Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 668 Don't Argue Too Much With The Dead

This person who is 'not afraid of death' and 'want to be beaten' is naturally Abel.

Seeing with his own eyes that Sister Bu licked the sweat off Giorno Giobana's face and uttered that famous line, he was already satisfied.

It can be regarded as satisfying the evil taste in his heart a little bit.

Next, he is not going to continue to be a transparent person.

So Bucciarati's threat has no effect on him at all.


Giorno, who was punched in the face, spit out several human fingers directly from his mouth, which were also the 'props' used by Bugarati to interrogate him.

It was also at this time that Giorno began to wonder if the other party also possessed that kind of power.

Then he was kicked to Abel's side.

Things that Giorno couldn't understand, were clearly seen in Abel's eyes.

The moment Giorno was beaten, a zipper was opened on his face, and the broken fingers were stuffed into his mouth in this way.

And why can Abel see these?

It was also the effect of the title of [King's Arrogance], which made him no longer blind and able to see these messy things.

Thanks to Mr. Su Nuo for his gift, next time he has the opportunity, he will definitely continue to squeeze the wool of this cursed king.

"Hey, what are you looking at? Want to get spanked?"

Bugarati turned his gaze on the only disobedient passenger in the carriage.

Abel shook his head, "It's okay to be beaten, but if you want to fight, I can accompany you."

"Huh? Fight? Who do you think I am, a street punk? I'm a real gang member."

"Tsk tsk, gang members, are you amazing?"

Abel stood up from his seat, then walked in front of Bucciarati, blocking Giorno behind him.

"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered, that 'tear-eyed' Luca you mentioned, I've seen it before."

"Say, who attacked him."

Giorno's heart sank, thinking that he happened to be seen by this person when he was doing it.

Can no longer hesitate.

Although he has never used a substitute to attack a human being, and he doesn't know what the consequences will be, but the current situation has made him unable to sit still and wait for death.

But just before Giorno was about to summon the substitute to do it, he suddenly froze.

Because Abel's answer was, "It's me."


"It's me, what's the matter. Are you going to avenge that scum?"

"Who are you, and what is the reason for doing this? Although someone ordered me to bring back the guy who attacked Luca 'Tear Eyes', it is up to me whether to bring back a living creature or a dead body." judge."

"I'm just an ordinary office worker. As for the reason, let me think about it. Oh, I remembered, that guy thought I was a bully, so he wanted to blackmail me, and then I grabbed the shovel and cut him off. Head slapped, that's about it. Any questions?"

Abel said with a smile, almost saying Kira Abel's name.

Bugarati was silent for a while after listening, his intuition told him that the other party was lying.

But there was not even a drop of sweat on the other party's face, so he wanted to lick it, and there was no chance to verify it.

Most importantly, if the other party didn't do it, why did the other party suddenly jump out and admit it?

Could it be to keep the Giorno Giobana behind him?

So will the real 'murderer' be Giorno Giobana?

Bugarati had many doubts in his mind, but he would not hesitate any longer.

"Very well, since you have admitted it, then come with me. Or should I dismember you, wring your head off and put it in a sack to take you away after kicking the ball?"

Abel laughed immediately when he heard the words, "It's been a long time since no one dared to threaten me like this. If you can do it, then come and try."

Bugarati immediately punched Abel in the head, and he did what he said, and he was really going to use his ability to remove the opponent's head.

Of course, as long as his ability is still there, even if his head is removed, it is not a fatal injury at all, and he can still survive without affecting various functions of the body.

Abel tilted his head casually, and dodged the punch.

At the same time, he was surprised: "Is this soft fist coated with honey? If this is the so-called real gang member, then my grandma is the underground boxing champion."

Bugarati's complexion sank, and he immediately called out his substitute [Steel Chain Finger], and then punched Abel like a storm.

"Ali ali ali. Goodbye!"

It's a pity that Abel's physical fitness is already at the level of a monster, and with the help of knowledge and domineering, Abel can completely see the trajectory of each attack of the opponent, and then dodge infinitely with zero mistakes.

It seemed as if the two had rehearsed in advance, and every punch of Buccarati's stand-in was dodged by Abel just right in advance.

Giorno, who got up from the ground beside him, was dumbfounded.

And after seeing Bucciarati's stand-in, Giorno finally determined that they are the same kind of people, both possessing special superpowers.

Moreover, at this time, Giorno did not know the concept of a double.

"Speed ​​up, go faster."

"Come on, you'll be able to hit me soon."

"Yawn~ To be honest, how did you join the gang? Do you dance to entertain everyone?"

After all his attacks were dodged by Abel, he listened to the opponent's taunt with ease, and immediately made Bugarati's complexion as black as the bottom of a pot.

Although he didn't know exactly where such a difficult guy came from, but now he began to believe that 'Tear Eyes' Luca was defeated by him.

This ability to dodge alone is probably not inferior to those famous world boxing champions.

And at the moment when he was in a trance, Abel suddenly stretched out his arm and made a flexing motion.

Just listen to bang!

Buccarati, whose head was thrown back, felt as if he had been hit hard in an instant, as if he had been hit with a sledgehammer. He staggered back a few steps, and then fell uncontrollably on the floor of the carriage.

This brain collapse directly stunned Bugarati!

If Abel hadn't kept his strength, the blow just now was enough for Bugarati to taste what his own brain tasted like.

But that's the case, Buccarati's injury is not light at the moment.

At least one concussion is gone.

After several attempts, I couldn't stand up from the ground again, and I felt nauseous.

Seeing this, Abel smiled kindly again, "It seems that you won't be able to take my head away for the time being."

"How about this, give you 5 minutes to escape, as long as you can get rid of me, I will go back with you to meet your boss. If you can't, you will leave the original gangster and work for me. What do you think of this proposal? How about it?"

"Of course, you can also choose to refuse. After all, even if I am a good-tempered person, I won't care too much about a dead person."

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