Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 667 JOJO? No, it's GioGio!

After the assessment, Abel asked Dabai to send all three of them to treatment.

Although the current strength and combat literacy displayed by the three of them are still stupid, but as Jinbe said, they are indeed a few newcomers with potential and are worth cultivating.

At least Abel felt that it would be no problem to recruit them as trainee crew members.

As for what height they can reach in the future, it depends on their own efforts.

On the eve of the war, it happened to be the time to refresh the search count of prayer orders, and Abel immediately called out the system.

Although he is sure to fight Kaido to the end now, wouldn't it be better if he could increase his strength a little bit and harvest some usable items before the battle begins!

[Do you want to start searching for prayer orders? 】

[Current search times: 1 (free)]

. . . . . .

[Start searching for prayer orders. Search complete! 】

[Get an intermediate prayer order]

[Order description: As the saying goes, the folk customs are simple and simple, and the Mafia is hospitable! Try to be a real gangster superstar! 】

[Order content: 1. Become the godfather of the most powerful gang in Italy. 2. Kill Diablo (optional)]

[Order basic reward: 3000 transaction points]

[Order optional reward: Golden Bug Arrow EX (obtainable after completing the optional order content)]

[Remaining receiving time of the order: 4 minutes and 59 seconds]

[Note: After successfully receiving such a wish order, the energy projection of the host body will be automatically generated and immediately placed in the order world. 】

. . . . . . .

At first Abel almost really thought that the world of wish orders he was going to this time was "The Godfather", until he saw the words 'Diablo' and 'Gold Bug Arrow', which reminded him of the memories.

If he guessed correctly, he should be going to the world of JOJO this time.

And it happened in Italy, the stage where Diablo was not dead should be the plot of the fifth part.

Giorno Giobana, the son of the super villain DIO, has a "golden dream" and wants to change the status quo of the Italian underworld and become a gang superstar!

Then, due to some reasons, they teamed up with their companions and began to betray the water, and started a desperate fight with Diablo, the boss of the [Enthusiasm] organization at the time, and his subordinates.

The reason why Abel was impressed by these contents was because when he watched it at the beginning, he felt that Giorno Giobana and Diablo's stand-in abilities were too buggy.

In addition, the plot of this movie gave birth to many stalks and famous scenes.

For example, Apa tea that dogs don’t drink, Sister Bu who ‘licks dogs’, and scenes of gangster dancing on a boat are all widely circulated.

It is also worth mentioning that since the background of the story is Italy, and there is no "J" in Italian, the JOJO in this part should actually be called "GioGio".

GIAO is done!

. . . . . .

2001 AD, Naples, Italy.

Abel, who opened his eyes again, immediately noticed that he was in a tram, and when he was about to get off to check the situation and collect information, a young blond man suddenly walked up the tram.

The blond man who got into the car was about 15 years old, with a slim but muscular build.

But it was not these that attracted Abel's attention, but the three unique oversized curls on the other's forehead.

More than 90% of people have difficulty controlling this hairstyle, but in front of this person, it is unusually harmonious, and even has a strange beauty.

Abel knew that the system would not project his 'new body' here for no reason.

Generally speaking, the initial location is either very close to the place where the content of the wish order is completed, or very close to important plot characters.

Each projection time is limited, and the system naturally won't let him waste most of his time on the road.

And just when Abel suspected that the other party was the "protagonist" Giorno Giobana, another person got into the car.

Whether it is the strange doll hair style or the white spotted top that reveals the 'door-shaped' chest, it is very distinctive.

And when the conversation between the two started, Abel was able to completely confirm the identities of the two.

In this way, if he wanted to kill Diablo, it would indeed save him a lot of time.

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four.

If it is an ordinary little guy, Abel may not care, but the problem is that many of the stand-in abilities in this world are very weird and BUG, ​​and it is easy to get tricked if you don't pay attention.

He also didn't want to face a group of stand-in envoys beating him during the decisive battle with Diablo.

Therefore, we still have to develop some forces of our own. By the way, we should eliminate some of Diablo's subordinates first, so as to relieve some pressure for the final decisive battle.

While he was thinking, the conversation between the two kept coming.

Bruno Bucciarati was the first to ask: "If someone here lost a bag and it contained 1 billion lire, would you hand it in?"

One billion lira is about 55.55 million yen, which is about 2.8 million soft sister coins.

Giorno Giobana laughed and replied: "How is it possible, of course it was swallowed up privately."

"Hahaha, you are so honest. What if I am plainclothes and I see all this?"

"Then share half with you and shut your mouth."

"Hahahahaha, it's really you!"

Bugarati started laughing loudly after hearing this answer, which seemed to suit his appetite very much, and he also heard that the other party was not lying.

And being able to tell if a person is lying is his special ability.

In addition, from this answer, we can also see what kind of person Giorno Chobana is.

Then soon, the tram arrived, and the famous scene also appeared.

Bugarati asked Chobana if he saw Luka with "tear eyes" at the airport, but Chobana tried to stay calm and denied it directly.

Seeing this, Bugarati first pretended to believe Jobana's words, then turned around and got out of the car to leave.

In the end, he suddenly killed a carbine, and used the eyeball of Luca's "tear eye" that he had put in Chobana's hand before, to startle Chobana, and sweat inevitably broke out on his face.

Then Bugarati poked his head into the window, quickly stuck out his tongue and licked Jobana's face.

Finally, the classic line was uttered, "This smell...is the smell of lying!"

Abel has not interfered, just to witness this scene with his own eyes.

That's right, that's the flavor!

Sister Bu is really perverted.

Just when Bugarati punched Giorno Giobana to the ground and was about to give him a good lesson, Bugarati didn't forget to intimidate the other passengers in the tram.

There were only 6 people in the entire carriage, and after being threatened, three of them immediately turned their backs and pretended not to see.

There was only one person left who was still looking over there with interest.

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