failed to connect the fat blue murloc in front of them with Shichibukai Jinpei in the first place.

This is the same as when Europeans and Americans look at Asians, and when Asians look at Europeans and Americans, they feel that they look about the same.

Except for a few unique ones, who can tell what kind of murlocs most murlocs are?

Just kidding.

The three of Kidd are determined to let Abel see their growth and changes. They are no longer the weak chicken themselves!

Soon, there were more people on the training ground.

They were all guys who came to join in the fun when they heard that there were newcomers in the guild who were undergoing assessment.

"In fact, there is no need for three people, I alone is enough."

As soon as he came up, Kidd started to taunt.

Jinbe was completely unmoved, and just nodded slightly to show that he knew, let's start, and he has to finish the daily training later.

All the equipment used by Abel for exercise here is specially made by Jiazhi, and there are many tricks.

Jinping, who usually likes to exercise with iron, soon fell into a trap.

In addition, the memory of Aokiji has been erased, so Jinbei has no guilt, and the relationship with Abel is still the same as when he left Fishman Island.

Jinbei's indifferent attitude made Kidd very unhappy, so he immediately reached out and grabbed the void.

I saw that the huge barbell that Jinbe put down just now was immediately pulled by a magnetic force, and more than that, all the surrounding metal products were sucked away.

A large number of metal products condensed on Kidd's right arm, and finally formed a very huge mechanical arm, which directly hit Jinbei.

Seeing this scene, not only Shi Ping was surprised, but even Abel was surprised.

You must know that Kidd didn't know anything last time, but this time he has become a superhuman-type magnetic fruit ability user.

It is really impressive!

No wonder he dared to say that he already had the ability to protect himself at sea.

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