Buccarati, who suffered concussion and nausea, was not deaf, and heard Abel's proposal.

He really wanted to refuse stubbornly, and then use his [Steel Chain Finger] to tear the other party into pieces.

However, the brief encounter just now made him realize a serious problem.

That is the mysterious man in front of him who voluntarily admitted to attacking Luca with a very strong fighting ability and strength.

Not only was his evasion ability at full strength, he dodged all the attacks of the [Steel Chain Finger], and he almost smashed his skull with just one finger!

How can this be something that ordinary people can do?

Suddenly, Bucciarati discovered a blind spot.

How did the opponent avoid his [Steel Chain Finger] attack?

Could it be that the other party is also a stand-in messenger like him?

Apart from this explanation, ordinary people can't see the existence of substitute messengers at all!

'The truth is revealed'!

Bugarati guessed that the ability of the opponent's stand-in messenger is likely to be of the type of "strengthening oneself". Although he has not seen it, it does not mean that there is no such thing.

After all, he had only seen a few stand-ins.

"So it turns out that you are also a stand-in messenger. If that's the case, I, Bugarati, accept your challenge!"

While talking, Bugarati used his stand-in ability to open the compartment, and then got in by himself, and the zipper quickly disappeared.

In terms of frontal combat ability, he admitted that he and his double were indeed inferior to this guy.

But if it is compared to the ability to escape and hide, then his [Steel Chain Finger] has something to say.

The ability of his stand-in [Steel Chain Finger] is to form a "zipper" on any object through hand contact, and create a very practical "zipper space".

Then it can be used to transmit human body and matter, decompose objects, etc., and can also hide inside.

After the "zipper" is released, objects with different attributes touched by the zipper will still be connected together in a relatively natural form.

For example, take off your own arm and connect someone else's arm to yourself.

It is based on this ability that Bugarati will leave so confidently.

And he didn't really agree to Abel's bet proposal, but wanted to distance himself first to avoid a frontal battle.

His stand-in ability is doomed, he is more suitable to be an assassin who hides his whereabouts!

Think about it, you are sleeping at night, and suddenly a zipper opens on the ceiling, and then an arm stretches out, and the muzzle of the gun is pointed down.

When eating, sleeping, taking a bath, or even finding a beautiful woman to have fun, beware of Bucciarati who may suddenly appear from anywhere to assassinate.

Anybody would break down if it lasted any longer!

"not good!"

Giorno soon realized how dangerous he would be if he let the other party escape.

Although it is not clear why Abel wants to help him, the primary purpose now is not to let Bugarati go!

So his complexion changed, and he ignored Abel who complained and let him escape, and immediately smashed the window next to him, and chased after Buccarati who was fleeing in front.

Abel laughed lightly, "Are young people nowadays so impatient?"

At this time, Abel was only 16 years old, only 1 year older than Giorno, and there was only one young man in his mouth.

In contrast, Bucciarati is 20 years old.

On the other side, Buccarati was running away quickly, and Giorno was chasing after him.

This can't help but make Bugarati wonder, where did that guy go? Are you not afraid of being lost? Or do you really have that much confidence?

No, maybe you should think about it the other way around.

Could it be that the previous proposal was just to deceive him, and the purpose was to make him leave on his own initiative?

But if that's the case, why did Giorno Giobana chase him desperately?

It's just too weird.

Bugarati glanced back from the corner of his eye when turning a corner, and then suddenly summoned a substitute [steel chain finger] to attack Giorno!

No matter what the mysterious guy was thinking, since Giorno dared to catch up, don't blame him for solving one first.

But at this moment, a scene that made Bugarati's eyes widen suddenly appeared.

At the moment when his [Steel Chain Finger] rushed over, a golden substitute appeared in front of Giorno, and then punched back the unsuspecting [Steel Chain Finger].

"So you are also a stand-in messenger! I know, you are with that guy just now!"

I don't know what Bugarati made up in his brain in just a short moment, and he showed an expression of sudden realization.

But Giorno didn't care about anything else, taking advantage of the [Steel Chain Finger] being knocked aside, he controlled his stand-in [Golden Experience] and punched Bucciarati in the face heavily, slamming the meat in his mouth. A tooth was knocked out.

And after being hit, Buccarati, because he was injected with too much life energy, caused his consciousness to start to run away, but his body couldn't keep up with his runaway consciousness.

So much so that his consciousness has hovered outside his body, and everything seems to be in slow motion.

What made him even more dumbfounded was that he couldn't control his body freely.

He could only watch helplessly as Giorno's stand-in rushed over and punched him again.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted it.

I was too careless, just keep running away, why do I have to turn around and fight back?


Bugara, who was punched in the face again, was still "appreciating" his own tragedy one second earlier, and was overwhelmed by severe pain the next second.

The benefits of consciousness runaway are not only 'slow motion', but also sharper perception.

But the disadvantage is that this will also magnify the pain he suffered at the same time, so that he can more clearly experience every detail and pain of that punch on the face.

Ever since, Buccarati, whose consciousness was pulled back, only let out a scream, and was knocked down to the ground.

Then he realized that if he suffered too much damage when his consciousness went berserk, then he might die from too much pain.

In other words, it hurts to death!

But what he analyzed was more than that. Through the force feedback from the [Steel Chain Finger] being repelled just now, he was sure that the opponent's stand-in was not as powerful as his [Steel Chain Finger]!

In other words, as long as you don't give the opponent a chance to hit you again, you can win if you just fight with a stand-in!

After realizing this, at the moment when Giorno rushed forward to make up the knife, [Steel Chain Finger] appeared again.

First he punched Giorno back, and then he fought fiercely with [Golden Experience].

"Ali ali ali ali!"

"Woo big wood big wood big wood big!"

Under this high-speed confrontation, as Bugarati expected, his [Steel Chain Finger] gained the upper hand!

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